Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
Legislation must pass both houses of Congress.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted Pelosi expresses concerns about a measure that doesn’t take into consideration the needs of American workers.
You dumbshits...there was time designed into the bill to discuss the items in the bill. This was a block, that didn’t accomplish anything other than a block...During a fucking global pandemic. BTW a bill that Dems co-authored, and that the GOP made concessions on almost every aspect of the bill. Pelosi could’ve made a bill, she didn’t. This was done so the GOP doesn’t get credit, but of course that shit only matters to the dems during a fucking pandemic. Basically half a Trillion goes straight to the people, another half of a Trillion go to the states and cities to help cover the unemployment, so also the people. Then the rest go to business so people hopefully have jobs to come back to after this is over. NEWS FLASH: many won’t. As well as to the states in their effort to fight the pandemic. It’s funny how the left chose this single moment to all of a sudden care about the government picking winners and losers, when it’s something they advocate for on a daily basis. It’s totally fine to spend 1.8 trillion stimulus on business that fucked themselves for being shitty companies when Obama’s in...but when there’s a pandemic and we shut down everything possible, now we need to be frugal. Totally not political maneuvering during an unprecedented global crises.

My guess is there is nothing frugal about McConnell's rewrite that was crafted without Democratic input. I'm guessing that's why Republican leadership redid the Pelosi/Mnuchin bill that they worked the entire last weekend on. While I'll hold judgement until I see what McConnell and the rest of his cronies dropped in the bill, I can speculate that it includes generous tax cuts for the same businesses and donors that benefitted from the last one while reducing benefits for working people. If that is the case, always good to see the Republican party has its priorities in line.

Nancy P is getting eviscerated for this and rightly so. The Democrats have been a no-show on this entire crisis and when they DO show up, it's with THIS.

You're gonna get destroyed in November at this point and you must know it

Always good to see the selective memory disorder that Republicans suffer from. Must give you some pleasure to be able to thump your chest for a few hours and deflect blame to the other side when your guy at the top has just been puking all over his shoes for the last two months. I'll wait to see what's been dropped in the bill. Mnuchin and the administration by proxy signed off on the bill they worked all of last weekend on. Then Mitch gets it and all the sudden it's like every other bill that shows up on his desk, magically altered or roundfiled. He's had this in his pocket all week. Where was your outrage then? Let's see what's been added or subtracted, then you can proclaim hollow political victories. Right now, nothing's changed.
What people remember prior to now, is wholly irrelevant. 100s of thousands of Americans were on the edge of their seat, most scared to death by the media, and lack of work; waiting for, and depending on this bill to pass, and the checks to start being sent out. And they know Nancy Pelosi stopped it from happening. That's all the majority of americans know. Its all they're likely to care about. And you can be damned sure that they will remember that...

Honestly, after two months of Trump fuck ups, NOW you're worried about the damage to people and their lives? We could have been way ahead of the curve dealing with this if not for the Trump enablers who allowed their deal leader to dismiss, deflect, campaign, and scream " this is their latest hoax!". And yes people do remember. They'll remember who was sitting in the White House and who DIDN"T act for almost two months while people got sick.

Well right now, they approve.

Let's see what they think of Nancy's little stunt here....I predict, they will hate it. I also predict it will make this pandemic look weaker than shutting down the economy. I predict we start getting back to work aside from the most affected areas, and very soon. Like, next week


We'll see. I've had multiple conversations with two relatives who are actually on the front lines of this outbreak, literally taking their lives in their own hands when they see a patient. They tell me that this is the critical week. We find out by the end of this week if we survive this or not. They tell me they don't have enough protective equipment and their colleagues are now starting to get sick, putting them under even more pressure. If Trump takes action in January, totally shutting down the economy might not have been necessary. You let people back out in groups too soon and that curve that was starting to flatten all the sudden rises up like a roller coaster hill again.

And let me ask you something. How are they "Literally taking their lives in their own hands" when they see patients? Is this Bubonic Plague? Is it Ebola? Are they immuno compromised? Are they very old? I mean what is their REAL risk?

Why do liberals have to pant and preen and panic about EVERYthing?
The 34 year old doctor in China, who was the whistle blower on the virus, is now dead from the virus.

Getting healthcare workers sick with the virus, makes others in the hospital catch it while they are unaware they have caught it, then once they know they've caught it, they are quarantine and taken OFF the battlefield to help others.

HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS? Sheesh...What is wrong with you? Holy Smokes you are one, messed up girl....!!!!! :eek:

I do know that. It is a risk of the job. When you go into healthcare, YOU KNOW YOU WILL BE WORKING WITH SICK AND INFECTIOUS PEOPLE

It is a known risk. Outside of that, they do not have any of the particular risk factors.
Yea but pandemics and short staffed hospitals don’t mix well. Especially considering hospitals run at 80-90% capacity when there isn’t a global pandemic. And it’s not like cancer, strokes, and heart attacks are going to take a break while this is going on. The patients sick enough to be in the hospital in the first place are all risk factors.

What we don’t want is what’s happening in Italy, where they are basically denying treatment to everyone over 60...Because they got overwhelmed. 700 people in 1 day died of the virus in Italy this weekend.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
The evidence is in the numbers, unemployment at an all time low. I didn’t vote for trump, but he has more than surpassed my expectations concerning the economy. Slashing draconian regulation probably also helped instill confidence for business and investors. I don’t fully trust the economy, since a lot of it is being propped up...but that’s happening globally and we’re doing it the less than almost all European countries. If you aren’t impressed by the numbers, you’re just not paying attention. They’ve been pretty undeniable, until that whole pandemic thing.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
But what about the debt?
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
Also what do you mean by expand across the board? Do you mean that almost all type of businesses expanded. Because it is an ever evolving economy and a shit ton of business models are becoming antiquated, and quickly replaced by something better. So if that’s what you mean , a lot of that is just the natural flow of businesses falling and rising. Although it’s hard to tell, which is which exactly.
While all this is happening The NY Times changes headlines 3 times. And boy is the spin ever apparent.
Headline 1:
Democrats Block Action on 1.8 Trillion Dollar Stimulus

Headline 2:
Democrats Block Action on Stimulus Plan, Seeking Worker Protections

Headline 3:
Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill.

The media is now claiming it died on a “procedural vote” if nobody was to blame.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
But what about the debt?
Our government should’ve been thinking about that before there was a global pandemic shutting down everything non-essential In the economy, just in case some sort of disaster like the one we’re in popped up. Now they have no other option but to spend money on their credit cards they’ve been maxing out for the past 40 years.
Socialism! Save us!

We seen this before during 2016. Abortionists wailed that Trump wasn’t pro-life. Atheists tried to convince us he wasn’t Christian enough. The Pornigraphers in Hollywood claimed he wasn’t moral enough.
Now socialists warn us that trump isn't capitalist enough.

Never was very convincing. Thus...*President* Trump now:)
While all this is happening The NY Times changes headlines 3 times. And boy is the spin ever apparent.
Headline 1:
Democrats Block Action on 1.8 Trillion Dollar Stimulus

Headline 2:
Democrats Block Action on Stimulus Plan, Seeking Worker Protections

Headline 3:
Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill.

The media is now claiming it died on a “procedural vote” if nobody was to blame.
Oh, Congress is never to blame, we might think.
Sending out checks right now is like giving rabies treatment for gangrene.
Support essential workers. Support the temporarily unemployed. Protect the main motor of employment, small to medium size enterprises.
Cut Wall Street lose; they did the wrong things when saved last time and can only be counted on to repeat the performance.
After everyone is safe and well, perhaps a check will help. That remains to be seen. It is obvious to economists that stimulating demand when there is no way to consume (can't go out to shop, limited product availability) is at most a "feel good" effort, and destructive at worst.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
are Republicans care about the country, they shiuld stop bickering and accept Democrats' terms before more people die.
Covid 19 doesn't appear to be as deadly as the flu. During the 2017-2018 Flu season 900,000 people were hospitalized and 80,000 people died in the US. This despite having vaccines and treatments available to treat the Flu.

Covid 19 presently lacks both vaccines and treatments, either of which could go a long way towards diffusing the present state of panic.

The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.
are Republicans care about the country, they shiuld stop bickering and accept Democrats' terms before more people die.
That logic cuts both ways...but your English doesn’t.
The evidence is in the numbers, unemployment at an all time low. I didn’t vote for trump, but he has more than surpassed my expectations concerning the economy. Slashing draconian regulation probably also helped instill confidence for business and investors. I don’t fully trust the economy, since a lot of it is being propped up...but that’s happening globally and we’re doing it the less than almost all European countries. If you aren’t impressed by the numbers, you’re just not paying attention. They’ve been pretty undeniable, until that whole pandemic thing.

Unemployment had been dropping for 7 years prior to Trump taking office...seems a tad overboard to give him all the credit
Pelosi says House will draft its own coronavirus funding bill
Senate Republicans and OUR President are trying to help the situation during this time of crisis, but House Democrats throw a monkey wrench into the motor again. Great job Pelosi on wasting precious time and resources trying to overturn election 2016 with your dumbassed impeachment. Bunch of buffoons.

The Senate went away for a long weekend after the House passed their bill, so stop with the bullshit and lies. Trump ignored this pandemic for two months telling the American people it was yet another "hoax" to bring down his presidency, so stop complaining about the Democrats. Trump has done nothing to slow or stop this virus other than ban people coming from China.

Donald Trump has frittered away American lives with his lies, his incompetence, and his fear that the virus would disrupt his election chances. So stop blaming Pelosi or the Democrats. They're not the ones who are failing this leadership test on a daily basis.
While all this is happening The NY Times changes headlines 3 times. And boy is the spin ever apparent.
Headline 1:
Democrats Block Action on 1.8 Trillion Dollar Stimulus

Headline 2:
Democrats Block Action on Stimulus Plan, Seeking Worker Protections

Headline 3:
Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill.

The media is now claiming it died on a “procedural vote” if nobody was to blame.
Oh, Congress is never to blame, we might think.
Sending out checks right now is like giving rabies treatment for gangrene.
Support essential workers. Support the temporarily unemployed. Protect the main motor of employment, small to medium size enterprises.
Cut Wall Street lose; they did the wrong things when saved last time and can only be counted on to repeat the performance.
After everyone is safe and well, perhaps a check will help. That remains to be seen. It is obvious to economists that stimulating demand when there is no way to consume (can't go out to shop, limited product availability) is at most a "feel good" effort, and destructive at worst.
I agree with most, although it’s kind of procedurally arduous process to figure out who needs what. Some business can have their employees work from home, but if there isn’t anyone to do business with or anyone buying...who knows wtf is going to happen. Maybe some will shut down certain departments, maybe just lay off some employees. By the time the fed figures out all the business shut down in this and give money to the employees at their standard DMV pace they’re already going to be broke. States already have a process in place to figure this out called their unemployment office. The plan is to just throw a grand at everyone for the time being, and hopefully state unemployment is going to sort out the rest, with the fed backing them with money.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
The evidence is in the numbers, unemployment at an all time low. I didn’t vote for trump, but he has more than surpassed my expectations concerning the economy. Slashing draconian regulation probably also helped instill confidence for business and investors. I don’t fully trust the economy, since a lot of it is being propped up...but that’s happening globally and we’re doing it the less than almost all European countries. If you aren’t impressed by the numbers, you’re just not paying attention. They’ve been pretty undeniable, until that whole pandemic thing.

Meanwhileback in reality, the DJIA climbed 149 percent under Obama and his regulations. The blob wasn’t on a pace to equal that performance before the virus hit. You were not paying attention.
While all this is happening The NY Times changes headlines 3 times. And boy is the spin ever apparent.
Headline 1:
Democrats Block Action on 1.8 Trillion Dollar Stimulus

Headline 2:
Democrats Block Action on Stimulus Plan, Seeking Worker Protections

Headline 3:
Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill.

The media is now claiming it died on a “procedural vote” if nobody was to blame.
Oh, Congress is never to blame, we might think.
Sending out checks right now is like giving rabies treatment for gangrene.
Support essential workers. Support the temporarily unemployed. Protect the main motor of employment, small to medium size enterprises.
Cut Wall Street lose; they did the wrong things when saved last time and can only be counted on to repeat the performance.
After everyone is safe and well, perhaps a check will help. That remains to be seen. It is obvious to economists that stimulating demand when there is no way to consume (can't go out to shop, limited product availability) is at most a "feel good" effort, and destructive at worst.
You also have to be specific about what you mean when you say Wall Street. It’s a giant system that most Americans participate in if they realize it or not, and virtually all Americans are effected by it wether they realize it or not. Are there a lot of get rich quick schemes going on, sure, but a lot more legit investing is going on as well.
This is one of those rare instances where if a republican had stepped in to block the passage of this bill, the republicans would be applauding.

The fact of the matter is that history shows that whenever there is a bailout, private businesses do not spend that money on worker retention. This happened after 9/11 and it happened with TARP. It also happened when the blob gave them tax breaks early in his administration.

They should be forced to, at the very least, not give bonuses to their corporate officers or buy back stock with this money. It was a smart move by the Democrats to insist on these protections. Politically it may hurt the blob (as well as other republicans) that he isn't being more vocal in worker protections
You realize there has been record low unemployment under trump? So it means the tax breaks worked...When business and investors don’t trust the economy either because of a world altering terrorist attacking, or there is a president in office whose rhetoric scares those businesses...then they don’t really want to spend money on expanding when it could blow up in their faces, because they are thinking it’s going to crash again.

Arguably yes. Arguably no. The expansion of the economy has led to more hiring. Did businesses necessarily expand across the board? No. Most used the money for stock buy-backs knowing the market was going to increase and with it; their bottom line. I'm sure some of what you say is true that the tax cuts worked to some extent.
Also what do you mean by expand across the board? Do you mean that almost all type of businesses expanded. Because it is an ever evolving economy and a shit ton of business models are becoming antiquated, and quickly replaced by something better. So if that’s what you mean , a lot of that is just the natural flow of businesses falling and rising. Although it’s hard to tell, which is which exactly.

What I meant is that some businesses expanded, some contracted.

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