Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

Unfortunately, that is looking likely now. I am betting a lot Green New Deal stuff, total student loan debt cancellation and maybe amnesty might all be in it. So, we are in for a long debate.

I doubt ALL you mentioned above.
America just doesn't want bailouts for Airlines, Cruise Lines, Banks, Motor Companies.
I think the Dems are looking for cancellation of all student loan debt and likely implementation and Green New Deal stuff.

You would be wrong for most (D). Right Wing Scare tactic.
No way we cancel Student Debt.
Lower cost and no interest loans and no interest on past loans. YES.
No, this was a clear block to tank the already tanking markets. She’s fucking over our 401Ks right now, hard.

Nice deflection on BLAMING Pelosi for something on Sunday, March 22, 2020,
when the market has already tanked 30ish % under Dotards unLeadership.
So according to you, all future tankings are on Pelosi?
They gonna tank during a global they’re going to nosedive because of loss of the markets tomorrow, and see what happens.
No, this was a clear block to tank the already tanking markets. She’s fucking over our 401Ks right now, hard.

Nice deflection on BLAMING Pelosi for something on Sunday, March 22, 2020,
when the market has already tanked 30ish % under Dotards unLeadership.
So according to you, all future tankings are on Pelosi?
They gonna tank during a global they’re going to nosedive because of loss of the markets tomorrow, and see what happens.

Nice try.
I check the futures markets constantly.
The news of futures saying the market will drop 5% at opening came hours before any news of the rejection of the Senate Bailout.
So don't go blaming the Market Drop on any rejection of the Stimulus Package.

Got it. You agree or Not?
The Futures were obvious and posted hours before any rejection of Senate Bill.

I'd like an Honest Answer from sakinago
People have learned from Obama's bail out that there needs to be some rules put on the money. The Republicans do not want to worry about any of that, and Trump doesn't want to comment on whether or not his hotels can profit off the bill. Democrats want to make sure this bill has the things it needs to last through the emergency, and not have to worry about once the big companies get their bail out, if workers still need money to get through things, Republicans are no longer worried about getting things taken care of because the companies got what they needed.

Companies very much so should be forced into conditions like not being able to buy back stocks for as long as they owe the government money, nor give their CEOs bonuses or raises either. ALL the bail out money should be paid back before any of that can happen. I'm honestly not in favor of bail outs for companies period, because they should have planned for the bad times and put money away for it, rather than giving huge bonuses all the time and expected a safety net if anything ever happened.

I think the Dems are looking for cancellation of all student loan debt and likely implementation and Green New Deal stuff.

No, they would be happy with just the $10,000 in the bail out because it will cover the people that took out the school loans to pay for this semester, and then had some colleges flat out cancel the entire semester.
Our tax base is disappearing with our jobs. Congress can't do anything to stop it. The bills that they are arguing about are just smoke and mirrors to try to hide how ineffectual they really are. Deflation if they do nothing and hyperinflation if the do what is being proposed. We are between a rock and a hard place.
What would Capitalists co? #wwcd. Where are the "Free Marketeers? We can't have Medicare for All but we need a 2 trillion dollar market stimulus? Obama saved U.S. Auto industry and THAT was a sin. What hypocrites!
Unfortunately, that is looking likely now. I am betting a lot Green New Deal stuff, total student loan debt cancellation and maybe amnesty might all be in it. So, we are in for a long debate.

I doubt ALL you mentioned above.
America just doesn't want bailouts for Airlines, Cruise Lines, Banks, Motor Companies.
I think the Dems are looking for cancellation of all student loan debt and likely implementation and Green New Deal stuff.

You would be wrong for most (D). Right Wing Scare tactic.
No way we cancel Student Debt.
Lower cost and no interest loans and no interest on past loans. YES.

We will see what is in it. But, based on what Liz Warren has been calling for, I think the cancellation of student loans will be a center piece for the Dems.
You would be wrong for most (D). Right Wing Scare tactic.
No way we cancel Student Debt.
Lower cost and no interest loans and no interest on past loans. YES.
We will see what is in it. But, based on what Liz Warren has been calling for, I think the cancellation of student loans will be a center piece for the Dems.

Warren is in the Senate.
The House Speaks Next.
Give the House a chance to present a Bill.
Let the House Vote.

Then see if McConnell Senate has a better offer for Real Americans, instead of bailouts for Large Corps. Like Airlines, Banks, Financial Inst. etc.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didn’t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi could’ve made a bill, she didn’t. This was done so the GOP doesn’t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many won’t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. It’s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when it’s something they advocate for on a daily basis. It’s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obama’s in...but when there’s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Great. I think every Dem gov who issued any kind of warning: school closings, bar/restaurant closings, etc--should reverse them TODAY and order everyone back to normal for the damage that will be done to the economy. Just say, screw it, nothing is worth this. And hang the millstone around Idiot Nancy's Neck.

Do it, she and all her minions deserve it. Do it, Cuomo. Do it, Whitmer. Do it, Newsom. Let's see it. Today.
FWIW, I suspect Pelosi will feel such an incredible blowback from Dems everywhere--in the Senate, Dem govs--that she will backpedal by the end of today, Monday.

But the damage is done. The Democrats, in a word, SUCK. They are losing this war very, very badly.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didn’t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi could’ve made a bill, she didn’t. This was done so the GOP doesn’t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many won’t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. It’s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when it’s something they advocate for on a daily basis. It’s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obama’s in...but when there’s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.

My guess is there is nothing frugal about McConnell's rewrite that was crafted without Democratic input. I'm guessing that's why Republican leadership redid the Pelosi/Mnuchin bill that they worked the entire last weekend on. While I'll hold judgement until I see what McConnell and the rest of his cronies dropped in the bill, I can speculate that it includes generous tax cuts for the same businesses and donors that benefitted from the last one while reducing benefits for working people. If that is the case, always good to see the Republican party has its priorities in line.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didn’t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi could’ve made a bill, she didn’t. This was done so the GOP doesn’t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many won’t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. It’s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when it’s something they advocate for on a daily basis. It’s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obama’s in...but when there’s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.

My guess is there is nothing frugal about McConnell's rewrite that was crafted without Democratic input. I'm guessing that's why Republican leadership redid the Pelosi/Mnuchin bill that they worked the entire last weekend on. While I'll hold judgement until I see what McConnell and the rest of his cronies dropped in the bill, I can speculate that it includes generous tax cuts for the same businesses and donors that benefitted from the last one while reducing benefits for working people. If that is the case, always good to see the Republican party has its priorities in line.

Nancy P is getting eviscerated for this and rightly so. The Democrats have been a no-show on this entire crisis and when they DO show up, it's with THIS.

You're gonna get destroyed in November at this point and you must know it
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!

I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.
The corporations are healthy, unlike the 2008 crash, and Trump had fed reserve rates dropped to near zero, for the big corporations and banks, they all have collateral and can borrow the money at zero percent interest.

We The people and smaller businesses, can not do that...

Plus the big corporations got a huge, as in HUGE permanent 35% tax cut just 2 years ago and instead of investing that boocoos of money in American employees as Trump said, they took the money to buy back stocks, making their stocks go way up in price....

The corporations have plenty of money on hand or zero interest to borrow.

The democrats believe that this time around, the corporations should not DICK US THE way they did the last time Repubs handed them billions, and should use the money we give them, to pay their employees while going through this crisis and not use it to line the ceos pockets.

YOU AND EVERY ONE ELSE who works for a living, should understand this and support this, for us, for we the people.

Money doesn't grow on trees.... be wise with our tax dollars.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didn’t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi could’ve made a bill, she didn’t. This was done so the GOP doesn’t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many won’t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. It’s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when it’s something they advocate for on a daily basis. It’s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obama’s in...but when there’s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.

My guess is there is nothing frugal about McConnell's rewrite that was crafted without Democratic input. I'm guessing that's why Republican leadership redid the Pelosi/Mnuchin bill that they worked the entire last weekend on. While I'll hold judgement until I see what McConnell and the rest of his cronies dropped in the bill, I can speculate that it includes generous tax cuts for the same businesses and donors that benefitted from the last one while reducing benefits for working people. If that is the case, always good to see the Republican party has its priorities in line.

Nancy P is getting eviscerated for this and rightly so. The Democrats have been a no-show on this entire crisis and when they DO show up, it's with THIS.

You're gonna get destroyed in November at this point and you must know it

Always good to see the selective memory disorder that Republicans suffer from. Must give you some pleasure to be able to thump your chest for a few hours and deflect blame to the other side when your guy at the top has just been puking all over his shoes for the last two months. I'll wait to see what's been dropped in the bill. Mnuchin and the administration by proxy signed off on the bill they worked all of last weekend on. Then Mitch gets it and all the sudden it's like every other bill that shows up on his desk, magically altered or roundfiled. He's had this in his pocket all week. Where was your outrage then? Let's see what's been added or subtracted, then you can proclaim hollow political victories. Right now, nothing's changed.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didn’t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi could’ve made a bill, she didn’t. This was done so the GOP doesn’t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many won’t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. It’s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when it’s something they advocate for on a daily basis. It’s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obama’s in...but when there’s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.

My guess is there is nothing frugal about McConnell's rewrite that was crafted without Democratic input. I'm guessing that's why Republican leadership redid the Pelosi/Mnuchin bill that they worked the entire last weekend on. While I'll hold judgement until I see what McConnell and the rest of his cronies dropped in the bill, I can speculate that it includes generous tax cuts for the same businesses and donors that benefitted from the last one while reducing benefits for working people. If that is the case, always good to see the Republican party has its priorities in line.

Nancy P is getting eviscerated for this and rightly so. The Democrats have been a no-show on this entire crisis and when they DO show up, it's with THIS.

You're gonna get destroyed in November at this point and you must know it

Always good to see the selective memory disorder that Republicans suffer from. Must give you some pleasure to be able to thump your chest for a few hours and deflect blame to the other side when your guy at the top has just been puking all over his shoes for the last two months. I'll wait to see what's been dropped in the bill. Mnuchin and the administration by proxy signed off on the bill they worked all of last weekend on. Then Mitch gets it and all the sudden it's like every other bill that shows up on his desk, magically altered or roundfiled. He's had this in his pocket all week. Where was your outrage then? Let's see what's been added or subtracted, then you can proclaim hollow political victories. Right now, nothing's changed.

The Senate Dems approved this bill and worked on it, and Nancy blew it up.

Shameful. This will not work out well for you.
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!

I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.
The corporations are healthy, unlike the 2008 crash, and Trump had fed reserve rates dropped to near zero, for the big corporations and banks, they all have collateral and can borrow the money at zero percent interest.

We The people and smaller businesses, can not do that...

Plus the big corporations got a huge, as in HUGE permanent 35% tax cut just 2 years ago and instead of investing that boocoos of money in American employees as Trump said, they took the money to buy back stocks, making their stocks go way up in price....

The corporations have plenty of money on hand or zero interest to borrow.

The democrats believe that this time around, the corporations should not DICK US THE way they did the last time Repubs handed them billions, and should use the money we give them, to pay their employees while going through this crisis and not use it to line the ceos pockets.

YOU AND EVERY ONE ELSE who works for a living, should understand this and support this, for us, for we the people.

Money doesn't grow on trees.... be wise with our tax dollars.

The irony of liberals suddenly realizing that money does not grow on trees.

I agree, actually, which is why I'm against a universal health care plan. You too?

I agree, which is why I think America should be FULLY OPEN for business, even amid this virus business. Tell my stupid Dem gov to open up bars, restaurants, hair salons and etc. You agree?

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