Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....

Statistically, most child-attracted adults eventually act on their desires. Claiming you can be pedophile but not act on it is like claiming priests will stay celibate because they swore to God they will. If that doesn't happen, what restraint is on a non-priest?

There is though a difference between pedophiles and what most are thinking of. A pedophile isn't also then a child rapist or molestor. It's simply someone with the orientation and attraction. Be like saying all heterosexuals are rapists. Just because some are doesn't mean heterosexuality is synonomous with being a rapist. If pedophilic-aged relationships were still legal as they used to be in the US when the age-of-consent was 10, it'd be much ado about nothing. Only reason it's a thing now is because the laws changed making such relationships criminal acts.

I understand what you are saying in the first part: Pedophilia is not neessarily synonymous with a child rapist or molester. If a pedophile never acts on his desire, he has done nothing wrong.

But I do have an issue with the last part.

You say that the only reason it's a thing now is because the laws changed making such relationships criminal acts.

That's not entirely "the only reason". It's what went into making that a criminal act - that children of that age do not have the ability to consent to what is being done to them and that sexual acts in prepubescent children can be very damaging. Not simply a random desire to raise the age of consent but a recognition that is not in the best interests of the child to allow it.

It's kind of like saying the only reason there's a big to-do about slavery or rape is that it is now illegal.
A man looking at another man's ass and they get aroused. Yes, that is a mental illness and disgusting.

"Love thy Neighbor" / "Tolerate thy Neighbor"

Tolerance of each others beliefs and life-styles is the DEFINITION of loving one another.

When it comes to the unprovable questions, like God, Origins, Destiny and Afterlife, tolerant people are people who're willing to admit that anything is possible, nobody has any proof, and everyone has a right to be wrong.

A willingness to admit that nobody truly KNOWS how life started, or what happens to the software that drives our flesh when it dies is not a sign of weak faith, it's merely an admission that, in those very personal decisions, faith is required.
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....

Statistically, most child-attracted adults eventually act on their desires. Claiming you can be pedophile but not act on it is like claiming priests will stay celibate because they swore to God they will. If that doesn't happen, what restraint is on a non-priest?

There is though a difference between pedophiles and what most are thinking of. A pedophile isn't also then a child rapist or molestor. It's simply someone with the orientation and attraction. Be like saying all heterosexuals are rapists. Just because some are doesn't mean heterosexuality is synonomous with being a rapist. If pedophilic-aged relationships were still legal as they used to be in the US when the age-of-consent was 10, it'd be much ado about nothing. Only reason it's a thing now is because the laws changed making such relationships criminal acts.

I understand what you are saying in the first part: Pedophilia is not neessarily synonymous with a child rapist or molester. If a pedophile never acts on his desire, he has done nothing wrong.

But I do have an issue with the last part.

You say that the only reason it's a thing now is because the laws changed making such relationships criminal acts.

That's not entirely "the only reason". It's what went into making that a criminal act - that children of that age do not have the ability to consent to what is being done to them and that sexual acts in prepubescent children can be very damaging. Not simply a random desire to raise the age of consent but a recognition that is not in the best interests of the child to allow it.

It's kind of like saying the only reason there's a big to-do about slavery or rape is that it is now illegal.

Point taken, you're right. Bad choice of words on my part.
What I find most alarming about child sexual abuse is how little it gets reported to police. The 1 in 20 stat seems incredible given the overt public fury over the thing. And that's here in the US. Far worse abroad where marriage to prepubescents, and thus legalized pedophilia in effect is institutionalized and completely legal.

Even here in the US, while our age of consent laws protects teens (in theory any way,) our laws governing marriage often put the age for that lower. Not nearly as bad as other countries but follows the same pattern.

We desperately need a complete overhaul of our sex and marriage-related laws in the US where ages are specified.
Makes me wonder then if a similar phenomenae is going on with people who're what I guess would be called 'philiaphobic' (anti-sex.) Are the ones who rail against sex and porn the most passionately also the most turned on by it?
One is a choice between two consenting adults and the other is a crime in all 50 states that's not likely to be repealed ever.

There's the nub of the problem! There are still seven (7, libs) other states (according to Our Kenyan President) and nobody having ever seen the constitutions or even laws of those seven, who is to say that pedophelia is NOT legal (or perhaps even mandated) in those liberal enclaves?
Absolutely. The same way the opposition to same sex marriage has appeared to change.

When a society starts down the road of depravity it doesn't stop until the end.

Two things...

1. Why? :dunno:

What makes you think that we can't get to a certain level of social liberty and freedom in this country and strike a working balance? As long as Civil Laws continue to trump Religious Laws, we have the framework for genuine freedom, ass-u-me-ing a modicum of tolerance.


2. Define 'The Road of Depravity'.

Absolutely. The same way the opposition to same sex marriage has appeared to change.

When a society starts down the road of depravity it doesn't stop until the end.

Two things...

1. Why? :dunno:

What makes you think that we can't get to a certain level of social liberty and freedom in this country and strike a working balance? As long as Civil Laws continue to trump Religious Laws, we have the framework for genuine freedom, ass-u-me-ing a modicum of tolerance.


2. Define 'The Road of Depravity'.


Because liberals never stop. They're like sharks and need to keep swimming. Liberals are on a perpetual mission of destroying society, it's just who they are and how they're wired.
Absolutely. The same way the opposition to same sex marriage has appeared to change.

When a society starts down the road of depravity it doesn't stop until the end.

Two things...

1. Why? :dunno:

What makes you think that we can't get to a certain level of social liberty and freedom in this country and strike a working balance? As long as Civil Laws continue to trump Religious Laws, we have the framework for genuine freedom, ass-u-me-ing a modicum of tolerance.


2. Define 'The Road of Depravity'.


Because liberals never stop. They're like sharks and need to keep swimming. Liberals are on a perpetual mission of destroying society, it's just who they are and how they're wired.

Want a list of Republican sex scandals? :)
Explain how you can treat a pedophile, but not a homosexual.

Pedophilia, according to the author, is a recognized mental illness. Homosexuality is not.

Pretty simple.

There's why people are upset doofus, time was homosexuality WAS categorized as a mental illness. The mentally ill fought to get that changed, and succeeded, what makes you think they wouldn't try the same with Pedophilia?
Pedophilia, as of DSM-5 is a 'recognized sexual orientation.' Not a mental illness. In part because you can't in fact treat pedophiles of their pedophilia, the consensus is it's not an illness, which could be treated, but rather an orientaiton.

Can find out what leads to it and other orientations though and try and reduce the numebr of people with the orientation though. Though not specificly concerned with paraphilias, it's what I do trying to reduce violence by discovering the source and reasons for such behaviours. If we can figure out why some people become pedophiles, we can leigslate education and other programs designed to prevent it. Just as we can tailor sex ed programs to overcome the pandemic of violence in the world right now.
Pedophilia, as of DSM-5 is a 'recognized sexual orientation.' Not a mental illness. In part because you can't in fact treat pedophiles of their pedophilia, the consensus is it's not an illness, which could be treated, but rather an orientaiton.

Can find out what leads to it and other orientations though and try and reduce the numebr of people with the orientation though. Though not specificly concerned with paraphilias, it's what I do trying to reduce violence by discovering the source and reasons for such behaviours. If we can figure out why some people become pedophiles, we can leigslate education and other programs designed to prevent it. Just as we can tailor sex ed programs to overcome the pandemic of violence in the world right now.

Not a mental illness, but orientation? So AGAIN, how is it different from homosexuality? Many cultures allow sex at much younger ages than ours does. I think you have a very slippery slope here. But then anarchy is the goal correct?
Pedophilia, as of DSM-5 is a 'recognized sexual orientation.' Not a mental illness. In part because you can't in fact treat pedophiles of their pedophilia, the consensus is it's not an illness, which could be treated, but rather an orientaiton.

Can find out what leads to it and other orientations though and try and reduce the numebr of people with the orientation though. Though not specificly concerned with paraphilias, it's what I do trying to reduce violence by discovering the source and reasons for such behaviours. If we can figure out why some people become pedophiles, we can leigslate education and other programs designed to prevent it. Just as we can tailor sex ed programs to overcome the pandemic of violence in the world right now.

Not a mental illness, but orientation? So AGAIN, how is it different from homosexuality? Many cultures allow sex at much younger ages than ours does. I think you have a very slippery slope here. But then anarchy is the goal correct?

Slippery slope and anarchy's the goal - huh? Ya lost me.
Making excuses for that article doesn't fly. If the author was simply proposing that POTENTIAL pedophiles need access to treatment -- then the Title of the article should have been Pedophiles Deserve Access to Treatment. Not civil rights or immunity from the law..

There are plenty of associated child abuse syndromes that PROCEED an actual act of pedophilia. Like the stereotyped guy in a trench coat flashing his junk.. All of THOSE practices are not pedophilia -- but are ALSO ILLEGAL. So before kids get "raped" as one poster puts it, these clowns have already done damage..
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....
About as intelligent as one of Sarah Palin's Op Eds.
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....
About as intelligent as one of Sarah Palin's Op Eds.

What would a gay, mental defective bitch know?...Just asking!
Making excuses for that article doesn't fly. If the author was simply proposing that POTENTIAL pedophiles need access to treatment -- then the Title of the article should have been Pedophiles Deserve Access to Treatment. Not civil rights or immunity from the law..

Here's the title of the Op-Ed: "Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime." It's accurate, pedophilia is not a crime.

There are plenty of associated child abuse syndromes that PROCEED an actual act of pedophilia. Like the stereotyped guy in a trench coat flashing his junk.. All of THOSE practices are not pedophilia -- but are ALSO ILLEGAL. So before kids get "raped" as one poster puts it, these clowns have already done damage..

I'd rather see these people going to a physician or therapist and trying to address their issues rather than staying silent for fear of discovery. Do you favor them staying silent and hidden?

Secondly, to the bolded below, I would find it very helpful to society and to our understanding of the world if studies were better constructed and that means not restricting the sample population to those already in prison. All those studies tell us is what convicted child abusers do and think, nothing about those who live with the condition and are invisible to the law.

While treatment cannot eliminate a pedophile’s sexual interests, a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication can help him to manage urges and avoid committing crimes.

But the reason we don’t know enough about effective treatment is because research has usually been limited to those who have committed crimes.
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