Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Where have you ever seen me not condemn someone that attacked the capitol?
I have seen you repeatedly defend and excuse those who disobey the orders of armed law enforcement. I don't recall any instances where you condemn such actions. Are you saying that the only time one SHOULD obey law enforcement is when one is doing something democrats don't like?
Speaker Pelosi is looking for honest patriots! Good for her! She doesn't want a NaziCon clown show! Neither do most Americans! They want facts and truth.
She is? When did she tell you that?
So what exactly are you whining about?


You said the military was there to maintain the regime. Is that true or is it just that you had a sad?
It was there to protect the regime. That's not controversial. Whether there was a real threat or not is a separate issue.
Are you saying that the only time one SHOULD obey law enforcement is when one is doing something democrats don't like?
I didnt mention anything about dems. I just asked you where have you not seen me condemn people who attack the capitol? Are you going to answer me or keep deflecting?
Speaker Pelosi wants the hearings to be credible. Does anyone think clowns like Gym Jordan would be credible?

Easy. Just because you arent important enough to know who he is doesnt mean he cant be cleared.
Americans are important enough, not just lib loons who want to hide
Hide from responsibility i
Hide from Covid
Hide from murderers bring identified
Why libs hide so much?
I didnt mention anything about dems. I just asked you where have you not seen me condemn people who attack the capitol? Are you going to answer me or keep deflecting?
You're deflecting away from the fact that this is the only time I've seen you condemn someone for not obeying law enforcement. Seems awfully convenient.
You're deflecting away from the fact that this is the only time I've seen you condemn someone for not obeying law enforcement. Seems awfully convenient.
I have no reason to deflect. I asked you a question and you cant seem to answer it. I know you cant answer it but just know I know why youre deflecting.
Yes, that's what offering a bipartisan committee is. The GOP rejected that idea. Go whine to them.
Telling the truth is not whining. The House itself is a bi-partisan body. That doesn't mean that everything that is passed got a bi-partisan vote.

Princess Pelosi wants RINOs on the her sham committee so they can vote with her Trump-hating Democrat Party members and she'll be able to claim that the vote was bi-partisan.

I've seen both the Nadler Circus hearings and the Schitt Shit Show hearings and witnessed hundreds of partisan votes from both "bi-partisan" committees. I suspect Nancy may want to have her hearings televised to take advantage of the ability of the members to lie to each other and the public as they follow in Nadler's and Schiff's footsteps.

Princess Nancy wants bi-partisan approval of whatever bullshit she manages to have included in the her personal committee's reports. That's why she appointed the two Republican Trump-haters.

I realize that's likely way over your head, because it's the truth.
The the Republicans appointed to the committee need to be expelled from the party immediately and cut off from all GOP monies, unless they turn down the nomination.
I have no reason to deflect. I asked you a question and you cant seem to answer it. I know you cant answer it but just know I know why youre deflecting.
You have no reason Period thus you constantly deflect
I have no reason to deflect. I asked you a question and you cant seem to answer it. I know you cant answer it but just know I know why youre deflecting.
That's because you're narrowly focused on one issue. I'm talking about the bigger picture. Your condemnation of someone not obeying law enforcement seems to be only on this one circumstance. And you dodged my other question, would you equally condemn a dark skinned person shot by a light skinned cop?
Either you are willfully ignorant of the facts, truly ignorant or just lying. Here's something you'll spin like a top to deny:

Incitement Timeline: Year of Trump’s Actions Leading to the Attack on the Capitol​

Apparently you watch too many left wing bullshit sites and not enough reality. In case you've forgotten the incitement to riot by the entire left wing, let me refresh your memory with some quotes that your democratic leadership have made. Also a few remarks and actions above and beyond BLM/Antifa riots. I think you are confusing defiance with ignorance.
democrat insurrectionists.jpg
Dem Threats.jpg

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