Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Pelosi is trying to pack this committee with only those who will vote as she te3lls them to vote.

She has no business choosing or rejecting any from the opposition party as it only leads to a false committee.
Clown, that was part of the negotiation during talks to set up the committee. McCarthy was again owned by Pelosi. Tough shit.

Whaddya want from me?
Do you think it's right to do that? Do you think it's right to remove people who are skeptical of the narrative from committees?
No, only traitors like Gym Shorts Jordan who voted with Trump & against our constitution.
It was there to protect the regime. That's not controversial. Whether there was a real threat or not is a separate issue
Or just to prevent another riot given the capitol grounds was previously overrun by thousands of Trump supporters who clearly continue to have a problem with way the government was going about the peaceful transfer of power.

But is protecting the government that big of a deal? The president is surrounded by marines.
You should stop talking about things I am not talking about. That way you wont be confused
Okay, then. You want to condemn the rioters, that's fine. It would be nice if that would also translate into other areas of life, and you still haven't indicated if the victim's skin color would make a difference to you. Kind of sends up a red flag.
Or just to prevent another riot given the capitol grounds was previously overrun by thousands of Trump supporters who clearly continue to have a problem with way the government was going about the peaceful transfer of power.

But is protecting the government that big of a deal? The president is surrounded by marines.
Like I said, the optics were terrible.
How is Congress the right agency to investigate if Congress had a part to play? You don't see the massive conflict of interest? This is pure political theater, nobody else cares about what happened way back on January or February or whatever. Only liberals are trying to keep this nothing story in the news. America moved on.
You mean like the Benghazi hearings, Ace? You know, the hearings where Clinton dragged Trey Billy Goat Gowdy all over the hearing room for hours.
Apparently you watch too many left wing bullshit sites and not enough reality. In case you've forgotten the incitement to riot by the entire left wing, let me refresh your memory with some quotes that your democratic leadership have made. Also a few remarks and actions above and beyond BLM/Antifa riots. I think you are confusing defiance with ignorance.View attachment 517289View attachment 517290
A laundry lists of dubious yet often repeated right wing talking points (out of context quotes, opinion pieces, half truths, guilt by association infers, disproved accusations, etc) which come no where near what Cheeto Jeezus did (documented in his own words by video and audio and internet) prior to and on the day of the insurrection. I mean really, Snopp Dog? Madonna? Johnny Depp? Jimmy Kimmel? Last time I checked, they weren't even local gov't officials, let alone in Congress.

What's pathetic is that folk like you are STILL trying to promote the fantasy that all those yahoos were democrats. All one has to do is look at the list of SELF MADE videos and news coverage to know different. Last time I checked, the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Confederate flag wavers, Maga hat wearers, etc., weren't card carrying members of the Democratic Party. GMAFB!

What burns your hind quarters is that you can't logically or factually disprove one item in my link. I dare you to try with just one item. Of course, you'll bluff and bluster and parrot....only the man in the mirror buys your bilge. Carry on.
It would be nice if that would also translate into other areas of life, and you still haven't indicated if the victim's skin color would make a difference to you. Kind of sends up a red flag.
Not really sure why thats relevant or something I should be concerned with.
out of context quotes, opinion pieces, half truths, guilt by association infers, disproved accusations
Link? I can prove that everything that I posted is 100% TRUE AND ACCURATE.
Snopp Dog? Madonna? Johnny Depp? Jimmy Kimmel?
Democrat mouthpieces, one and all. You conveniently did not address the FACTUAL comments by Pelosi, Watters, Booker, Pressley et al.
those yahoos were democrats
Let me refresh your memory. Corey Booker is a democrat and ran for POTUS in 2020. Study up moron.
As for the last, I disproved EVERY assertion you made. So GFY.
Quibbling? No, I'm telling you straight out that they instigated it by coaxing people on. Just like the governor kidnap bullshit.
So why are you so upset that I said you claimed they "started" it? It seems like that's the same thing as "instigating" it.

What are you basing this accusation on? What evidence is there that the FBI coaxed people into rioting at the capitol?
Like I said, the optics were terrible.
What exactly was so terrible about it? The capitol had just been ransacked by hundreds to thousands of people who were opposed to the peaceful transfer of power.
@JoeB131 He is a Rino and only willing to do Pelosi's bidding. His military service does not make him a good judge of what is right or wrong.

If the GOP had a sense of right or wrong, they'd have impeached Trump the first time he got caught.

The tragedy of the modern GOP is that most of them KNOW Trump is bad for the country and their party, but they are too terrified of his followers to stand up.

Kinzinger is probably not going to win his primary next year, but he is making a stand for what is right.
Do you think it's right to do that? Do you think it's right to remove people who are skeptical of the narrative from committees?
Honest actors should be on committees, not political hacks. I could write Jordan’s talking points before any intel gets explored and be 100% sure that his narrative would be unaffected by the evidence
The FBI was in on the planning and enabling of it. The FBI refuses to release thousands of hours of video records lest some of their own agents be depicted in them. The FBI will leak out what videos they edit to show only violence coming from Trump supporters.


Nancy has put together a sham committee to assure that any and all reporting from it matches the Democrat Party narrative.
When the defendants go to trial, the prosecution has no choice but to release all the video to the defendant's lawyers.
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