Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!

Correct. There are very few strings attached to the money given to corporations. Every bail-out seems to go to executive salaries and the companies they manage end up having layoffs and staff reductions.

I think this may hurt the blob politically if he doesn't come out for worker protections.
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies aren’t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom aren’t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company that’s been doing great. He’s probably going to go out of business because he’s renting a lot of heavy machinery that’s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Let’s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesn’t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. It’s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and aren’t even sure if they’ll come back to a job after this is done.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Her Old Ugly ass is out of pocket
The democrat Party needs to be treated as domestic terrorists. I knew they were working with the Soros and the ChiComs to destroy America. Soros is shorting the markets and he's using his democrat Party to drive down the DOW.

Show that Soros is in contact with his democrats and you can charge them all under RICO

Arrest every fucking democrat politician NOW!
I hope that we don't have American's this evil, but if we find out something like this is true, then we ought to do more than just charge with something light. They should get life without parole.
What do people think this means in terms of what happens in congress ?

Did she say they'd have a bill in a day, a week, a ???
No she just added a list of phony demands. This was a clear block of this bill for the sake of blocking. The senate will re-vote tomorrow. I doubt pelosi is going to back off. This is about a despicable as politics get. We’ve reached a new low, and deserve everything that comes our way
Didn't Obama help some major corporations ?

I recall GM being one. That seemed to create a lot of dust in the blogosphere.
That he did. There also wasn’t a mandatory shut down of all non-essiential business, just bailing out business that fucked themselves over. But Obama wasn’t orange, and doesn’t have an R in front of his name with an election coming in November.
Pelosi must have a remotely detonated bomb strapped to Schumer’s nuts or something. I actually thought the dems would take a break on political maneuvering. I hope the public sees through this for what it is.
I pray to god you Trump supporters don’t have a clue of what you guys are talking about.
This is the same bill that Mnuchin and Pelosi crafted last two days. Democrats wants to send the checks now. Trump said he will sign it. Then they send it to congress Republicans gutted it. Get your facts straight and stop blaming. Americans need the funds now.
I pray to god you Trump supporters don’t have a clue of what you guys are talking about.
This is the same bill that Mnuchin and Pelosi crafted last two days. Democrats wants to send the checks now. Trump said he will sign it. Then they send it to congress Republicans gutted it. Get your facts straight and stop blaming. Americans need the funds now.
Gutted what ? All the pork that was added, and the worst one of all "government funded abortion" ??
No she just added a list of phony demands. This was a clear block of this bill for the sake of blocking. The senate will re-vote tomorrow. I doubt pelosi is going to back off. This is about a despicable as politics get. We’ve reached a new low, and deserve everything that comes our way

Can you tell us what Pelosi added to the bill?

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