Peace Talks

What, pray tell, is its 'worst nightmare'?

Israel will be attacked by Palestinian women.


Alicia Keys. The wonderful woman who braved the threats against her and performed in Israel. :clap2:

Israel will be attacked by Palestinian women.


Alicia Keys. The wonderful woman who braved the threats against her and performed in Israel. :clap2:

I wonder what she thinks of this video.

Look at the action starting at 1:30 particularly that brave action at 1:37.
"...I wonder what she thinks of this video..."

A really bad segue for inserting another bull$hit propaganda piece...


I wonder what she thinks of this video.

Look at the action starting at 1:30 particularly that brave action at 1:37.

Great punch in the face @ 1:37
"..."The two state solution is just a modern term for partition."

But partition is just what the British and the League of Nations and the United Nations originally intended.

Be glad that the Palestinians still have a few postage-stamp -sized slivers of land on which to base a 'partiion-able' area...

It beats multiple convoys - each of several hundred thousand Arab-Palestinian automobiles, packed to the rooftops with personal possessions - heading for Jordan and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Iraq - after the Israelis overrun what's left of Fragmented Rump Palestine and expel the residual Arab-Palestinian Muslim population...

If they don't bomb it back into the Stone Age first, that is...
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"..."The two state solution is just a modern term for partition."

But partition is just what the British and the League of Nations and the United Nations originally intended.

Be glad that the Palestinians still have a few postage-stamp -sized slivers of land on which to base a 'partiion-able' area...

It beats multiple convoys - each of several hundred thousand Arab-Palestinian automobiles, packed to the rooftops with personal possessions - heading for Jordan and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Iraq - after the Israelis overrun what's left of Fragmented Rump Palestine and expel the residual Arab-Palestinian Muslim population...

If they don't bomb it back into the Stone Age first, that is...

Kondor, we're on the same side, but that map you always post is inaccurate. All the cities of Biblical importance on the West Bank speak Arabic now--Hebron, Bethlehem, Shechem (Nablus), Jericho, etc. I was just reading an article the other day about a tour guide who used to take Jewish groups to see the Joshua-famous Jericho, now unable to do so since Oslo. In fact, Jewish tourists have to take bullet-proof busses to see Abraham's and Rachel's Tombs. That map is Arab propoganda.
"...Kondor, we're on the same side, but that map you always post is inaccurate. All the cities of Biblical importance on the West Bank speak Arabic now--Hebron, Bethlehem, Shechem (Nablus), Jericho, etc. I was just reading an article the other day about a tour guide who used to take Jewish groups to see the Joshua-famous Jericho, now unable to do so since Oslo. In fact, Jewish tourists have to take bullet-proof busses to see Abraham's and Rachel's Tombs. That map is Arab propoganda."
I understood in advance that it was Arab Propaganda, but, when one is attempting to demonstrate that there is not much left of Rump Palestine with which to fashion a viable state, and when confronted with pro-Palestinian challenges to such a remark, then, utilizing a map which supports such an assertion, from (what is to them) an unimpeachable source (thereby rendering further protestation moot on their part)... such a map becomes useful, and it was that very sort of exchange that first triggered my use of such an image.

I see no reason to question the accuracy of the maps IF they tell the truth.

For example: Are the towns and villages that you mention, to be found within the Green Zones on the Loss-of-Land Map?

If the answer to that question is 'Yes' (those towns and villages do, indeed, lie within those Green Zones on the Loss-of-Land Map) then I see no inconsistency nor barrier to accuracy.

We all know that the Israelis are slowly but surely pushing the remaining Arab-Palestinian Muslims off their land in the West Bank and in Gaza.

There seems no point in denying that; after all, that's one of the functions of The Wall, and why building of some parts of The Wall are delayed for months or years until they light-up a new settlement which changes the boundaries.

Frankly, I see this as a natural outcome of the wars for control of this region, and a more humane solution than slaughter of the vanquished, such as the Jews themselves were exposed to.

This map is merely one side's "take" or "perception" of the progress of that process.

Pro-Palestinians can look at such a map and go: "Oh, woe is us".

Pro-Israelis can look at such a map and go: "Not much longer, before the Land of Israel is whole and complete, as it was originally intended in the 1922 League of Nations Partition Plan".

Sometimes, an Adversary's propaganda pieces - if actually accurate - can serve a double-purpose, and do more good than harm (or more harm than good) in countering Adversarial Arguments that sufficient contiguous land-mass still exists under Palestinian control, in order to establish a viable Second State.

It all depends upon one's perspective, in this context...

And, if it fails to fully support the shop-worn Grand Deception that Israel remains committed to a two-state solution (and I truly believe that they were, right up to the 1967 War), then, at least, it serves as an honest appraisal that the actions of the Israelis, in annexing that land, have progressed to such a stage that they can no longer be concealed or written-off as speculation or partisan delusion.

It's real enough.

So those who support the State of Israel might as well shrug their shoulders, fess-up to it, and embrace the Annexation, 'cause it's-a-comin'.


Well played, Israel.


I'm not married to the idea of continuing to use that map.

It merely seems efficacious to use The Adversary's own propaganda pieces against him.

But I'm merely a non-Jewish, pro-Israeli American, with no direct stake in these matters - merely one of a long line of commentators on our pro-Israeli foreign policy.

Perhaps one of our Israeli colleagues can enlighten us further as to current mapping of Israeli-controlled versus Palestinian-controlled territory in that most unhappy land.

Perhaps I'm wrong about using the Palestinian-generated map... I'm certainly willing to be persuaded, if a sufficient opinion lends itself to retiring its use... openly or via PM or whatever... if-and-when indicated.

I am certainly interested in doing whatever little I can, in public debate, to aid Israel, so long as the truth does not suffer in the process.

Hope that helps.
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