Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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Not now. In time. As you point out same sex marriage was once opposed. It still is but you don't hear about it in the media. A little propaganda here and a few pro pedophilia experts there, opinion will be made to appear to change. It will be good for children to have sexual relationships with adults. The same way its good for children to be raised by same sex parents.

'Appear' to change? :eusa_eh:

How deliciously political!

50% + in appearance only will collapse like a house of cards made from smoke and mirrors in less than one election cycle.

Do you really believe that it's possible?

Do you REALLY think that half of the people in this country could hear a sales pitch with an end goal of fucking children and come to a conclusion of "O.k."?

I'm sorry, but that sounds like a dangerous combination of naivete and stubbornness.
Absolutely. The same way the opposition to same sex marriage has appeared to change.

When a society starts down the road of depravity it doesn't stop until the end.
Explain how you can treat a pedophile, but not a homosexual.

One is a choice between two consenting adults and the other is a crime in all 50 states that's not likely to be repealed ever.

Besides... are creepy adult males who prey on little girls somehow closer to normal than their homosexual alter egos?

Apples and oranges.
OK....let me try.

This subject requires a bit of maturity and awareness of the facts if it is to be discussed with any purpose.

I heard a lengthy interview with the author of that piece today. She is not suggesting that CHILD MOLESTERS be afforded any type of freedom or benefit. Instead, she is suggesting that non-offending pedophiles be treated like people with a mental illness and not like people who are criminals. So....they can seek out and get treatment BEFORE they offend......thus making the world a little safer for our children.

I, like most here, cannot fathom what goes on in the mind of a person who has pedophilia. It's a foreign concept. My gut reaction is to be repulsed. However, I'm not afraid to consider the possibility that those with this illness can be treated. That is all that the author of the piece was saying.

I understand that most people are unwilling to think beyond the ugly and perverted surface of this topic. It is to be expected.

Seems to me the exact sentiments can be used when referring to homosexuals!....Of course the pond scum will now attack! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Explain how you can treat a pedophile, but not a homosexual.

One is a choice between two consenting adults and the other is a crime in all 50 states that's not likely to be repealed ever.

Besides... are creepy adult males who prey on little girls somehow closer to normal than their homosexual alter egos?

Apples and oranges.

So you are against abortion since there is NO CONSENT between HUMAN BEINGS?
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....
Op-Ed means opposite the opinion of the editors
Explain how you can treat a pedophile, but not a homosexual.

I dont believe they can be treated. I know homosexuality is a natural occurence. The same may be true of pedophilia.

Taking the head off of some asshole who desperately deserves it is a naturally occurring urge too, but current laws give us all pause to think twice before acting. Welcome to 'Civilization'.

Punish proven behavior issues.

Attempting to moderate attitudes, like attempting to herd a bunch of cats, is a frustrating waste of time.
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....
Op-Ed means opposite the opinion of the editors

Originally, now it's usually referred to as OPINION EDITORIAL!
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....

Statistically, most child-attracted adults eventually act on their desires. Claiming you can be pedophile but not act on it is like claiming priests will stay celibate because they swore to God they will. If that doesn't happen, what restraint is on a non-priest?

There is though a difference between pedophiles and what most are thinking of. A pedophile isn't also then a child rapist or molestor. It's simply someone with the orientation and attraction. Be like saying all heterosexuals are rapists. Just because some are doesn't mean heterosexuality is synonomous with being a rapist. If pedophilic-aged relationships were still legal as they used to be in the US when the age-of-consent was 10, it'd be much ado about nothing. Only reason it's a thing now is because the laws changed making such relationships criminal acts.
As long as We keep that shit illegal and punishable by serious jail time, I don't really care about fluctuations in the small percentage of the population who can empathize.

Remember... No matter how difficult it is for the predator to feel normal, the victims have it worse.

Pedophilia isn't illegal. Raping children is.
So you are against abortion since there is NO CONSENT between HUMAN BEINGS?

Of course I'm against abortion! What a gut-wrenching decision for any family to have to make!

But I'm not an extremist... What kind of fool would support that procedure for it's own sake, unless they are extremist or in the industry?

It's use should always be a choice of last resort that's made legally and in private.

And it certainly shouldn't be a damn 'industry'.
Thank you for the OP. It is an interesting op-ed...not however representative of the typical liberal's moral metric. Neither is it peculiar to liberals. The bell shaped curve applies to all things.

Relaxing one bit in regard to laws and punishment against convicted pedophiles should be totally and unequivocally resisted. They are not yet tough enough! They should carry a large P tattooed on their foreheads 'til the day they die. Children should be taught to avoid people with P on their foreheads.

We cannot legislate morality. We cannot legislate opinions. Sadly, there are those who think there should be no minimum age of consent. I've seen 4 proposed as the new legal minimum age. One can easily see what the condoning of pedophilia has brought world...the radical Muslim arena. That any society should sink so low is despicable.
We have these immoral anti-discrimination laws on the books which prevent employers from firing people who are disabled mentally or physically or to use their disability as the basis for not hiring them. If your employer, or potential employer, finds out that you're on anti-depressants he can't use that knowledge to fire you or to not hire you.

What the Op-Ed is saying is that the same employer who is forced to hire a depression case can discriminate against the non-offending pedophile who is seeking counseling for his mental illness. That's a grossly inconsistent application of non-discrimination law. These people are mentally ill, just like people who suffer from depression, yet we protect people who suffer from depression and turn our back on pedophiles. The same arguments apply too. If employers can discriminate against employees who are suffering depression then employees won't seek treatment for their depression. If a closet pedophile is working in the accounting department and he uses his medical plan to seek treatment for his pedophilia and somehow his boss discovers the nature of his illness, the boss can fire the accountant for his pedophilia. The last time I checked accounting departments don't employ children.

I don't agree with anti-discrimination laws but so long as we're going to go down that crazy road, let's do it consistently. I'd rather work alongside a pedophile who is getting psychological treatment than a severely depressed coworker who is getting treatment. The pedophile is likely to be more normal so long as the subject isn't little kids and the pedophile is, in my opinion, less likely to show up at work with an arsenal to take out the whole office in his moment of suicidal despair.
OK....let me try.

This subject requires a bit of maturity and awareness of the facts if it is to be discussed with any purpose.

I heard a lengthy interview with the author of that piece today. She is not suggesting that CHILD MOLESTERS be afforded any type of freedom or benefit. Instead, she is suggesting that non-offending pedophiles be treated like people with a mental illness and not like people who are criminals. So....they can seek out and get treatment BEFORE they offend......thus making the world a little safer for our children.

I, like most here, cannot fathom what goes on in the mind of a person who has pedophilia. It's a foreign concept. My gut reaction is to be repulsed. However, I'm not afraid to consider the possibility that those with this illness can be treated. That is all that the author of the piece was saying.

I understand that most people are unwilling to think beyond the ugly and perverted surface of this topic. It is to be expected.

I believe sexual orientations form when we're young due to a variety of influences. I don't agree with the gay lobby though it's genetic. Ithink it's enviromental. With pedophilia it's harder to imagine what set of circumstances gave rise to being sexually attracted to prepubescents, but my hypothesis is it's the result of some kind of arrested development, social-retardation. LIke a person's emotional development ground to a halt at some young age where they continued to age chronologically, but not emotionally. Some trauma or other incident.
As long as We keep that shit illegal and punishable by serious jail time, I don't really care about fluctuations in the small percentage of the population who can empathize.

Remember... No matter how difficult it is for the predator to feel normal, the victims have it worse.

Pedophilia isn't illegal. Raping children is.

Verbal semantics...

You're right though... As per The United States Constitution, a man can think whatever he wants, but if he preys, he pays.

That's catchy. :) Preys-pays thing.
Didn't bother reading the op-ed, am pretty conversant already but it's worth mentioning that thankfully, pedophilia is exceedingly uncommon. What's fairly common is media and peoples' misuse of the word.

Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to prepubescents. Typically those under age 12 (since puberty's onset varies widely.)
Six of one half a dozen of the other. If you harbor murderous thoughts and feelings then you're just as much a murderer as a non-pedophile is for simply harboring thoughts and feelings of pedophilia.

Good thing we prosecute behavior and not thoughts, eh?

:eusa_eh: Deja Vu!​
Homosexuality was considered a mental illness not that long ago.

Religious practice is considered to be a mental illness to some.

Probably a good thing that we prosecute behavior, not thought, eh?​

Hate crime legislation comes to mind as an exception. Be interesting to make the case for pedophilic-rape becomming an extra charge on a Federal level like violent crimes against minorities. Rape's already illegal everywhere, but could envision pedophilic-age of the victim becomming a special class like minorities. An extra charge as it were, or special aggravating circumstance.

Only 1 in 20 child sexual assaults are reported.
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