Peace through Love: Eco-Terrorism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Batman (DC Comics) eco-terrorism redemption fan-fic involving Poison Ivy and is dedicated to TrumpUSA for this Christmas of tech-consumerism and was inspired by the film The Getaway.

Since it's politically-themed, I didn't post it in the Writing section, but what do you think?

Cheers (signing off),



BRUCE: You're my favorite girlfriend at Yale, Pamela.
PAMELA: Why, how sweet of you to say, Bruce.
BRUCE: We agree about so much.
PAMELA: I feel like you have a secret 'dark-side.'
BRUCE: Don't ask...
PAMELA: Strange response; is there something on your mind, dear?

Bruce Wayne remembered this conversation with his girlfriend from Yale University, Pamela Isely. After graduating from Yale with a degree in Comparative Literature, Bruce decided to travel to Nepal and meditate in the Himalayas on the allure of crime in literature. When he returned to Gotham City, he decided to become the masked urban vigilante named Batman, dressing in a cape/costume designed to make him look like a man-bat hero. Batman wanted to rid the city of criminal-insanity and terrorism. Right now, he was thinking back to his relationship with Pamela Isely.

Pamela had graduated from Yale with a degree in Psychology and went on to become a scientist at a new lab experimenting with the psychological impact of biotoxins. When a lab accident caused her arms and legs to become green because of a toxin, she decided to lash out against what she considered was a world neglecting the rightful treatment/care of Earth's plants/fauna. Pamela donned a costume/mask herself and called herself Poison Ivy, Gotham City's most dangerous (and beautiful) eco-terrorist. Poison Ivy had dropped chemical bombs inside the Gotham Post Office, placed poison ivy inside the mayor's garden, and kidnapped the mayor's daughter and held her for ransom.

Batman wondered about his Yale-romance with Pamela and considered why she'd become Poison Ivy. No one knew Batman was actually Bruce Wayne, now an executive of his father's biotech company Wayne Enterprises. Poison Ivy despised Wayne Enterprises and its commercial endeavors in biotech engineering in Europe and organic farming operations (which she considered to be exploitative) in South America. Batman knew if he didn't catch Poison Ivy sooner or later, she'd perform some terrible act of eco-terrorism on a major Wayne Enterprises building such as the biotech-engineering office/lab in Washington.

BATMAN: I made you some pea-soup, Pamela.
POISON IVY: Call me Ivy, Mr. Batman!
BATMAN: If only you knew...the way I really feel?
POISON IVY: What? About what? You imprisoned me in Arkham.
BATMAN: Arkham Asylum is a treatment-center for the criminally-insane.
POISON IVY: So you want to share your 'feelings' with me about my insanity?
BATMAN: Don't hate me...
POISON IVY: I don't even know you, Batman.
BATMAN: You knew a young man at Yale (Bruce Wayne).
POISON IVY: The Bruce Wayne, yes; he's now the big-time exec at Wayne Enterprises.
BATMAN: Didn't you have feelings for him at Yale, Ivy?
POISON IVY: Yes I did; he was very sweet; I guess you can call me Pamela...
BATMAN: Why did you turn to a life of crime; what if I told you I'm Bruce?
POISON IVY: Bruce Wayne is Batman(!)? What a hoot. Anything's possible.
BATMAN: Consider a life with me instead of entreating your anti-social urge for crime.
POISON IVY: If Arkham can 'treat' my rage against the machine, I'll be 'inspired.'
BATMAN: I'm a masked vigilante, so I'm hardly 'normal'; maybe we can share emotions.
POISON IVY: Look, the Arkham-docs sent you in here so you could 'chat'; that's all.
BATMAN: I believe Jesus Christ would reach out to romantic criminals like Bonnie Parker.
POISON IVY: Bonnie and Clyde were doomed/tragic anti-heroes/lovers; so what?
BATMAN: Can't you imagine that you and I could love (if I were actually Bruce Wayne)?
POISON IVY: Edward Abbey wrote, "Some places of beauty induce pure blues."
BATMAN: Maybe your sentiments towards fauna can complement your interest in love.
POISON IVY: "Peace through love --- an eco-terrorism cartoon" (right?).
BATMAN: Even capitalists daydream about restoration.



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