Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

Itā€™s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesnā€™t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didnā€™t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi couldā€™ve made a bill, she didnā€™t. This was done so the GOP doesnā€™t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many wonā€™t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. Itā€™s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when itā€™s something they advocate for on a daily basis. Itā€™s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obamaā€™s in...but when thereā€™s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.

My guess is there is nothing frugal about McConnell's rewrite that was crafted without Democratic input. I'm guessing that's why Republican leadership redid the Pelosi/Mnuchin bill that they worked the entire last weekend on. While I'll hold judgement until I see what McConnell and the rest of his cronies dropped in the bill, I can speculate that it includes generous tax cuts for the same businesses and donors that benefitted from the last one while reducing benefits for working people. If that is the case, always good to see the Republican party has its priorities in line.

Nancy P is getting eviscerated for this and rightly so. The Democrats have been a no-show on this entire crisis and when they DO show up, it's with THIS.

You're gonna get destroyed in November at this point and you must know it

Always good to see the selective memory disorder that Republicans suffer from. Must give you some pleasure to be able to thump your chest for a few hours and deflect blame to the other side when your guy at the top has just been puking all over his shoes for the last two months. I'll wait to see what's been dropped in the bill. Mnuchin and the administration by proxy signed off on the bill they worked all of last weekend on. Then Mitch gets it and all the sudden it's like every other bill that shows up on his desk, magically altered or roundfiled. He's had this in his pocket all week. Where was your outrage then? Let's see what's been added or subtracted, then you can proclaim hollow political victories. Right now, nothing's changed.

I am sure all of this input cane from Democrats during negotiation. Nancy Pelosi blew it up at the last minute. I blame herself and Chuck for obstructing while America bleeds.
Socialism! Save us!
The government is shutting business down, while those business and workers are loosing money every minute, especially in their 401ks. Its not like this was their choice. Thereā€™s this thing called a pandemic going around. This is what a fed government is for, to provide relief when they do shit like shut everything down because thereā€™s a new virus thatā€™s going to be overrunning our hospitals if we donā€™t. Also, itā€™s not socialism if itā€™s temporary in a time of crisis dipshit, nor is it socialism in the first place...I mean I shouldnā€™t have to explain this, but socialism is government taking over the means production. Thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening, theyā€™re giving money to cities and states that are about to get their asses handed to them through unemployment. We donā€™t call it socialism when we go to war, or draft a new anti-terrorism security bill, because it isnā€™t. Itā€™s the federal government doing what itā€™s supposed too. Jesus fuck, Bernie Broā€™s are the stupidest people on the planet, they love socialism but donā€™t even know what it is. Just over-privileged white kids acting like over-privileged whities. The left 12 years ago used to be somewhat intellectual fueled by itā€™s just following bizarre trends that donā€™t even make any sense. Itā€™s like they all see the same meme and the same time and hop on the bandwagon all at the same time. No thinking involved, Iā€™ve never seen anything like it

The democrat party members of the press are pushing panic and hysteria....the democrat party members in congress are blocking aid in order to increase the panic and the economic collapse......the democrat party governors are shutting down their states to wreck the economy........

Articles at American Thinker point out that Dr. Fauci, or the new James Comey.......did not suggest closing schools, restaruants or the economy when he was in charge during the H1N1 flu outbreak....instead, he said the opposite....

It seems some viral infection pandemics are more equal than others. At least when it comes to burning a vibrant Trump economy to the ground.

In September 2009, after millions had become infected with the H1N1 influenza and thousands had died, some of whom were young people and children, a relaxed and unalarmed Dr. Anthony Fauci told an interviewer that people just need "to use good judgment."

"Parents should not send their kids to school if they're sick, if you're sick don't go to work ... avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing, now that's a difficult thing to do,ā€ he said. "...You can't isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season." Thatā€™s quite a change from the esteemed expertā€™s views on the current virus from China sweeping the world.

Additionally, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Dr. Fauci specifically mention restaurants and bars as hot spots for the transmission of the H1N1 virus as he does in his recent interview with Yahoo News: ā€œWhen I see crowded bars and crowded restaurants, it is a little bit unnerving,ā€ Fauci said. "Itā€™s clear that those are the situations that put people very much at risk." Talk about wielding power. Take a look around the country. Local and state officials have heeded Fauciā€™s ā€œunnervingā€ concern and ordered restaurants to close their dining areas, or adhere to a 10-person limit. In cities and small towns everywhere, the restaurant industry, which includes owners, suppliers, chefs, line cooks, waitstaff, and bartenders, has been decimated.

Restaurants and bar owners, along with their employees, are the hardest hit economically by the virus. In my city of Richmond, Virginia, 75% to 80% of restaurant staff have been laid off. One hundred restaurants have closed and those not following Governor Ralph ā€˜Blackface' Northam's 10-person limit have been advised they could lose their business licenses and possibly risk police action if they do not comply. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci lamented to Yahoo! News that he is unable to get his usual seven-mile daily run in due to his 19-hour days helping the American people, but he's hopeful "sometime soon weā€™ll get back to some normality where I can exercise the way I like to exercise."

Lastly, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Fauci use inflammatory, fear-inducing rhetoric, despite the number of H1N1-infected individuals, increased hospitalizations and deaths occurring at that time. Eleven years later, on March 11, 2020, Fauci is gung ho about COVID-19, warning lawmakers at a hearing on Capitol Hill: "Bottom line, it's going to get worse." Since then, the renowned AIDS epidemiologist has been seen daily at White House press conferences and on cable news shows reiterating this message to the public.

For all of Dr. Fauciā€™s daily appearances and scientific evaluations of the data, questions still abound. For example: Why did Dr. Fauci not sound the alarm in 2009 as urgently as he has done in 2020? Why did he not insist we 'force' hospitals to cancel elective tests and surgeries to save room for future infected patients during the H1N1 outbreak? Why did he pointedly target restaurants and bars in his concern for the spread of the coronavirus but not H1N1? As a specialist in infectious diseases, and as a self-described "man of science," why support the closing of schools, businesses, and home quarantine for one virus and not the other?
This isnā€™t comparable to H1N1. That was an influenza strain we hadnā€™t seen in a few decades. Many old people had immunity to it. This is a brand new disease, thatā€™s worse than influenza. Granted itā€™s not the plague, but what we donā€™t want is whatā€™s happening in Italy right now where they are denying treatment to people over 60 because their hospitals are overrun. Weā€™ll take my state as an example. Only 500 in PA have it now. Population is 12 million, so 2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic. 600,000-1.2 M are going to get rocked by this. And basically everyone else is going to have the flu for a week or 2. We know this does spread exponentially, the only trick is making sure it's a factor of 2 instead of 4-5, so hospitals can handle the influx. Basically what I'm saying is we haven't seen the real panic yet with only 500 cases recorded, and our shelves are already empty.

Now, what we have going against us vs Italy, or virtually anywhere else in the world, is we have a lot more risk factors. The top 3 risk factors for people are obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. We take home the gold in all 3 of those events. The states that are shutting down are currently getting rocked by this, but thatā€™s relative since weā€™ve barely scratched the surface on infections. This needs to be taken seriously, but we canā€™t have panic either.
All these posts................acting like they haven't seen the ENTIRE WORLD SHUT DOWN......

Yeah that happens everyday............:icon_rolleyes:
Who gives a shit about share buybacks and executive pay at a time like this? For anyone with a 401k, IRA, Mutual Fund, do we not benefit from a share buyback that increases the stock price? Regarding exec pay, now is not the time to be taking that on. Economic plans rooted in class envy fail.
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.
Workers need jobs

without employers there are no jobs for workers
If the big corporations did not get a government hand out, what would these big global corporations do? They would not allow the corporation to just fold.....

They have collateral, they would BORROW the money to get them back on their feet.

The federal reserve lowered interest rates FOR these big corporations to nearly ZERO %, 0.25%ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ for THEM to borrow at near nothing, so they can survive.

The small businesses, who employ most in this Nation, and don't have this cheap money to borrow because they do not have enough collateral, is who needs the help...imo
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Senator Collins will haul 'em all into a room by the ear and get them to compromise. She's probably been at it all night.
Reportedly pelosi is holding out for Green New Deal pork and green arm-twisting

she thinks she has repubs over a barrel and expects them to cave, but Iā€™m not so sure
This isnā€™t comparable to H1N1.

That much I can agree with. This isn't as deadly, by any stretch of the word.

The 2% or 3% numbers being bandied about are bullshit. The reason why is that the number of infected individuals is many times more than the 30,000 or so official "positives".

3 out of 535 congresspeople are infected, if the same proportion of the general public is infected, the number is well north of a million and close to 2 million. That reduces the death considerably.
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.
Workers need jobs

without employers there are no jobs for workers
If the big corporations did not get a government hand out, what would these big global corporations do? They would not allow the corporation to just fold.....

They have collateral, they would BORROW the money to get them back on their feet.

The federal reserve lowered interest rates FOR these big corporations to nearly ZERO %, 0.25%ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ for THEM to borrow at near nothing, so they can survive.

The small businesses, who employ most in this Nation, and don't have this cheap money to borrow because they do not have enough collateral, is who needs the help...imo
Thatā€™s where itā€™s said to be going. But also, collateral doesnā€™t do much when nobody is able to put up the money even with collateral.
This isnā€™t comparable to H1N1.

That much I can agree with. This isn't as deadly, by any stretch of the word.

The 2% or 3% numbers being bandied about are bullshit. The reason why is that the number of infected individuals is many times more than the 30,000 or so official "positives".

3 out of 535 congresspeople are infected, if the same proportion of the general public is infected, the number is well north of a million and close to 2 million. That reduces the death considerably.
Weā€™ve only scratched the surface on the amount infected. So any numbers you see today arenā€™t going to mean didly squat in 2 weeks, a month, or 3 months. Now I hope new treatments will lower the death rate. But the amount of people that are going to need treatment is enough to overwhelm hospitals if too many of them catch it within a month or two of each other, which is certainly a possibility, maybe bordering on likely. We also have more at risk people than the rest world. Not a lot of fat diabetics walking around Italy, China, and Korea, so who knows what our numbers are going to look like.
I think itā€™s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, itā€™s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when itā€™s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, itā€™s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.
I think itā€™s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, itā€™s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when itā€™s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, itā€™s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.
The corrupt liberal news media are worried that trump is getting too much face time on TV and its causing his poll numbers to rise

so now they dont want to televise his daily press conference
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Since you wrote 3,000$, and not the correct $3,000 I take it you are illiterate or not from this country. Which is it?
Iā€™m an RN, and English is my first language, not my major, you racist fuck. Do I need to do an accent test for you? If I pronounce my Lā€™s as Lā€™s instead of Rā€™s do I get to be considered Japanese-American then? Oh I also write dates as DD-MM-YY, but thatā€™s the way work makes me, so I guess that means Iā€™m foreign. Get bent, and choke to death on my nuts.

Bloviating aside, it's still $3,000, not 3,000$.
RW's give the simpletons a $1000 bucks - in most cases that wont pay 1 months rent -

while Trumps collective is busy humping each others leg, and kissing his fat ass, he is busy padding big business bank accts - its called throw the puppies a bone and let the big dogs eat.
This is just another example of democrats not caring about anything but themselves....

The Dems blocked it because they wanted every family to have at least 2 abortions a year...

Damn you Nancy!!!!!
Why people keep claiming this is about abortion is baffling to me -- unless they don't mind being outright liars....

There are now 5 GOP senators in SQ --- one of them actually has the virus -- which means the GOP majority is now 48-47 --- now there is a bill that will allow for remote voting, but guess who opposed it?? Moscow Mitch....

So the Democrats don't want this package to be just another bailout for corporations in which they can use that money to do stock-buy backs while still laying off workers that the bill was SUPPOSED to be helping....I am sure the GOP will claim the Democrats created the virus to kill Americans or whatever BS they lying about this week -- and the Dems will cave and the bill will pass with no oversight on the corporations..

"Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed that message, saying that there is "great unhappiness" in the Democratic caucus about the proposal as it currently stands. The Massachusetts senator cited the proposed $500 billion fund for distressed companies, which she complained lacked restrictions."This is not a bipartisan proposal," Warren said. "This is a Republican proposal."

The Mexicrats won't pass a single Bill without being certain that wetbacks and or the filthiest among us are the clear beneficiaries.
The new America...welcome.
Unfortunately, we are probably going to have to wait for her to present a separate bill. Let's see what is in her version and debate it if we must.
Markets are already tanking, and are going to drop like a meteor tomorrow because because this bill was supposed to be passed. Now we have to wait another week for this to pass congress, and then the senate.

Firstly, $1.8T isn't nearly enough. Because of asswipes mismanagement, unemployment is going to be 30%+, the American Worker needs much more help than businesses who are insured for this. Good for Pelosi for stepping up for the little guy which is YOU.
This fits right in with democrats putting dangerous criminals on the streets, destroy the country kill as many Americans as possible.
RW's give the simpletons a $1000 bucks - in most cases that wont pay 1 months rent -

while Trumps collective is busy humping each others leg, and kissing his fat ass, he is busy padding big business bank accts - its called throw the puppies a bone and let the big dogs eat.

Actually 1000 would pay close to 2 months rent in large swaths of Americana.

Further, this is NOT intended to be a longterm down fall of the American economy. Within a relatively short time, America intends to be more tremendous than ever.
Unfortunately, we are probably going to have to wait for her to present a separate bill. Let's see what is in her version and debate it if we must.
Markets are already tanking, and are going to drop like a meteor tomorrow because because this bill was supposed to be passed. Now we have to wait another week for this to pass congress, and then the senate.

Firstly, $1.8T isn't nearly enough. Because of asswipes mismanagement, unemployment is going to be 30%+, the American Worker needs much more help than businesses who are insured for this. Good for Pelosi for stepping up for the little guy which is YOU.

How do Libs plan to PAY for an even more massive giveaway? Libs are such deficit hawks, they should have a plan on where to cut
NOT a half trillion for corporations

They employ people, as do small businesses

Your Democrats made a big fat blunder, while Trump is looking better and better here
Small business employs over 60% of the work force. They have VERY little ability to withstand loss of revenue.

Corporations (who have been enjoying record profits) employ obviously far less but THEY are offered 500 billion and small business gets the crumbs
Well, I don't see why we should want Munchkin secretly handing out 500 billion to undisclosed corporations (undisclosed till after the election, btw) that can be used for stock repurchases that make the stock more valuable. That's simply a gift to the 1% with no econ benefit to the econ as a whole.

On the other hand, the dems view this as a opportunity do limit corp officers salaries, increase gas mileage standards, solar tax breaks and more power for unions to bargain. The Rat bastards are using people's futures for their socialized agenda.

So ā€¦. fuck em all.

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