Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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But I would like to remind everybody that not 2 hours ago, you were arguing hard and fast that pedophilia was perfectly acceptable love of children, and that every teacher was guilty.

What I couldn't do with that. Sadly, you enjoy protected status.

No, I wasn't. As everyone can go back a page or so and confirm. We've already established you can't read with adequate attention to detail.

Yes you were. I have part of it quoted and linked in my siggy.

Nice try though.

"The act of pedophilia is loving children." - Delta4Embassy Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights Says New York Times Op-ed Page 27 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nothing like quoting stuff out of context to misrepresent someone consistently proving you wrong...

Post: 538 (page 18)
Silhouette said: ?

Delta4Embassy said: ?

Pedophilia isn't illegal so of course they're entitled to civil rights like everyone else.

Child sexual abusers on the other hand, are breaking the law, and even if it weren't illegal it's still immoral and unethical.
Click to expand...

That's like saying "tigers on the loose aren't illegal. It's just when they start killing people and their pets that it becomes illegal".

There's a very thin line between a pedophile and the act of pedophilia. They are some of the most aggressive and intractable of the sexual orientations we find under the LGBTQ umbrella.

"The act of pedophilia is loving children. That's it's become synonymous with child sexual abuse is unfortunate as most who work with children are pedophiles.

Word wasn't coined to describe sex with children. It's become that but in the same way 'terrorist' has become synonymous with arabs or Muslims.

"pedophilia (n.) Look up pedophilia at
1900, from Greek pais (genitive paidos) "child" (see pedo-) + philos "loving" see -phile). First attested in an abstract of a report by Krafft-Ebing."

Lovers of children who're strictly defined pedophiles include teachers, daycare center operators, those pohotographers who come to public school for picture days, etc. to say nothing of those who advocate the protection of children and the punishing of child sexual abusers, the antithesis of pedophile. Not loving children if you're harming them."
Nice try though. Why people still bother trying to distort thigs when it's right there online to confirm is beyond me. Desperate I suppose.
Do you have a link to that data, because I hear it's mostly adult heterosexual men who molest young girls.

greenbean said:
Yes - young Girls - why would a homosexual man molest a girl ? And Lesbian instances of Child Molestation are extremely rare - in fact I don't know of a single case. Homosexual Males [Who actually represent less than 5% of the population] are the issue.

The proportions of heterosexual and homos... J Sex Marital Ther. 1992 - PubMed - NCBI

Family Research Council

Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection

Family Research Institute Blog Archive Pro-Gay Bias In Study of Pedophilia

chrisl said:
What do you mean "young girls, yes?" Yes, little girls are most often the victims of molestation, and most molestation occurs by a family member, family friend or close acquaintance, IOW, someone who the family knows.

I don't have time to read your links right now because I have to log off and go to work (will check them out later), but I am aware that the family research council is kind of biased and known to cherry pick data. Their goal is to promote traditional family values.

greenbean said:
Are you trying to display your lack of reading comprehension , your attention deficit disorder or are you simply trying to frame the argument in a context that it is not ?

Males are the primary culprits in Child Molestation
Girls are the Primary victims of Child Molestation
Boys are the primary victims of Homosexual Pedophiles
Girls are almost never the victim of Homosexual Pedophiles

Did all that sink in?

Now why in heavens name would a Male Homosexual have an interest in a young girl, unless he was a bisexual . Lesbians simply do not engage in Pedophilia - not that I know of anyway.

And ... why are 35% [Approximation] of all molestation cases committed by homosexuals? The only explanation the Gay Community can muster up is one semantic evasion - lets see if you can do a little better.

flacaltenn said:
Not clear to me at all that Pedos target primarily boys. By the clinical definition, makes no difference to diagnosis of pedophilia. Where did that come from?

smarterthantheaveragebear said:
People don't seem to get that pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children, and will always gravitate towards the easiest target, for adult males that is usually going to be little boys. They would without question have sex with little girls to if they had access.

You've obviously never dated a stripper who had at least two different stepdads, Sherlock.

Just sayin'.
Are you trying to display your lack of reading comprehension , your attention deficit disorder or are you simply trying to frame the argument in a context that it is not ?

Males are the primary culprits in Child Molestation
Girls are the Primary victims of Child Molestation
Boys are the primary victims of Homosexual Pedophiles
Girls are almost never the victim of Homosexual Pedophiles

Did all that sink in ?

Now why in heavens name would a Male Homosexual have an interest in a young girl, unless he was a bisexual . Lesbians simply do not engage in Pedophilia - not that I know of anyway.

And ... why are 35% [Approximation] of all molestation cases committed by homosexuals ? The only explanation the Gay Community can muster up is one semantic evasion - lets see if you can do a little better.

If you are admitting that most often it is little girls who are molested, and that homosexual men would not be interested in little girls, then obviously it is not homosexual men who are doing MOST of the molestation.

Did THAT sink in?
How about that 5% of the population does 35% of the molesting, did that sink in?

Find me an UNBIASED source.
Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.
Family Research Council
According to the Journal of Child Psychiatry: "It was commonly believed fifteen years ago that girls were abused in excess of boys in a ratio of about 9 to 1, but contemporary studies now indicate that the ratio of girls to boys abused has narrowed remarkably. . . . The majority of community studies suggest a . . . ratio . . . in the order of 2 to 4 girls to 1 boy."[5] Another study found that "some authors now believe that boys may be sexually abused as commonly as girls (Groth, 1978; O'Brien, 1980)."[6]

A study of 457 male sex offenders against children in Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that "approximately one-third of these sexual offenders directed their sexual activity against males."[7]

That's about what I expected. Especially that LAST statement. No way that MOST sexual abuse is homosexual..

Even man on boy crimes don't verify homosexuality. Many of these dudes are happily married with children.. At BEST -- they are Bisexual.

Semantics - Male on Male sex is Homosexual. In the instances when the perp. is married they are either bisexual or "faking" it going through the motions with a female as many queers have reported doing for years . But in any event no amount of acrobatic semantics and convoluted word games will alter reality. Homosexual males account for less than 5% of the population but about 35% of Child molestation cases - don't like the facts ??? Oh well
Do you have a link to that data, because I hear it's mostly adult heterosexual men who molest young girls.

Yes - young Girls - why would a homosexual man molest a girl ? And Lesbian instances of Child Molestation are extremely rare - in fact I don't know of a single case. Homosexual Males [Who actually represent less than 5% of the population] are the issue.

The proportions of heterosexual and homos... J Sex Marital Ther. 1992 - PubMed - NCBI

Family Research Council

Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection

Family Research Institute Blog Archive Pro-Gay Bias In Study of Pedophilia

What do you mean "young girls, yes?" Yes, little girls are most often the victims of molestation, and most molestation occurs by a family member, family friend or close acquaintance, IOW, someone who the family knows.

I don't have time to read your links right now because I have to log off and go to work (will check them out later), but I am aware that the family research council is kind of biased and known to cherry pick data. Their goal is to promote traditional family values.

Are you trying to display your lack of reading comprehension , your attention deficit disorder or are you simply trying to frame the argument in a context that it is not ?

Males are the primary culprits in Child Molestation
Girls are the Primary victims of Child Molestation
Boys are the primary victims of Homosexual Pedophiles
Girls are almost never the victim of Homosexual Pedophiles

Did all that sink in ?

Now why in heavens name would a Male Homosexual have an interest in a young girl, unless he was a bisexual . Lesbians simply do not engage in Pedophilia - not that I know of anyway.

And ... why are 35% [Approximation] of all molestation cases committed by homosexuals ? The only explanation the Gay Community can muster up is one semantic evasion - lets see if you can do a little better.

Not clear to me at all that Pedos target primarily boys. By the clinical definition, makes no difference to diagnosis of pedophilia. Where did that come from?

People don't seem to get that pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children, and will always gravitate towards the easiest target, for adult males that is usually going to be little boys. They would without question have sex with little girls to if they had access.

People don't seem to get that pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children, and will always gravitate towards the easiest target

Unproven theory - the fact is that most pedophiles have a sexual preference which is in line with their orientation . What you are referring to is rare , but highly promoted in academia by LGBT propagandists.

They would without question have sex with little girls to if they had access
False - pedophiles have a sexual preference which is in line with their orientation - hetero males to girls ... Homo males to boys. Stop drinking the Kool Aid - don't you know they wacked off in it
"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.
Well, that is disgusting, but that doesn't mean that every homosexual is a pedophile. There are also (obviously) very many heterosexual pedophiles.

No it doesn't mean every Gay person is a Pedophile, However - Statistically homosexual
pedophiles represent a ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Population. Yes Heterosexuals are also Pedophiles - but they represent approximately 95% of the population - whereas Homosexuals represent approximately 5% - that 5% of the population is responsible for approximately 35% of all Child Molestation cases.

So basically 5% of the Population is committing 35% of all Child Molestation cases

Actually, your 5% figure is too high. Homosexuals constitutes about 2% of the population and women homosexuals aren't that big of a problem in terms of child molestation, so it's the 1% of the population, male homosexuals, who are the problem.

If my 7 year old child has two a hetero and one a homo...guess which one poses the statistically higher threat?

KOSHER If my 7 year old child has two a hetero and one a homo...guess which one poses the statistically higher threat?

DELTA4 -The heterosexual male one


"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.
Well, that is disgusting, but that doesn't mean that every homosexual is a pedophile. There are also (obviously) very many heterosexual pedophiles.

No it doesn't mean every Gay person is a Pedophile, However - Statistically homosexual
pedophiles represent a ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Population. Yes Heterosexuals are also Pedophiles - but they represent approximately 95% of the population - whereas Homosexuals represent approximately 5% - that 5% of the population is responsible for approximately 35% of all Child Molestation cases.

So basically 5% of the Population is committing 35% of all Child Molestation cases

Actually, your 5% figure is too high. Homosexuals constitutes about 2% of the population and women homosexuals aren't that big of a problem in terms of child molestation, so it's the 1% of the population, male homosexuals, who are the problem.

If my 7 year old child has two a hetero and one a homo...guess which one poses the statistically higher threat?

KOSHER If my 7 year old child has two a hetero and one a homo...guess which one poses the statistically higher threat?

DELTA4 -The heterosexual male one



Now if I had asked "are children more likely to be molested by a hetero or a homo" then the answer would be "a homo". But when you present one of each, and expose your kids to them, the bigger threat is (statistically speaking) the homo.

I know. It's high math to some, but still, it is what it is.
"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.

Could make that same arguement for heterosexuality is the problem. How many heterosexual men rape women? Is heterosexuality then the problem or the men who rape women?
Totally different issue.

Not in this instance it's not. You're claiming pedophiles who haven't raped anyone are the problem. I'm differentiating between someone diagnosed with pedophilia and somoene who actually then commit a crime, a child sexual abuser. Just as the law and academia do.

A pedophile no more offends or is a threat than a heterosexual who never rapes. They may as well both be behind force fields. Just because a pedophile has the attraction doesn't mean they've done anything illegal. While I'd agree most eventually do offend, then they're child sexual abusers moreso than pedophiles where the law is concerned.

And you're assertions gays are more likely than straights is so old and proven false it's not worth going into.
No I'm not. I'm saying that homosexuals are statistically a lot more likely to be pedos. I never said pedos who haven't raped anyone are a problem.
You are really willing to go to the mat for pedos. You deserve an award!
You are really willing to go to the mat for pedos. You deserve an award!

As in the religious discussions I side with whoever's right. In this case you're wrong, and academia and the law are both right so I side with them. In religious discussions dissing Islam, or any other faith, I point out the hypocrisy when I see it.

You're confusing fair and just with bias.
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