Peace Talks

:lol: :lol:

Well, if you say so ! :cuckoo:

But seriously, are you 12 years old ??

why you keep talking about me?

im not your boyfriend.

this is about peace talks and how they won't work.

I know what this thread is about, but you keep making stupid threats like a 7th grader would make. You know, debating ME politics with a 7th grader probably won't go too far :lol:
I know what this thread is about, but you keep making stupid threats like a 7th grader would make. You know, debating ME politics with a 7th grader probably won't go too far :lol:

let me knowq when u want to talk about peace and not make me the new topic for talking.

i'll be waiting.
Abbas will quit and abolish the Palestine Authority.

what will u do then?

Indeed, Israel's occupation could get very complicated very fast.
Tell us some more about thosw '67 borders.

There never were any '67 borders.[/QUOTE]
That's right. And when Bibi and Abu Mazen are in the Oval Office with Yo'Bama and Bibi tells them both to stick those '67 borders, don't you break down and start blubbering. Just sayin'.
Indeed, Israel's occupation could get very complicated very fast.
Tell us some more about thosw '67 borders.

There never were any '67 borders.
That's right. And when Bibi and Abu Mazen are in the Oval Office with Yo'Bama and Bibi tells them both to stick those '67 borders, don't you break down and start blubbering. Just sayin'.[/QUOTE]

Bibi, Abu Msazen, Obama?

The three stooges of international politics.

Move along folks, there is nothing to see here.
Tell us some more about thosw '67 borders.

There never were any '67 borders.
That's right. And when Bibi and Abu Mazen are in the Oval Office with Yo'Bama and Bibi tells them both to stick those '67 borders, don't you break down and start blubbering. Just sayin'.

Bibi, Abu Msazen, Obama?

The three stooges of international politics.

Move along folks, there is nothing to see here.[/QUOTE]
Why, Tinnie, we all know by know that you are a Hamas man who always gets his instructions (probably in Arabic) from them on that magic computer which really isn't there. Of course, Tinnie would never call the people in Gaza the stooges of Hamas even though Hamas are the ones who have held them back in getting ahead with their lives. Weren't you the lucky one to not to have had to live in Gaza all these years..
There never were any '67 borders.
That's right. And when Bibi and Abu Mazen are in the Oval Office with Yo'Bama and Bibi tells them both to stick those '67 borders, don't you break down and start blubbering. Just sayin'.

Bibi, Abu Msazen, Obama?

The three stooges of international politics.

Move along folks, there is nothing to see here.
Why, Tinnie, we all know by know that you are a Hamas man who always gets his instructions (probably in Arabic) from them on that magic computer which really isn't there. Of course, Tinnie would never call the people in Gaza the stooges of Hamas even though Hamas are the ones who have held them back in getting ahead with their lives. Weren't you the lucky one to not to have had to live in Gaza all these years..[/QUOTE]

Canadian Aid to Palestinians Serves Israel

A recently uncovered government document confirms that Ottawa has delivered millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority in a bid to advance Israel’s interests. The internal memorandum also sheds light on Canada’s efforts to build a security apparatus to protect the Palestinian Authority from popular disgust over its compliance in the face of ongoing Israeli settlement building.

Last week Postmedia’s Lee Berthiaume reported on a Canadian International Development Agency note outlining Israel’s desire for Canada to continue its $300 million five-year “aid” program to the Palestinians, which the Conservatives threatened to severe after the PA pursued UN statehood last fall.

“There have been increasing references in the past months during high-level bilateral meetings with the Israelis about the importance and value they place on Canada’s assistance to the Palestinian Authority, most notably in security/justice reform,” reads the November 2nd 2012 note signed by CIDA president Margaret Biggs. “The Israelis have noted the importance of Canada’s contribution to the relative stability achieved through extensive security co-operation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.”

The heavily censored note suggests the goal of the Canadian “aid” is to protect a corrupt PA from popular backlash. Biggs explains that “the emergence of popular protests on the Palestinian street against the Palestinian Authority is worrying and the Israelis have been imploring the international donor community to continue to support the Palestinian Authority.”

Canadian Aid to Palestinians Serves Israel | Palestine Chronicle
CNN article says possible Israeli concession could jumpstart peace talks. We all know what that concession is: pre-1967 borders. Forget the jumpstart Kerry, your battery is dead.

Report: Possible Israeli concession could jump-start peace talks -

Interesting - points to Israel for really trying here. I hope the Palistinians can come around and come to the table.

it should be somewhat evident reading these posts just who, which side, is against a just peace.

It sure is evident Sealadaigh. You need to talk to your arab brethren and tell them to get with the program.
The Zionists betetr make a good offer this time!!!!
First, they have to actually make it as far as the negotiating table, in order for an offer to be made...

Second, they had better make a good offer, or WHAT?

What happens if they do NOT?

then israel's worst nightmare will come true.

oooooh...I'll bet Israel is shaking in it's boots at the thought of those mighty arab armies rolling into town. Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Interesting - points to Israel for really trying here. I hope the Palistinians can come around and come to the table.

it should be somewhat evident reading these posts just who, which side, is against a just peace.
Regardless of what Seal is saying (and remember this is only a forum although Seal seems to think that the posters here have some pull in the real world outside of the forum), it should be evident that since the Palestinians have said that they want to destroy Israel, perhaps he can show us some site where they have actually said that they have changed their mind and don't mind Jews governing a small piece of land in the Middle East. Why not askTinnie, Seal, if he feels that Israel should exist on land that he believes actually belongs to the Palestinians. No doubt his mind set is the same as many, many other Arabs.

Exactly. Seal thinks he is shaping world opinion in a forum only a few follow. Can you say Joan clone?
How about on the pre condition that the Arabs hi back to their home land of Jordan)
it should be somewhat evident reading these posts just who, which side, is against a just peace.
Regardless of what Seal is saying (and remember this is only a forum although Seal seems to think that the posters here have some pull in the real world outside of the forum), it should be evident that since the Palestinians have said that they want to destroy Israel, perhaps he can show us some site where they have actually said that they have changed their mind and don't mind Jews governing a small piece of land in the Middle East. Why not askTinnie, Seal, if he feels that Israel should exist on land that he believes actually belongs to the Palestinians. No doubt his mind set is the same as many, many other Arabs.

Exactly. Seal thinks he is shaping world opinion in a forum only a few follow. Can you say Joan clone?, i learn stuff here and hone my arguments for my involvement in public forums.

there are a lot of angry, fuming jews and zionists out there who think they can push their agenda on an ignorant public only to stumble and fall when they encounter someone who can counter their BS.

i am a pretty charming and persuasive guy with an ability to know which buttons to push, an ability to detect the soft underbelly. of course, it doesn't hurt that the zionist position is indefensible. my favorite part is when an antagonist loses it and i get to try to caalm them down. they really lose it then...but oh well.

also, you post here does that say about you?

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