Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

No, this was a clear block to tank the already tanking markets. She’s fucking over our 401Ks right now, hard.

Nice deflection on BLAMING Pelosi for something on Sunday, March 22, 2020,
when the market has already tanked 30ish % under Dotards unLeadership.
So according to you, all future tankings are on Pelosi?

She would not be getting any blame if she hadn’t obstructed. You step in with last minute demands as part of an obstruction strategy you better believe she is now part of the problem. As usual, she is also not providing any solution or alternative.
I guarantee you one thing out of this.............They will hook up their buddies that will hook up them..........

Like another choo choo train.........Feinstein hubby with massive contract.........CHA CHING......both sides drooling over the money they are about to get.............

That is probably the main argument. I don't trust the money launders any further than I can throw them.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
for $500 billion in loans and guarantees that could go to firms selected by the Treasury Department.
Senate falls far short of votes needed to advance coronavirus bill as clash between Republicans and Democrats intensifies

This is the issue, but it didn't have definitive wording in it to state that corps could not buy back stock..

And Mnuchin can give 500 B to whoever he deems necessary.
What's wrong with that?

But the language drafted by Senate Republicans also allows Mnuchin to withhold the names of the companies that receive federal money and how much they get for up to six months if he so decides.
That is whats wrong with it.
Dems have begun to abuse the pandemic for political gain while people DIE. I told you Pelosi, Schumer, and these other Dem pukes don't give a shit about the people.

Dems are for the working person, and republicans are for the corps. A slush fund for Mnuchin with no oversight is very wrong. Seems the lobbyist helped the republican write the bill (I heard on the news)
Both sides of the Isle will be laughing all the way to the bank after this..........

They always hook themselves up ............they are the best politicians money can buy.......

Enjoy taking it up the ass with no vasoline again people...........It's how they roll
for $500 billion in loans and guarantees that could go to firms selected by the Treasury Department.
Senate falls far short of votes needed to advance coronavirus bill as clash between Republicans and Democrats intensifies

This is the issue, but it didn't have definitive wording in it to state that corps could not buy back stock..

And Mnuchin can give 500 B to whoever he deems necessary.
What's wrong with that?

But the language drafted by Senate Republicans also allows Mnuchin to withhold the names of the companies that receive federal money and how much they get for up to six months if he so decides.
That is whats wrong with it.

This is a disaster for the Democrats, no matter what excuses you try to throw up
Break out long term low interest loans for the biggest employer in the nation

Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.
Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.

Everyone notice their term that won't fly: 'Bail out'

Penny that's pathetic. Enjoy your little run of being able to order us around; I expect Whitmer has about another week of it before we all rebel, say screw you and open up our businesses anyway

I know how deeply that will disappoint you
Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.

Everyone notice their term that won't fly: 'Bail out'

Penny that's pathetic. Enjoy your little run of being able to order us around; I expect Whitmer has about another week of it before we all rebel, say screw you and open up our businesses anyway

I know how deeply that will disappoint you
We'll see, Whitmer is doing a great job.
Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.

Everyone notice their term that won't fly: 'Bail out'

Penny that's pathetic. Enjoy your little run of being able to order us around; I expect Whitmer has about another week of it before we all rebel, say screw you and open up our businesses anyway

I know how deeply that will disappoint you
We'll see, Whitmer is doing a great job.

I think today and the next couple of days is the turning point on this. The fatality rate hovers at around 1% in the most affected states and, of course, nationwide. Not even CLOSE to being worth an economic disaster.

This is done for you doomsday lovers. Get over it.
I think today and the next couple of days is the turning point on this. The fatality rate hovers at around 1% in the most affected states and, of course, nationwide. Not even CLOSE to being worth an economic disaster.

This is done for you doomsday lovers. Get over it.

You realize a fatality rate of 1% is kind of bad, right? I mean I know math is one of those subjects you struggle with.

If One Percent of the population of the US died from Covid-19 (Trump Plague), that would be 3 million deaths. That actually would be an economic disaster.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

What is it about the bill that makes it so perfect that it cannot be questioned?
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

What is it about the bill that makes it so perfect that it cannot be questioned?
The bill provided an additional 30 hours to discuss the items of it. Meaning that this was a block just for the sake of blocking. It was drafted by both parties, and the GOP caved hard on a lot, and they would’ve caved on a lot more just to get this passed. Schumer argued it didn’t do enough to protect nurses???? Are the hospitals going to start laying us off in the middle of a pandemic???? Didn’t see anybody trying to make a bill for us earlier. Then they’re trying to argue this is a “slush fund” for business...when no one even knows how tf the money allocated to business is going to get spent?? They didn’t have a problem bailing GM and banks out after the housing crash, but they pick this one moment to start caring? Oh and let’s not forget the 1 trillion that goes to people directly, as well as states to help cover unemployment for 30% of people.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.
It is not the right time for stimulating consumption, just protecting imperiled workers and small enterprises.
Those who played the finance games should take the consequences. They wanted to keep all the gains? They can keep the losses.
Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.

Everyone notice their term that won't fly: 'Bail out'

Penny that's pathetic. Enjoy your little run of being able to order us around; I expect Whitmer has about another week of it before we all rebel, say screw you and open up our businesses anyway

I know how deeply that will disappoint you
We'll see, Whitmer is doing a great job.

I think today and the next couple of days is the turning point on this. The fatality rate hovers at around 1% in the most affected states and, of course, nationwide. Not even CLOSE to being worth an economic disaster.

This is done for you doomsday lovers. Get over it.

You can't Pollyanna this away. How big is the town in which you live? Let's say its 1,000. Which 10 will you sacrifice to this disease?

Hong Kong appeared to have the coronavirus under control, then it let its guard down

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