Peace Talks


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Kerry in the middle east with a new plan. Arabs are hopeful. Haven't heard what the Israeli's think. And they cry peace! peace! when there is no peace. And yet we are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Believe it or not I do pray for peace. And I pray for each and every poster on this board, by name, regardless of your beliefs, that you would have peace and joy in your life and live in high victory. And as the song says "Put a little love in your heart". Have a nice day.
Palestinians undecided on Kerry peace talks plan

BBC World News - 19 July 2013 Last updated at 00:27 ET


Mahmoud Abbas has met John Kerry twice this week to discuss the US plan

Palestinian leaders have ended a meeting to discuss a possible revival in peace talks with Israel without reaching a decision.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had briefed them on the latest US proposal to restart talks.

Reports suggest many present felt the plan did not do enough to ensure talks about borders would be based on pre-1967 ceasefire lines.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has been in the region to discuss the plan.

Having extended his visit to the region by a night amid signs of progress, Mr Kerry will return to the US on Friday.

A State Department official said Mr Kerry would consult Israeli and Palestinian leaders before leaving, adding that the debate over reviving peace talks was "appropriate and encouraging".

The BBC's Yolande Knell in Jerusalem says the outcome will be disappointing for Mr Kerry after another week of intense shuttle diplomacy in which he won support from the Arab League for his peace plans.

The White House said President Barack Obama had spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by telephone, urging him to resume negotiations with the Palestinians "as soon as possible".

The State Department has acknowledged that Mr Kerry is unlikely to be able to announce a breakthrough on his latest visit.

"There are currently no plans for an announcement on the resumption of negotiations," said spokeswoman Jen Psaki.


BBC News - Palestinians undecided on Kerry peace talks plan
Palestinians undecided on Kerry peace talks plan

BBC World News - 19 July 2013 Last updated at 00:27 ET


Mahmoud Abbas has met John Kerry twice this week to discuss the US plan

Palestinian leaders have ended a meeting to discuss a possible revival in peace talks with Israel without reaching a decision.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had briefed them on the latest US proposal to restart talks.

Reports suggest many present felt the plan did not do enough to ensure talks about borders would be based on pre-1967 ceasefire lines.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has been in the region to discuss the plan.

Having extended his visit to the region by a night amid signs of progress, Mr Kerry will return to the US on Friday.

A State Department official said Mr Kerry would consult Israeli and Palestinian leaders before leaving, adding that the debate over reviving peace talks was "appropriate and encouraging".

The BBC's Yolande Knell in Jerusalem says the outcome will be disappointing for Mr Kerry after another week of intense shuttle diplomacy in which he won support from the Arab League for his peace plans.

The White House said President Barack Obama had spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by telephone, urging him to resume negotiations with the Palestinians "as soon as possible".

The State Department has acknowledged that Mr Kerry is unlikely to be able to announce a breakthrough on his latest visit.

"There are currently no plans for an announcement on the resumption of negotiations," said spokeswoman Jen Psaki.


BBC News - Palestinians undecided on Kerry peace talks plan

Wow. That's disappointing. Last I heard, they were hopeful. Oh well. Next year in Jerusalem.
Pre-1967 lines?

Attempting to mediate the reopening of talks upon such as basis would be a fool's (far left) errand...

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Pre-1967 lines?

Attempting to mediate the reopening of talks upon such as basis would be a fool's (far left) errand...


Very true. Knowing that Kerry and the clown in the Whitehouse were for negotiations based on pre-1967 borders, there was little hope. But I was hoping they could at least get to the table.:(
It is the Palestinians who have repeatedly refused to come to the negogiating table. Netanyahu keeps saying that Jerusalem and Ramallah are only 15 minutes away from each other, and he's ready to start talking tomorrow.
It is the Palestinians who have repeatedly refused to come to the negogiating table. Netanyahu keeps saying that Jerusalem and Ramallah are only 15 minutes away from each other, and he's ready to start talking tomorrow.

Very true.

(And still Israel's building freeze goes on as a pre-condition to negotiations, yet still 50% of the Gaza evacuees are without a permanent home (for eight years and counting)).
The Israeli's don't want a peace plan to succeed.

Because then they would lose their annual 3 billion money and weapons freebie aid package from the U.S. .. :cool:

And the Arabs want peace? Come on man. Who you trying to kid? I was born at night, but I wasn't born last night. And we know you don't want peace 'cause if there were peace they would close this board down and you would have nothing to do.
Same old shit - different platter.

The talks are designed to fail. They always have and always will.
Same old shit - different platter.

The talks are designed to fail. They always have and always will.

Talks can't even get off the ground. The PA won't come to the negotiating table even though Israel has abided by the pre-conditions asked for by the PA.
Same old shit - different platter.

The talks are designed to fail. They always have and always will.

Talks can't even get off the ground. The PA won't come to the negotiating table even though Israel has abided by the pre-conditions asked for by the PA.

And, meanwhile, the rest of the Middle East (Egypt, Syria, Turkey) is burning. If a miracle happened, and the Israelis and Palestinians solved their conflict, then who would the Muslims blame for their problems?
Same old shit - different platter.

The talks are designed to fail. They always have and always will.

Talks can't even get off the ground. The PA won't come to the negotiating table even though Israel has abided by the pre-conditions asked for by the PA.

And, meanwhile, the rest of the Middle East (Egypt, Syria, Turkey) is burning. If a miracle happened, and the Israelis and Palestinians solved their conflict, then who would the Muslims blame for their problems?

They'd still blame Israel
Same old shit - different platter.

The talks are designed to fail. They always have and always will.

Talks can't even get off the ground. The PA won't come to the negotiating table even though Israel has abided by the pre-conditions asked for by the PA.

The two state solution has been on the table since 1937.

Every year they get farther away from a deal.
Same old shit - different platter.

The talks are designed to fail. They always have and always will.

Talks can't even get off the ground. The PA won't come to the negotiating table even though Israel has abided by the pre-conditions asked for by the PA.

The two state solution has been on the table since 1937.

Every year they get farther away from a deal.

1937? Can you explain what you mean and how they have got further away from a deal each year since then?
The Arabs should have worked with the Jews to create a Two-State Solution back in 1948, when they still had the chance...

Or anytime prior to 1967, under slightly less favorable circumstances...

Once the Jews took Jerusalem, however, and the Golan, all bets were off...

The Israelis were probably willing to negotiate in good faith... albeit on terms increasingly favorable to Israel... at any time between 1967 and Intifada II.

But that door closed, too, thanks to Palestinian intransigence and foolishness, and the massed rocket attacks of recent years have probably put the final nail in the coffin of Peace Talks that had any chance whatsoever of succeeding.

Pre-1967 borders?

Not even a snowball's chance in hell.

I don't know what Alternative Universe the Palestinians are living in, to believe that they can still attain something connected with pre-1967 borders, but it's not the same Plane of Existence on which the rest of us reside.

I'll bet the Arabs wish they could time-travel and have a Do-Over, eh?

Not a chance in hell of that, either.

Heck... the way the Palestinian land-borders continue to shrink, this won't be an issue in a few years.


Because the remaining Palestinians will be in Jordan and Lebanon rather than the West Bank and Gaza.

And the original British Mandate plan for dividing Palestine (1922) will be fully realized...


The Brits just had the century wrong on the map... 2022 rather than 1922...

The Israelis are "almost there" already... just a little more to do...

Consolidation and mop-up operations continue... tick... tick... tick...
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