Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

The democrat Party needs to be treated as domestic terrorists. I knew they were working with the Soros and the ChiComs to destroy America. Soros is shorting the markets and he's using his democrat Party to drive down the DOW.

Show that Soros is in contact with his democrats and you can charge them all under RICO

Arrest every fucking democrat politician NOW!

You're totally unhinged. You already have 40,000 non-criminal aliens in internment camps, and now you want to lock up half the country because of their political beliefs. Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't the sense of dislocation that non-cultists feel, but rather it's the ridiculous notion that Donald Trump has the first clue about how to run the country and that he's doing a good job. Only a deranged idiot like yourself would believe this to be true.
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.
Workers need jobs

without employers there are no jobs for workers
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.
Workers need jobs

without employers there are no jobs for workers

Exactly. Giving workers free money this week, does nothing for them ongoing. Ongoing, they need jobs to work so they can earn a buck
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Senator Collins will haul 'em all into a room by the ear and get them to compromise. She's probably been at it all night.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
The evidence is in the numbers, unemployment at an all time low. I didn’t vote for trump, but he has more than surpassed my expectations concerning the economy. Slashing draconian regulation probably also helped instill confidence for business and investors. I don’t fully trust the economy, since a lot of it is being propped up...but that’s happening globally and we’re doing it the less than almost all European countries. If you aren’t impressed by the numbers, you’re just not paying attention. They’ve been pretty undeniable, until that whole pandemic thing.

Meanwhileback in reality, the DJIA climbed 149 percent under Obama and his regulations. The blob wasn’t on a pace to equal that performance before the virus hit. You were not paying attention.
After loosing half of its value, and over an 8 year period. Not much of an accomplishment when the only direction is up.


I didn’t vote for the guy, but there’s a very clear jump when he takes office, and a steady climb continues. Also the Obama era stocks were pretty inflated, because all businesses were doing with the steady stream of QE was buying up their own stocks for 8 years. There still is some of that going on, but not to the same degree. The small and new business survival rates were abysmal under Obama, now they’re booming. Middle class income went up $4100 under trump, and only $1000 during the time bush and Obama era. Unemployment is at an all time low, did it steadily decline under Obama’s presidency, yes, but at a snails pace...and only after they changed how unemployment was measured. There’s a lot more metrics than just a single number.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
Also what do you mean by expand across the board? Do you mean that almost all type of businesses expanded. Because it is an ever evolving economy and a shit ton of business models are becoming antiquated, and quickly replaced by something better. So if that’s what you mean , a lot of that is just the natural flow of businesses falling and rising. Although it’s hard to tell, which is which exactly.

What I meant is that some businesses expanded, some contracted.
Well yeah, there’s been a lot of changes happening in the economy, as tech revolutionizes everything.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Senator Collins will haul 'em all into a room by the ear and get them to compromise. She's probably been at it all night.
Your Hero........when is she gonna just change sides.........she's always been with you anyway.........she only runs GOP because she couldn't win with a D by her name.

How did it go from 1 Trillion to 1.8 Trillion............they see this crisis as a way to line their pockets.........THEY ALWAYS DO........

They are DROOLING NOW.........over the money they are going to pocket...........
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.
Oh grow up. They're playing politics and you're cheering them on.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Senator Collins will haul 'em all into a room by the ear and get them to compromise. She's probably been at it all night.
I sure hope so. The Dems would be masturbating to this bill had Pelosi come up with it, and zero credit could be given to the GOP. Remember when bipartisanship was the buzzword under Obama? Boy have things changed.
Pelosi says House will draft its own coronavirus funding bill
Senate Republicans and OUR President are trying to help the situation during this time of crisis, but House Democrats throw a monkey wrench into the motor again. Great job Pelosi on wasting precious time and resources trying to overturn election 2016 with your dumbassed impeachment. Bunch of buffoons.

So this was voted against in the senate with republicans joining to defeat it but it's Pelosi fault? Do you happen to know what was in that piece of shit legislation? I doubt it. Not much for anyone losing their jobs and small business but ton's of money for the big businesses that have been buying back their own stock for a couple of years.
Pelosi and Schumer didn't read this bill with the American people in mind. They read the bill, looking for something to attack Trump on. It's the same with everything. Democrats don't give a shit if they tank the economy. They're still obsessed with destroying Trump, even if it means throwing granny and the American worker to the dogs.
Here is Mconnell response.

The bill provided a multi-billion dollar slush fund to be paid out to businesses at the discretion of Steve Mnuchin and Donald Trump, with no accountability or strings attached. Since both Trump and Mnuchin has demonstrated an incredible capacity for corruption and self-dealing, it would be fiscally irresponsible to give these men billions of dollars to spend without accountability.

Thank you Nancy Pelosi.
Socialism! Save us!

We seen this before during 2016. Abortionists wailed that Trump wasn’t pro-life. Atheists tried to convince us he wasn’t Christian enough. The Pornigraphers in Hollywood claimed he wasn’t moral enough.
Now socialists warn us that trump isn't capitalist enough.

Never was very convincing. Thus...*President* Trump now:)
Nice rationalization.
Here is Mconnell response.

The bill provided a multi-billion dollar slush fund to be paid out to businesses at the discretion of Steve Mnuchin and Donald Trump, with no accountability or strings attached. Since both Trump and Mnuchin has demonstrated an incredible capacity for corruption and self-dealing, it would be fiscally irresponsible to give these men billions of dollars to spend without accountability.

Thank you Nancy Pelosi.
Actually it is the Dems trying to force us to nationalize our healthcare system since they failed previously. Saw Schumer talking about it. That is why they want to allow people to suffer longer, so they can get through their sick vision when they failed to before. Remember that.
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
/----/ "Republican slush fund to corporations!"
You realize that those evil corporations pay people to work for them, and if they go under, the employees will be out of work -- OH WAIT - that's exactly what you want.
Here is Mconnell response.

The bill provided a multi-billion dollar slush fund to be paid out to businesses at the discretion of Steve Mnuchin and Donald Trump, with no accountability or strings attached. Since both Trump and Mnuchin has demonstrated an incredible capacity for corruption and self-dealing, it would be fiscally irresponsible to give these men billions of dollars to spend without accountability.

Thank you Nancy Pelosi.
Right, trump is going to spend all that money on trump hotels. With an election looming, trump is going to give the money to his buddies, politically loading a gun, handing it to them dems, putting his mouth on the barrel, then using their finger to pull the trigger. That makes total sense.

There was a 30 hour period to discuss extra terms that the GOP would’ve signed off on anything just to get this passed. So either the dems who co-wrote this are evil scum as well, or this is just playing politics so the headline reads pelosi and house pass relief bill, instead of bipartisan relief bill passed in senate.
Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.

Everyone notice their term that won't fly: 'Bail out'

Penny that's pathetic. Enjoy your little run of being able to order us around; I expect Whitmer has about another week of it before we all rebel, say screw you and open up our businesses anyway

I know how deeply that will disappoint you
We'll see, Whitmer is doing a great job.

I think today and the next couple of days is the turning point on this. The fatality rate hovers at around 1% in the most affected states and, of course, nationwide. Not even CLOSE to being worth an economic disaster.

This is done for you doomsday lovers. Get over it.

Shows how much you value life, because in my book there is no heaven, there is nothing.
Nearly every industry is sending its lobbyists to ask Congress for handouts, including the private jet industry.

The coal industry wants permission to stop making payments to miners with black lung disease.

The hotel industry alone has requested a $150 billion bailout, which would help President Donald Trump endure the cancelled bookings at his resorts.
And we should know who gets a bail out.

Everyone notice their term that won't fly: 'Bail out'

Penny that's pathetic. Enjoy your little run of being able to order us around; I expect Whitmer has about another week of it before we all rebel, say screw you and open up our businesses anyway

I know how deeply that will disappoint you
We'll see, Whitmer is doing a great job.

I think today and the next couple of days is the turning point on this. The fatality rate hovers at around 1% in the most affected states and, of course, nationwide. Not even CLOSE to being worth an economic disaster.

This is done for you doomsday lovers. Get over it.

Shows how much you value life, because in my book there is no heaven, there is nothing. you are a Godless Heathen...............clears up a lot about you..........Why Lying doesn't bother you.

Informative post.......but there is no informative button............bummer
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
The evidence is in the numbers, unemployment at an all time low. I didn’t vote for trump, but he has more than surpassed my expectations concerning the economy. Slashing draconian regulation probably also helped instill confidence for business and investors. I don’t fully trust the economy, since a lot of it is being propped up...but that’s happening globally and we’re doing it the less than almost all European countries. If you aren’t impressed by the numbers, you’re just not paying attention. They’ve been pretty undeniable, until that whole pandemic thing.

Meanwhileback in reality, the DJIA climbed 149 percent under Obama and his regulations. The blob wasn’t on a pace to equal that performance before the virus hit. You were not paying attention.
After loosing half of its value, and over an 8 year period. Not much of an accomplishment when the only direction is up.
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I didn’t vote for the guy, but there’s a very clear jump when he takes office, and a steady climb continues. Also the Obama era stocks were pretty inflated, because all businesses were doing with the steady stream of QE was buying up their own stocks for 8 years. There still is some of that going on, but not to the same degree. The small and new business survival rates were abysmal under Obama, now they’re booming. Middle class income went up $4100 under trump, and only $1000 during the time bush and Obama era. Unemployment is at an all time low, did it steadily decline under Obama’s presidency, yes, but at a snails pace...and only after they changed how unemployment was measured. There’s a lot more metrics than just a single number.

Ahh...Obama gets no credit for fantastic results. I get where you’re coming from.

Still, if the regulations were supposedly strangling businesses...logic would indicate that the DJIA wouldn’t have more than doubled.
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!

horseshit, she was trying to get abortion funding included in the relief bill

Why TF is abortion the number one issue with democrats? Why is it so damn important to them to be able to kill unborn human beings at will?

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