Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?
"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.

Could make that same arguement for heterosexuality is the problem. How many heterosexual men rape women? Is heterosexuality then the problem or the men who rape women?

Why would a faggot rape a woman ? - a non bi fag has no interest in females . How many homosexual men rape other men ... and how much of it gets reported ?

OT: I once heard a similar argument used in a class a few years back - one student was arguing that rape is not sexual in nature but actually an act of control and violence against woman ... the argument admirably presented by the opponent was - if that were the case - how come Gay Men do not rape women if it is not sexual in nature and just an act of control and violence ....
"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.

Could make that same arguement for heterosexuality is the problem. How many heterosexual men rape women? Is heterosexuality then the problem or the men who rape women?

Why would a faggot rape a woman ? - a non bi fag has no interest in females . How many homosexual men rape other men ... and how much of it gets reported ?

OT: I once heard a similar argument used in a class a few years back - one student was arguing that rape is not sexual in nature but actually an act of control and violence against woman ... the argument admirably presented by the opponent was - if that were the case - how come Gay Men do not rape women if it is not sexual in nature and just an act of control and violence ....

Did you misread heterosexual thinking it was homosexual?
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Interesting where did you read that ? ... Also.... that would add weight to the theory that a "certain poster" on this thread actually has a thing for kids ... hmmmmmmm
"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.

Could make that same arguement for heterosexuality is the problem. How many heterosexual men rape women? Is heterosexuality then the problem or the men who rape women?

Why would a faggot rape a woman ? - a non bi fag has no interest in females . How many homosexual men rape other men ... and how much of it gets reported ?

OT: I once heard a similar argument used in a class a few years back - one student was arguing that rape is not sexual in nature but actually an act of control and violence against woman ... the argument admirably presented by the opponent was - if that were the case - how come Gay Men do not rape women if it is not sexual in nature and just an act of control and violence ....

Brilliant! That pro-homo argument deserves an award!

"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.

Could make that same arguement for heterosexuality is the problem. How many heterosexual men rape women? Is heterosexuality then the problem or the men who rape women?

Why would a faggot rape a woman ? - a non bi fag has no interest in females . How many homosexual men rape other men ... and how much of it gets reported ?

OT: I once heard a similar argument used in a class a few years back - one student was arguing that rape is not sexual in nature but actually an act of control and violence against woman ... the argument admirably presented by the opponent was - if that were the case - how come Gay Men do not rape women if it is not sexual in nature and just an act of control and violence ....

Did you misread heterosexual thinking it was homosexual?

Huh ?
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Interesting where did you read that ? ... Also.... that would add weight to the theory that a "certain poster" on this thread actually has a thing for kids ... hmmmmmmm

"Pedophiles appear to have significantly less white matter—a substance that connects different parts of the brain—than nonpedophiles, according to research conducted by James Cantor, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto."

"Cantor has said that a lack of connection between separate parts of the brain could mean that pedophiles have serious trouble differentiating between sexual objects. His research has also found that pedophiles generally have lower IQs than people with sexual interest in adults, and that pedophiles are also disproportionately left-handed compared to the overall population."

It's all about making it an illness, so people can't discriminate against them. That's what they did with homosexuality. Then they determined that it wasn't an illness, but an orientation.

Pedos are also somewhat shorter than normal.

Can Science Spot a Pedophile Research Zeroes In On Brain Abnormalities - The Daily Beast
Are you trying to display your lack of reading comprehension , your attention deficit disorder or are you simply trying to frame the argument in a context that it is not ?

Males are the primary culprits in Child Molestation
Girls are the Primary victims of Child Molestation
Boys are the primary victims of Homosexual Pedophiles
Girls are almost never the victim of Homosexual Pedophiles

Did all that sink in ?

Now why in heavens name would a Male Homosexual have an interest in a young girl, unless he was a bisexual . Lesbians simply do not engage in Pedophilia - not that I know of anyway.

And ... why are 35% [Approximation] of all molestation cases committed by homosexuals ? The only explanation the Gay Community can muster up is one semantic evasion - lets see if you can do a little better.

If you are admitting that most often it is little girls who are molested, and that homosexual men would not be interested in little girls, then obviously it is not homosexual men who are doing MOST of the molestation.

Did THAT sink in?
How about that 5% of the population does 35% of the molesting, did that sink in?

What that little factoid tells me is that that 5 percent of the population is molesting children waaaaaayyyy out of proportion to the rest of the population.

In other words, homos are more likely to molest than anyone else.

And yes, lesbians absolutely engage in pedophilia.

Well, I don't know how you guys can claim that when obviously it is heterosexual men who are molesting girls most often than not.

I don't buy it when people claim that homosexuality and pedophilia are unrelated. I do think that if a person prefers to molest children of the his same gender, then he is more than likely a homosexual, but MOST cases of molestation are men violating little girls. Little boys are only molested at (at most) HALF the occurrence that happens with female children, and 86% of all child molestation victims are little girls, so what does that tell you?

About women child molesters, although it happens, they are pretty rare. Sexual assault is still mainly a crime committed by men.

Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children. Essentially , pre sex. Gender isnt important, access is. Pedophiles are neither gay nor straight when it comes to liking children

I've heard this claim before, but I don't know if I buy it. Of course, I'm not a psychiatrist or anything, so I'm not sure, but that sounds weird to me. A boy child is still a male with "boy parts," as is a female child.
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Interesting where did you read that ? ... Also.... that would add weight to the theory that a "certain poster" on this thread actually has a thing for kids ... hmmmmmmm

"Pedophiles appear to have significantly less white matter—a substance that connects different parts of the brain—than nonpedophiles, according to research conducted by James Cantor, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto."

"Cantor has said that a lack of connection between separate parts of the brain could mean that pedophiles have serious trouble differentiating between sexual objects. His research has also found that pedophiles generally have lower IQs than people with sexual interest in adults, and that pedophiles are also disproportionately left-handed compared to the overall population."

It's all about making it an illness, so people can't discriminate against them. That's what they did with homosexuality. Then they determined that it wasn't an illness, but an orientation.

Pedos are also somewhat shorter than normal.

Can Science Spot a Pedophile Research Zeroes In On Brain Abnormalities - The Daily Beast

WHY did they remove homosexuality from the DSM list of mental disorders then? Has anyone ever thought that perhaps some kind of cognitive deficit may be related to homosexuality and that it actually IS a kind of mental disorder?
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Interesting where did you read that ? ... Also.... that would add weight to the theory that a "certain poster" on this thread actually has a thing for kids ... hmmmmmmm

"Pedophiles appear to have significantly less white matter—a substance that connects different parts of the brain—than nonpedophiles, according to research conducted by James Cantor, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto."

"Cantor has said that a lack of connection between separate parts of the brain could mean that pedophiles have serious trouble differentiating between sexual objects. His research has also found that pedophiles generally have lower IQs than people with sexual interest in adults, and that pedophiles are also disproportionately left-handed compared to the overall population."

It's all about making it an illness, so people can't discriminate against them. That's what they did with homosexuality. Then they determined that it wasn't an illness, but an orientation.

Pedos are also somewhat shorter than normal.

Can Science Spot a Pedophile Research Zeroes In On Brain Abnormalities - The Daily Beast

WHY did they remove homosexuality from the DSM list of mental disorders then? Has anyone ever thought that perhaps some kind of cognitive deficit may be related to homosexuality and that it actually IS a kind of mental disorder?
of course it's a mental disorder. But political correctness has demanded that we deny that.
More word games. "loving children" does NOT entitle you to sexual arousal or getting a blow job..

Yes, that is a different kind of love altogether. People who are turned on by prepubescent children are sick. There is nothing normal about that.
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Interesting where did you read that ? ... Also.... that would add weight to the theory that a "certain poster" on this thread actually has a thing for kids ... hmmmmmmm

"Pedophiles appear to have significantly less white matter—a substance that connects different parts of the brain—than nonpedophiles, according to research conducted by James Cantor, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto."

"Cantor has said that a lack of connection between separate parts of the brain could mean that pedophiles have serious trouble differentiating between sexual objects. His research has also found that pedophiles generally have lower IQs than people with sexual interest in adults, and that pedophiles are also disproportionately left-handed compared to the overall population."

It's all about making it an illness, so people can't discriminate against them. That's what they did with homosexuality. Then they determined that it wasn't an illness, but an orientation.

Pedos are also somewhat shorter than normal.

Can Science Spot a Pedophile Research Zeroes In On Brain Abnormalities - The Daily Beast

WHY did they remove homosexuality from the DSM list of mental disorders then? Has anyone ever thought that perhaps some kind of cognitive deficit may be related to homosexuality and that it actually IS a kind of mental disorder?
of course it's a mental disorder. But political correctness has demanded that we deny that.

Didn't they remove transgenderism as well? This PC stuff is getting so out of control. How healthy can it be to feed a person's delusions? Are we going to have to accept that some people might think they are cats or dogs soon too? :rolleyes-41: Will they make us call them Rover or Boots?
"United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates said, “While everyone is free to express their views, when their thoughts become actions and they collect and share child pornography, they step across the line separating free speech from crime. This defendant clearly crossed that line and for that he is being justly punished.”"
Request Rejected
(bold mine)

This was about the arrest of some creator of some pedophile site. He wasn't charged with being a pedophile, nor was the site illegal UNTIL it started facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The people who maintain pedophilia is harmless and *normal* are the same people who claim that porn helps pedophiles not to act on their fantasies.

Could make that same arguement for heterosexuality is the problem. How many heterosexual men rape women? Is heterosexuality then the problem or the men who rape women?

Why would a faggot rape a woman ? - a non bi fag has no interest in females . How many homosexual men rape other men ... and how much of it gets reported ?

OT: I once heard a similar argument used in a class a few years back - one student was arguing that rape is not sexual in nature but actually an act of control and violence against woman ... the argument admirably presented by the opponent was - if that were the case - how come Gay Men do not rape women if it is not sexual in nature and just an act of control and violence ....

I am QUITE sure that homosexual rape (men on men - NOT children) happens FAR more often than is reported. I would think that a lot of men (as are a lot of women) would be embarrassed and ashamed to admit that they had been raped.
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

I've also read that they've seen differences in the brains of pedophiles compared to normal people, using MRI imaging, etc.
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population

I've also read that they've seen differences in the brains of pedophiles compared to normal people, using MRI imaging, etc.

I think perhaps there might be some sample issues with any study that "proved' that pedos. have a lower IQ than the general pop. For instance the more intelligent person with pedrast orientation may be able to resist the urges on strictly moral grounds , while the lower IQ person may not have the moral inclination. Also - the more intelligent pedophile without sufficient moral barriers may also get caught less frequently.

I've also read that they've seen differences in the brains of pedophiles compared to normal people, using MRI imaging, etc.

possibly from getting smacked up the side their heads [lol]
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Interesting where did you read that ? ... Also.... that would add weight to the theory that a "certain poster" on this thread actually has a thing for kids ... hmmmmmmm

"Pedophiles appear to have significantly less white matter—a substance that connects different parts of the brain—than nonpedophiles, according to research conducted by James Cantor, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto."

"Cantor has said that a lack of connection between separate parts of the brain could mean that pedophiles have serious trouble differentiating between sexual objects. His research has also found that pedophiles generally have lower IQs than people with sexual interest in adults, and that pedophiles are also disproportionately left-handed compared to the overall population."

It's all about making it an illness, so people can't discriminate against them. That's what they did with homosexuality. Then they determined that it wasn't an illness, but an orientation.

Pedos are also somewhat shorter than normal.

Can Science Spot a Pedophile Research Zeroes In On Brain Abnormalities - The Daily Beast

WHY did they remove homosexuality from the DSM list of mental disorders then? Has anyone ever thought that perhaps some kind of cognitive deficit may be related to homosexuality and that it actually IS a kind of mental disorder?

WHY did they remove homosexuality from the DSM list of mental disorders then?

It was largely a political move based on minimal baseless and debunked scientific data .
The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder after years of political pressure from gay activists and under the limited weight of tainted and poorly implemented studies. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure and false evidence.

Pathology of Homosexuality
Hmm, ok, will do this the old-fashioned way.

> ChrisL, one of many 'impartial' sources for information you exhibited an interest in.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

FAQ-like presentation on homosexuality and how it relates to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

Okay, but this one is biased in the OTHER direction. The author is the writer of a blog about homophobia.

I would like to see an impartial study that was performed by, say, a university, perhaps more than one study, and one that was peer reviewed.

Another thing about "studies" is that there are always other studies to contradict that study's findings. It gets confusing and it's important to know how they conducted study, what were the questions asked, how were the questions asked, the size of the sample, etc. ALL of those things are important to determine the efficacy of the study IMO, because anyone can find any "study" or "article" that agrees with them when it comes to something as complicated as CSA.

Not as thorough or to-point as the UC Davis one, a more specifcly addressing pedophilia one here,
Pessimism About Pedophilia - Harvard Health Publications

Trying to find a great forensic psychology one but to understand the challenge you'd have to see my bookmarks file(s) :) Am working on it. :)

DELTA - You are cherry picking your propaganda ---

The UC Davis[at Berkely - lol]is from an Academia Nut - it was written for one purpose and one purpose only - to create more static and cloud valid scientific data . I don't know about the other trash you cited - but if you cited it then I am assuming it is simply more LGBT propaganda.

College is frequently the initiating phase of Leftist indoctrination into the brave new worldview of progressive liberalism. Colleges and Universities under Big Brothers thumb require students to drop mental contraband like a hot potato. Mental contraband being surreptitiously defined as any thoughts or beliefs which contradict the official ideology. Religious views [Unless of course you are a member of a protected religion such as Islam] . Racial views, not part of the official ideology [Unless of course you are a minority racist such as Nation of Aztlan, or an opponent of the "blue eyed devils"]. Homophobic views, you are forbidden to speak out against the Gay Agenda under the penalty of Academic Death. Class warfare ideology is drilled into the minds of unsuspecting victims and the evils of capitalism and virtues of socialism are espoused.

Harvard , UC Berkely I spit on them - they are simply institutions of Higher Indoctrination - Not Learning ! So kindly take any of your Academia Nut BS and stick it where the sun don't shine [ yes - I know - you'll probably enjoy that]
Hmm, ok, will do this the old-fashioned way.

> ChrisL, one of many 'impartial' sources for information you exhibited an interest in.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

FAQ-like presentation on homosexuality and how it relates to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

Okay, but this one is biased in the OTHER direction. The author is the writer of a blog about homophobia.

I would like to see an impartial study that was performed by, say, a university, perhaps more than one study, and one that was peer reviewed.

Another thing about "studies" is that there are always other studies to contradict that study's findings. It gets confusing and it's important to know how they conducted study, what were the questions asked, how were the questions asked, the size of the sample, etc. ALL of those things are important to determine the efficacy of the study IMO, because anyone can find any "study" or "article" that agrees with them when it comes to something as complicated as CSA.

Not as thorough or to-point as the UC Davis one, a more specifcly addressing pedophilia one here,
Pessimism About Pedophilia - Harvard Health Publications

Trying to find a great forensic psychology one but to understand the challenge you'd have to see my bookmarks file(s) :) Am working on it. :)

DELTA - You are cherry picking your propaganda ---

The UC Davis[at Berkely - lol]is from an Academia Nut - it was written for one purpose and one purpose only - to create more static and cloud valid scientific data . I don't know about the other trash you cited - but if you cited it then I am assuming it is simply more LGBT propaganda.

College is frequently the initiating phase of Leftist indoctrination into the brave new worldview of progressive liberalism. Colleges and Universities under Big Brothers thumb require students to drop mental contraband like a hot potato. Mental contraband being surreptitiously defined as any thoughts or beliefs which contradict the official ideology. Religious views [Unless of course you are a member of a protected religion such as Islam] . Racial views, not part of the official ideology [Unless of course you are a minority racist such as Nation of Aztlan, or an opponent of the "blue eyed devils"]. Homophobic views, you are forbidden to speak out against the Gay Agenda under the penalty of Academic Death. Class warfare ideology is drilled into the minds of unsuspecting victims and the evils of capitalism and virtues of socialism are espoused.

Harvard , UC Berkely I spit on them - they are simply institutions of Higher Indoctrination - Not Learning ! So kindly take any of your Academia Nut BS and stick it where the sun don't shine [ yes - I know - you'll probably enjoy that]

Aww did Harvard and the UC schools laugh at you when you applied? :)
Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population?

Did you know pedos have lower IQs by 10-15 points than the general population

I've also read that they've seen differences in the brains of pedophiles compared to normal people, using MRI imaging, etc.

I think perhaps there might be some sample issues with any study that "proved' that pedos. have a lower IQ than the general pop. For instance the more intelligent person with pedrast orientation may be able to resist the urges on strictly moral grounds , while the lower IQ person may not have the moral inclination. Also - the more intelligent pedophile without sufficient moral barriers may also get caught less frequently.

I've also read that they've seen differences in the brains of pedophiles compared to normal people, using MRI imaging, etc.

possibly from getting smacked up the side their heads [lol]

Good points. Also, they relate to children and not adults which tells me they must be "slow" or something, but I don't care, and I don't feel sorry for them one bit. I still think we need to protect children from them at ALL costs.
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