Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

Unfortunately, we are probably going to have to wait for her to present a separate bill. Let's see what is in her version and debate it if we must.
Markets are already tanking, and are going to drop like a meteor tomorrow because because this bill was supposed to be passed. Now we have to wait another week for this to pass congress, and then the senate.

Firstly, $1.8T isn't nearly enough. Because of asswipes mismanagement, unemployment is going to be 30%+, the American Worker needs much more help than businesses who are insured for this. Good for Pelosi for stepping up for the little guy which is YOU.
So itā€™s Ok for Obama to give trillions in stimulus for bail-outs of companies practicing lunatic business practicing fucking over a lot of people because theyā€™re too big to fail...But when thereā€™s a pandemic and mandatory shutdowns of businesses, many of which are going to be the small ones that donā€™t have the resources to pivot or survive in the shutdown, suddenly we should all clap for that not going through. Makes total sense.

And no shit 1.8 trillion isnā€™t going to be enough. But itā€™s a start. We donā€™t know whose gonna need how much and when. This wouldā€™ve put money in the pockets of Americans immediately rather than waiting for the month itā€™s going to take for them to go through the unemployment application process. Thatā€™s if all goes smoothly at the unemployment offices that are going to be seeing over a 150% increase in traffic.
Socialism! Save us!
The government is shutting business down, while those business and workers are loosing money every minute, especially in their 401ks. Its not like this was their choice. Thereā€™s this thing called a pandemic going around. This is what a fed government is for, to provide relief when they do shit like shut everything down because thereā€™s a new virus thatā€™s going to be overrunning our hospitals if we donā€™t. Also, itā€™s not socialism if itā€™s temporary in a time of crisis dipshit, nor is it socialism in the first place...I mean I shouldnā€™t have to explain this, but socialism is government taking over the means production. Thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening, theyā€™re giving money to cities and states that are about to get their asses handed to them through unemployment. We donā€™t call it socialism when we go to war, or draft a new anti-terrorism security bill, because it isnā€™t. Itā€™s the federal government doing what itā€™s supposed too. Jesus fuck, Bernie Broā€™s are the stupidest people on the planet, they love socialism but donā€™t even know what it is. Just over-privileged white kids acting like over-privileged whities. The left 12 years ago used to be somewhat intellectual fueled by itā€™s just following bizarre trends that donā€™t even make any sense. Itā€™s like they all see the same meme and the same time and hop on the bandwagon all at the same time. No thinking involved, Iā€™ve never seen anything like it

The democrat party members of the press are pushing panic and hysteria....the democrat party members in congress are blocking aid in order to increase the panic and the economic collapse......the democrat party governors are shutting down their states to wreck the economy........

Articles at American Thinker point out that Dr. Fauci, or the new James Comey.......did not suggest closing schools, restaruants or the economy when he was in charge during the H1N1 flu outbreak....instead, he said the opposite....

It seems some viral infection pandemics are more equal than others. At least when it comes to burning a vibrant Trump economy to the ground.

In September 2009, after millions had become infected with the H1N1 influenza and thousands had died, some of whom were young people and children, a relaxed and unalarmed Dr. Anthony Fauci told an interviewer that people just need "to use good judgment."

"Parents should not send their kids to school if they're sick, if you're sick don't go to work ... avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing, now that's a difficult thing to do,ā€ he said. "...You can't isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season." Thatā€™s quite a change from the esteemed expertā€™s views on the current virus from China sweeping the world.

Additionally, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Dr. Fauci specifically mention restaurants and bars as hot spots for the transmission of the H1N1 virus as he does in his recent interview with Yahoo News: ā€œWhen I see crowded bars and crowded restaurants, it is a little bit unnerving,ā€ Fauci said. "Itā€™s clear that those are the situations that put people very much at risk." Talk about wielding power. Take a look around the country. Local and state officials have heeded Fauciā€™s ā€œunnervingā€ concern and ordered restaurants to close their dining areas, or adhere to a 10-person limit. In cities and small towns everywhere, the restaurant industry, which includes owners, suppliers, chefs, line cooks, waitstaff, and bartenders, has been decimated.

Restaurants and bar owners, along with their employees, are the hardest hit economically by the virus. In my city of Richmond, Virginia, 75% to 80% of restaurant staff have been laid off. One hundred restaurants have closed and those not following Governor Ralph ā€˜Blackface' Northam's 10-person limit have been advised they could lose their business licenses and possibly risk police action if they do not comply. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci lamented to Yahoo! News that he is unable to get his usual seven-mile daily run in due to his 19-hour days helping the American people, but he's hopeful "sometime soon weā€™ll get back to some normality where I can exercise the way I like to exercise."

Lastly, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Fauci use inflammatory, fear-inducing rhetoric, despite the number of H1N1-infected individuals, increased hospitalizations and deaths occurring at that time. Eleven years later, on March 11, 2020, Fauci is gung ho about COVID-19, warning lawmakers at a hearing on Capitol Hill: "Bottom line, it's going to get worse." Since then, the renowned AIDS epidemiologist has been seen daily at White House press conferences and on cable news shows reiterating this message to the public.

For all of Dr. Fauciā€™s daily appearances and scientific evaluations of the data, questions still abound. For example: Why did Dr. Fauci not sound the alarm in 2009 as urgently as he has done in 2020? Why did he not insist we 'force' hospitals to cancel elective tests and surgeries to save room for future infected patients during the H1N1 outbreak? Why did he pointedly target restaurants and bars in his concern for the spread of the coronavirus but not H1N1? As a specialist in infectious diseases, and as a self-described "man of science," why support the closing of schools, businesses, and home quarantine for one virus and not the other?
This isnā€™t comparable to H1N1. That was an influenza strain we hadnā€™t seen in a few decades. Many old people had immunity to it. This is a brand new disease, thatā€™s worse than influenza. Granted itā€™s not the plague, but what we donā€™t want is whatā€™s happening in Italy right now where they are denying treatment to people over 60 because their hospitals are overrun. Weā€™ll take my state as an example. Only 500 in PA have it now. Population is 12 million, so 2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic. 600,000-1.2 M are going to get rocked by this. And basically everyone else is going to have the flu for a week or 2. We know this does spread exponentially, the only trick is making sure it's a factor of 2 instead of 4-5, so hospitals can handle the influx. Basically what I'm saying is we haven't seen the real panic yet with only 500 cases recorded, and our shelves are already empty.

Now, what we have going against us vs Italy, or virtually anywhere else in the world, is we have a lot more risk factors. The top 3 risk factors for people are obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. We take home the gold in all 3 of those events. The states that are shutting down are currently getting rocked by this, but thatā€™s relative since weā€™ve barely scratched the surface on infections. This needs to be taken seriously, but we canā€™t have panic either.
2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic.
According to researchers, people are only contagious for the 24 hours before getting sick, when the viral load has reached Go. So I wonder about this "silent carriers" number. Am I missing something?
Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.

How is a worker being protected if they are being put permanently out of work? Even if they get a welfare check?

There is nothing wrong with ensuring the money does not go to stock buybacks and CEO salaries. You are a corporate shill.
Unfortunately, we are probably going to have to wait for her to present a separate bill. Let's see what is in her version and debate it if we must.
Markets are already tanking, and are going to drop like a meteor tomorrow because because this bill was supposed to be passed. Now we have to wait another week for this to pass congress, and then the senate.

Firstly, $1.8T isn't nearly enough. Because of asswipes mismanagement, unemployment is going to be 30%+, the American Worker needs much more help than businesses who are insured for this. Good for Pelosi for stepping up for the little guy which is YOU.
So itā€™s Ok for Obama to give trillions in stimulus for bail-outs of companies practicing lunatic business practicing fucking over a lot of people because theyā€™re too big to fail...But when thereā€™s a pandemic and mandatory shutdowns of businesses, many of which are going to be the small ones that donā€™t have the resources to pivot or survive in the shutdown, suddenly we should all clap for that not going through. Makes total sense.

And no shit 1.8 trillion isnā€™t going to be enough. But itā€™s a start. We donā€™t know whose gonna need how much and when. This wouldā€™ve put money in the pockets of Americans immediately rather than waiting for the month itā€™s going to take for them to go through the unemployment application process. Thatā€™s if all goes smoothly at the unemployment offices that are going to be seeing over a 150% increase in traffic.

wait until the epidemic is over then address each sector according to their degree of damage -

Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies arenā€™t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom arenā€™t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company thatā€™s been doing great. Heā€™s probably going to go out of business because heā€™s renting a lot of heavy machinery thatā€™s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Letā€™s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesnā€™t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. Itā€™s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and arenā€™t even sure if theyā€™ll come back to a job after this is done.

You need to use your brains. Republicans tried to help their big corporate donors and they got caught. Republicans are responsible for this.
Shame on Pelosi and the house dems...this bill has money for supplies in it and she wants to play whack a mole with it....dems can any of you dems here go along with this?....
Socialism! Save us!
The government is shutting business down, while those business and workers are loosing money every minute, especially in their 401ks. Its not like this was their choice. Thereā€™s this thing called a pandemic going around. This is what a fed government is for, to provide relief when they do shit like shut everything down because thereā€™s a new virus thatā€™s going to be overrunning our hospitals if we donā€™t. Also, itā€™s not socialism if itā€™s temporary in a time of crisis dipshit, nor is it socialism in the first place...I mean I shouldnā€™t have to explain this, but socialism is government taking over the means production. Thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening, theyā€™re giving money to cities and states that are about to get their asses handed to them through unemployment. We donā€™t call it socialism when we go to war, or draft a new anti-terrorism security bill, because it isnā€™t. Itā€™s the federal government doing what itā€™s supposed too. Jesus fuck, Bernie Broā€™s are the stupidest people on the planet, they love socialism but donā€™t even know what it is. Just over-privileged white kids acting like over-privileged whities. The left 12 years ago used to be somewhat intellectual fueled by itā€™s just following bizarre trends that donā€™t even make any sense. Itā€™s like they all see the same meme and the same time and hop on the bandwagon all at the same time. No thinking involved, Iā€™ve never seen anything like it

The democrat party members of the press are pushing panic and hysteria....the democrat party members in congress are blocking aid in order to increase the panic and the economic collapse......the democrat party governors are shutting down their states to wreck the economy........

Articles at American Thinker point out that Dr. Fauci, or the new James Comey.......did not suggest closing schools, restaruants or the economy when he was in charge during the H1N1 flu outbreak....instead, he said the opposite....

It seems some viral infection pandemics are more equal than others. At least when it comes to burning a vibrant Trump economy to the ground.

In September 2009, after millions had become infected with the H1N1 influenza and thousands had died, some of whom were young people and children, a relaxed and unalarmed Dr. Anthony Fauci told an interviewer that people just need "to use good judgment."

"Parents should not send their kids to school if they're sick, if you're sick don't go to work ... avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing, now that's a difficult thing to do,ā€ he said. "...You can't isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season." Thatā€™s quite a change from the esteemed expertā€™s views on the current virus from China sweeping the world.

Additionally, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Dr. Fauci specifically mention restaurants and bars as hot spots for the transmission of the H1N1 virus as he does in his recent interview with Yahoo News: ā€œWhen I see crowded bars and crowded restaurants, it is a little bit unnerving,ā€ Fauci said. "Itā€™s clear that those are the situations that put people very much at risk." Talk about wielding power. Take a look around the country. Local and state officials have heeded Fauciā€™s ā€œunnervingā€ concern and ordered restaurants to close their dining areas, or adhere to a 10-person limit. In cities and small towns everywhere, the restaurant industry, which includes owners, suppliers, chefs, line cooks, waitstaff, and bartenders, has been decimated.

Restaurants and bar owners, along with their employees, are the hardest hit economically by the virus. In my city of Richmond, Virginia, 75% to 80% of restaurant staff have been laid off. One hundred restaurants have closed and those not following Governor Ralph ā€˜Blackface' Northam's 10-person limit have been advised they could lose their business licenses and possibly risk police action if they do not comply. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci lamented to Yahoo! News that he is unable to get his usual seven-mile daily run in due to his 19-hour days helping the American people, but he's hopeful "sometime soon weā€™ll get back to some normality where I can exercise the way I like to exercise."

Lastly, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Fauci use inflammatory, fear-inducing rhetoric, despite the number of H1N1-infected individuals, increased hospitalizations and deaths occurring at that time. Eleven years later, on March 11, 2020, Fauci is gung ho about COVID-19, warning lawmakers at a hearing on Capitol Hill: "Bottom line, it's going to get worse." Since then, the renowned AIDS epidemiologist has been seen daily at White House press conferences and on cable news shows reiterating this message to the public.

For all of Dr. Fauciā€™s daily appearances and scientific evaluations of the data, questions still abound. For example: Why did Dr. Fauci not sound the alarm in 2009 as urgently as he has done in 2020? Why did he not insist we 'force' hospitals to cancel elective tests and surgeries to save room for future infected patients during the H1N1 outbreak? Why did he pointedly target restaurants and bars in his concern for the spread of the coronavirus but not H1N1? As a specialist in infectious diseases, and as a self-described "man of science," why support the closing of schools, businesses, and home quarantine for one virus and not the other?
This isnā€™t comparable to H1N1. That was an influenza strain we hadnā€™t seen in a few decades. Many old people had immunity to it. This is a brand new disease, thatā€™s worse than influenza. Granted itā€™s not the plague, but what we donā€™t want is whatā€™s happening in Italy right now where they are denying treatment to people over 60 because their hospitals are overrun. Weā€™ll take my state as an example. Only 500 in PA have it now. Population is 12 million, so 2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic. 600,000-1.2 M are going to get rocked by this. And basically everyone else is going to have the flu for a week or 2. We know this does spread exponentially, the only trick is making sure it's a factor of 2 instead of 4-5, so hospitals can handle the influx. Basically what I'm saying is we haven't seen the real panic yet with only 500 cases recorded, and our shelves are already empty.

Now, what we have going against us vs Italy, or virtually anywhere else in the world, is we have a lot more risk factors. The top 3 risk factors for people are obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. We take home the gold in all 3 of those events. The states that are shutting down are currently getting rocked by this, but thatā€™s relative since weā€™ve barely scratched the surface on infections. This needs to be taken seriously, but we canā€™t have panic either.
2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic.
According to researchers, people are only contagious for the 24 hours before getting sick, when the viral load has reached Go. So I wonder about this "silent carriers" number. Am I missing something?
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™ve been hearing. Iā€™ve heard a week before symptoms show youā€™re contagious. Iā€™m sure you get more contagious as time passes. But if it was only 24 hours before symptoms show, that seems like it would be so much easier to contain than what weā€™re seeing. Where have you seen this?
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies arenā€™t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom arenā€™t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company thatā€™s been doing great. Heā€™s probably going to go out of business because heā€™s renting a lot of heavy machinery thatā€™s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Letā€™s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesnā€™t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. Itā€™s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and arenā€™t even sure if theyā€™ll come back to a job after this is done.

You need to use your brains. Republicans tried to help their big corporate donors and they got caught. Republicans are responsible for this.
Bullshit...pure bullshit.....
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies arenā€™t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom arenā€™t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company thatā€™s been doing great. Heā€™s probably going to go out of business because heā€™s renting a lot of heavy machinery thatā€™s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Letā€™s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesnā€™t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. Itā€™s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and arenā€™t even sure if theyā€™ll come back to a job after this is done.

You need to use your brains. Republicans tried to help their big corporate donors and they got caught. Republicans are responsible for this.

Actually, the big corporate donors are all leftists. Bloomberg, Bezos, Gates, Buffett, Carlos Slim.

Not Republicans at all
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.
Workers need jobs

without employers there are no jobs for workers
If the big corporations did not get a government hand out, what would these big global corporations do? They would not allow the corporation to just fold.....

They have collateral, they would BORROW the money to get them back on their feet.

The federal reserve lowered interest rates FOR these big corporations to nearly ZERO %, 0.25%ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ for THEM to borrow at near nothing, so they can survive.

The small businesses, who employ most in this Nation, and don't have this cheap money to borrow because they do not have enough collateral, is who needs the help...imo
:26:Thatā€™s interesting.
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies arenā€™t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom arenā€™t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company thatā€™s been doing great. Heā€™s probably going to go out of business because heā€™s renting a lot of heavy machinery thatā€™s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Letā€™s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesnā€™t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. Itā€™s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and arenā€™t even sure if theyā€™ll come back to a job after this is done.

You need to use your brains. Republicans tried to help their big corporate donors and they got caught. Republicans are responsible for this.
The left with lenders, banks, and loan insurance companies after the 2007 crash they caused: ā€œtoo big to fail, they need stimulus, hereā€™s a trillion dollars.ā€

The left when thereā€™s a global pandemic trashing the world economy, and mandatory shut down of businesses the vast majority of them small businesses, with circumstances outside of their control: ā€œfuck themā€
I think itā€™s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, itā€™s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when itā€™s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, itā€™s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Socialism! Save us!
The government is shutting business down, while those business and workers are loosing money every minute, especially in their 401ks. Its not like this was their choice. Thereā€™s this thing called a pandemic going around. This is what a fed government is for, to provide relief when they do shit like shut everything down because thereā€™s a new virus thatā€™s going to be overrunning our hospitals if we donā€™t. Also, itā€™s not socialism if itā€™s temporary in a time of crisis dipshit, nor is it socialism in the first place...I mean I shouldnā€™t have to explain this, but socialism is government taking over the means production. Thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening, theyā€™re giving money to cities and states that are about to get their asses handed to them through unemployment. We donā€™t call it socialism when we go to war, or draft a new anti-terrorism security bill, because it isnā€™t. Itā€™s the federal government doing what itā€™s supposed too. Jesus fuck, Bernie Broā€™s are the stupidest people on the planet, they love socialism but donā€™t even know what it is. Just over-privileged white kids acting like over-privileged whities. The left 12 years ago used to be somewhat intellectual fueled by itā€™s just following bizarre trends that donā€™t even make any sense. Itā€™s like they all see the same meme and the same time and hop on the bandwagon all at the same time. No thinking involved, Iā€™ve never seen anything like it

The democrat party members of the press are pushing panic and hysteria....the democrat party members in congress are blocking aid in order to increase the panic and the economic collapse......the democrat party governors are shutting down their states to wreck the economy........

Articles at American Thinker point out that Dr. Fauci, or the new James Comey.......did not suggest closing schools, restaruants or the economy when he was in charge during the H1N1 flu outbreak....instead, he said the opposite....

It seems some viral infection pandemics are more equal than others. At least when it comes to burning a vibrant Trump economy to the ground.

In September 2009, after millions had become infected with the H1N1 influenza and thousands had died, some of whom were young people and children, a relaxed and unalarmed Dr. Anthony Fauci told an interviewer that people just need "to use good judgment."

"Parents should not send their kids to school if they're sick, if you're sick don't go to work ... avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing, now that's a difficult thing to do,ā€ he said. "...You can't isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season." Thatā€™s quite a change from the esteemed expertā€™s views on the current virus from China sweeping the world.

Additionally, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Dr. Fauci specifically mention restaurants and bars as hot spots for the transmission of the H1N1 virus as he does in his recent interview with Yahoo News: ā€œWhen I see crowded bars and crowded restaurants, it is a little bit unnerving,ā€ Fauci said. "Itā€™s clear that those are the situations that put people very much at risk." Talk about wielding power. Take a look around the country. Local and state officials have heeded Fauciā€™s ā€œunnervingā€ concern and ordered restaurants to close their dining areas, or adhere to a 10-person limit. In cities and small towns everywhere, the restaurant industry, which includes owners, suppliers, chefs, line cooks, waitstaff, and bartenders, has been decimated.

Restaurants and bar owners, along with their employees, are the hardest hit economically by the virus. In my city of Richmond, Virginia, 75% to 80% of restaurant staff have been laid off. One hundred restaurants have closed and those not following Governor Ralph ā€˜Blackface' Northam's 10-person limit have been advised they could lose their business licenses and possibly risk police action if they do not comply. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci lamented to Yahoo! News that he is unable to get his usual seven-mile daily run in due to his 19-hour days helping the American people, but he's hopeful "sometime soon weā€™ll get back to some normality where I can exercise the way I like to exercise."

Lastly, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Fauci use inflammatory, fear-inducing rhetoric, despite the number of H1N1-infected individuals, increased hospitalizations and deaths occurring at that time. Eleven years later, on March 11, 2020, Fauci is gung ho about COVID-19, warning lawmakers at a hearing on Capitol Hill: "Bottom line, it's going to get worse." Since then, the renowned AIDS epidemiologist has been seen daily at White House press conferences and on cable news shows reiterating this message to the public.

For all of Dr. Fauciā€™s daily appearances and scientific evaluations of the data, questions still abound. For example: Why did Dr. Fauci not sound the alarm in 2009 as urgently as he has done in 2020? Why did he not insist we 'force' hospitals to cancel elective tests and surgeries to save room for future infected patients during the H1N1 outbreak? Why did he pointedly target restaurants and bars in his concern for the spread of the coronavirus but not H1N1? As a specialist in infectious diseases, and as a self-described "man of science," why support the closing of schools, businesses, and home quarantine for one virus and not the other?
This isnā€™t comparable to H1N1. That was an influenza strain we hadnā€™t seen in a few decades. Many old people had immunity to it. This is a brand new disease, thatā€™s worse than influenza. Granted itā€™s not the plague, but what we donā€™t want is whatā€™s happening in Italy right now where they are denying treatment to people over 60 because their hospitals are overrun. Weā€™ll take my state as an example. Only 500 in PA have it now. Population is 12 million, so 2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic. 600,000-1.2 M are going to get rocked by this. And basically everyone else is going to have the flu for a week or 2. We know this does spread exponentially, the only trick is making sure it's a factor of 2 instead of 4-5, so hospitals can handle the influx. Basically what I'm saying is we haven't seen the real panic yet with only 500 cases recorded, and our shelves are already empty.

Now, what we have going against us vs Italy, or virtually anywhere else in the world, is we have a lot more risk factors. The top 3 risk factors for people are obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. We take home the gold in all 3 of those events. The states that are shutting down are currently getting rocked by this, but thatā€™s relative since weā€™ve barely scratched the surface on infections. This needs to be taken seriously, but we canā€™t have panic either.
2.5 million (20%) won't show symptoms, but become carriers which is problematic.
According to researchers, people are only contagious for the 24 hours before getting sick, when the viral load has reached Go. So I wonder about this "silent carriers" number. Am I missing something?
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™ve been hearing. Iā€™ve heard a week before symptoms show youā€™re contagious. Iā€™m sure you get more contagious as time passes. But if it was only 24 hours before symptoms show, that seems like it would be so much easier to contain than what weā€™re seeing. Where have you seen this?
Earlier this week; pretty sure it was on NPR Radio, but I have also read it in articles about the virus. They were researchers from the UK. I googled the question and pulled up an article on CNN that said different experts have different views on the subject. Some say it is not a significant factor in the spread; others say it is, especially those people with very mild cases who may not even slow down. This is all new to them, too.
RW's give the simpletons a $1000 bucks - in most cases that wont pay 1 months rent -

while Trumps collective is busy humping each others leg, and kissing his fat ass, he is busy padding big business bank accts - its called throw the puppies a bone and let the big dogs eat.

Actually 1000 would pay close to 2 months rent in large swaths of Americana.

Further, this is NOT intended to be a longterm down fall of the American economy. Within a relatively short time, America intends to be more tremendous than ever.

Not anywhere the majority of Americans live.
I think itā€™s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, itā€™s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when itā€™s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, itā€™s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis
Unfortunately, we are probably going to have to wait for her to present a separate bill. Let's see what is in her version and debate it if we must.
Markets are already tanking, and are going to drop like a meteor tomorrow because because this bill was supposed to be passed. Now we have to wait another week for this to pass congress, and then the senate.

Firstly, $1.8T isn't nearly enough. Because of asswipes mismanagement, unemployment is going to be 30%+, the American Worker needs much more help than businesses who are insured for this. Good for Pelosi for stepping up for the little guy which is YOU.

How do Libs plan to PAY for an even more massive giveaway? Libs are such deficit hawks, they should have a plan on where to cut

Asswipe is YOUR mistake, you figure it out.

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