Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

The difference then was that a Republican won the Presidency for the first time in our history and the Democrats attacked the Capitol to stop the inauguration.

The facts that in 1861 the Republicans were prepared to protect the Capitol and in 2021 the Democrats were NOT is quite evident. Thanks for pointing that out to other dumbass Democrats.

You asked for a comparable situation. I gave it to you in spades. You lose, sucker.

Perhaps you should study history a bit before making such a stupid challenge.
Your hyper-partisan spin is quite amusing. I hope you did not do yourself a mischief by such arduous contortions.

Of course, thanks to Winfield "Old Fuss and Feathers" Scott (A Whig), the slavery goons of '61 did not rage through the Capitol as did the Trump goons of '21.

Whether you want to cheer for the Whigs is up to you.
The IRS was investigating taxes when Capone went down.
But, in the end, all roads lead to the head criminal.
This isn't the Senate. Mitch ain't gonna save Trump or his buddies this time.


Think's to Mitch this panel can go anywhere it damn well pleases.
Wonder how the Trump family will look in stripes.
You've been speculating that four 4 1/2 years. It's sad that you haven't figured out that your leaders and your media are blowing smoke up your ass
Your hyper-partisan spin is quite amusing. I hope you did not do yourself a mischief by such arduous contortions.

Of course, thanks to Winfield "Old Fuss and Feathers" Scott (A Whig), the slavery goons of '61 did not rage through the Capitol as did the Trump goons of '21.

Whether you want to cheer for the Whigs is up to you.
Again, you should study history before typing your bullshit. The slavery goons did not breach the capitol because the Republican Party was prepared to and did defend it. Quite the opposite of today's conniving Democrat Party.

What political party did Abraham Lincoln belong to while he was president? - Quora
Abraham Lincoln was America's first Republican president, being elected in 1860 and again in 1864. Earlier in his life Lincoln had been a Whig party member but joined the Republican Party after it formed in 1854 because of its strong anti-slavery platform.

The Whigs collapsed following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, with most Northern Whigs eventually joining the anti-slavery Republican Party.

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Somebody had to break a tie vote. Of course with Pelosi having veto power over who was on her committee, she'd had no problem keeping the Trump-hater Republicans like Cheney and the other asshole voting with the Democrats.
& now for the facts:

The structure of the commission is almost an exact replica of the 9/11 Commission. Both bodies consist of 10 members, five selected by Democrats and five by Republicans. Interestingly, the president appointed the 9/11 Commission’s chair. The speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader are to jointly pick the Jan. 6 Commission chair—but there’s no role for President Biden here.

The requirements for subpoenas track those of the 9/11 Commission, too. The new commission allows subpoenas to issue either on the agreement of the chair and vice chair, or on a majority vote of commissioners. As some commentators have pointed out, this could potentially give Republican members the ability to block any subpoena if they vote together—but it also means that only one Republican-appointed commissioner would be required to make a subpoena go through.

One commendable feature of the bill is that it does not compromise on the premise that Jan. 6 represented something ugly and dangerous that requires investigation. There is no false equivalence here with violence at other protests, for example. The bill, rather, includes a long section describing the “purpose” of the body, the first section of which does not mince words:

To investigate and report upon the facts and causes relating to the January 6, 2021, domestic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol Complex (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol’’) and relating to the interference with the peaceful transfer of power, including facts and causes relating to the preparedness and response of the United States Capitol Police and other Federal, State, and local law enforcement in the National Capitol Region and other instrumentality of government, as well as the influencing factors that fomented such attack on American representative democracy while engaged in a constitutional process.

What’s in the Jan. 6 Commission Bill?

nanct pelosi agreed to everything the (R) asked & negotiated for.

& kevin still roadblocked it. he's desperate AF that the truth will come out.
You don't sound like a fellow American, but I have no evidence to confirm my suspicions.

If you wonder whether Minneapolis police cannot distinguish law enforcement around the nation from the Trump goon attack on the U.S. Capitol, you could either ask them or make up whatever pleases you.
So you evaded the question. Another piece of evidence that you're a foreign troll.
somehow i think the ones that rioted during the BLM protests don't vote.

at all. well, except for the infiltrators from say - the boogaloo boys who deliberately wanted to incite riots ... we know who they voted for.

the peaceful protesters more than likely are (D)s; but we aren't talking about them.

somehow i think the ones that showed up at the capital voted (R) & certainly voted for trump.

the peaceful protesters did & CERTAINLY the terrorists that stormed the capital hunting down congress critters.

& donny's own DOJ said there was zero proof of antifa/BLM moles in that crowd.

like i said - a false comparison on yer part zogster.
So your guesses are just that...but thanks for your opinion. I disagree that it is a false comparison. An extremist is still an extremist. I would never rush the Capitol or burn down a small business and neither would you. I do not defend people who do, you on the other hand make excuses and call the so called protesters peaceful. Pretty sad.
& now for the facts:

The structure of the commission is almost an exact replica of the 9/11 Commission. Both bodies consist of 10 members, five selected by Democrats and five by Republicans. Interestingly, the president appointed the 9/11 Commission’s chair. The speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader are to jointly pick the Jan. 6 Commission chair—but there’s no role for President Biden here.

The requirements for subpoenas track those of the 9/11 Commission, too. The new commission allows subpoenas to issue either on the agreement of the chair and vice chair, or on a majority vote of commissioners. As some commentators have pointed out, this could potentially give Republican members the ability to block any subpoena if they vote together—but it also means that only one Republican-appointed commissioner would be required to make a subpoena go through.

One commendable feature of the bill is that it does not compromise on the premise that Jan. 6 represented something ugly and dangerous that requires investigation. There is no false equivalence here with violence at other protests, for example. The bill, rather, includes a long section describing the “purpose” of the body, the first section of which does not mince words:

What’s in the Jan. 6 Commission Bill?

nanct pelosi agreed to everything the (R) asked & negotiated for.

& kevin still roadblocked it. he's desperate AF that the truth will come out.
...and now for the real facts:

It's not a commission. It's a "select committee" in the House of Representatives. "Select" is the operative word here. Nancy Pelosi selects who gets to be a member of the committee and who does not. She vetoed Jim Jordan's and another Republican selection because she knows they would ask questions that she doesn't want answered.

The entirety of the hearings will be an orchestrated scam on the American people. Queen Nancy Pelosi is an anti-American bitch of the highest order.
I do not defend people who do,

uh-huh. like yer guesses that all the criminals surrounding donny - pardoned or otherwise - somehow leaves him outa the criminal loop.

& you would still vote for donny even after jan 6. so ya - you sure do.

you on the other hand make excuses

about what? admitting there were rioters & there were peaceful protesters ... in both the BLM protests... & jan 6

and call the so called protesters peaceful. Pretty sad.

AND i just said the same thing about the trump humpers who did not invade the capital & commit insurrection.

know what else is a false comparison?

the SAME reaction & response getting the national guard in there in the same timely matter given by donny regarding the BLM protests & the terrorists who staged a bloody attempted coup.

pretty sad & uber hypocritical.
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...and now for the real facts:

It's not a commission. It's a "select committee" in the House of Representatives. "Select" is the operative word here. Nancy Pelosi selects who gets to be a member of the committee and who does not. She vetoed Jim Jordan's and another Republican selection because she knows they would ask questions that she doesn't want answered.

The entirety of the hearings will be an orchestrated scam on the American people. Queen Nancy Pelosi is an anti-American bitch of the highest order.

you dummy - there were negotiations to have a

now read slowly..............

for a COMMISSION that occurred back in MAY.

Lawmakers announce long-sought deal on bipartisan commission to probe Jan. 6 riot

Democrats and Republicans have argued over the scope and format.
ByMariam Khan
May 14, 2021, 12:54 PM
• 6 min read

Lawmakers announced on Friday that after months of stalled negotiations they had reached an agreement on a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Earlier this month, Pelosi deputized House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., to finalize negotiations on the commission with ranking member GOP Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y.

The agreed-upon commission would include 10 members with significant expertise in the areas of law enforcement, civil rights, civil liberties, privacy, intelligence and cybersecurity. Current government officers or employees would be prohibited from appointment, according to the bipartisan duo, and each party would select five members to be on the commission.
Lawmakers announce long-sought deal on bipartisan commission to probe Jan. 6 riot

& then kevin mccarthy et al bailed.

now they can stfu cause ... they only have their cowardice to stand up to the chosen one ... to blame.

now pelosi is laughing because of it & she along with the other patriots with a backbone can get down to biz'nez.
you dummy - there were negotiations to have a

now read slowly..............

for a COMMISSION that occurred back in MAY.

Lawmakers announce long-sought deal on bipartisan commission to probe Jan. 6 riot

Democrats and Republicans have argued over the scope and format.
ByMariam Khan
May 14, 2021, 12:54 PM
• 6 min read

Lawmakers announced on Friday that after months of stalled negotiations they had reached an agreement on a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Earlier this month, Pelosi deputized House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., to finalize negotiations on the commission with ranking member GOP Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y.

The agreed-upon commission would include 10 members with significant expertise in the areas of law enforcement, civil rights, civil liberties, privacy, intelligence and cybersecurity. Current government officers or employees would be prohibited from appointment, according to the bipartisan duo, and each party would select five members to be on the commission.
Lawmakers announce long-sought deal on bipartisan commission to probe Jan. 6 riot

& then kevin mccarthy et al bailed.

now they can stfu cause ... they only have their cowardice to stand up to the chosen one ... to blame.

now pelosi is laughing because of it & she along with the other patriots with a backbone can get down to biz'nez.
Don't expose your stupidity too much more. We're already well aware of it.

Republican U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Channahon, an outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump and his GOP allies in Congress, said Sunday he has agreed to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s request to join the select committee examining the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

How many times do you see the select committee referred to as a commission?

You do need some educating. Continuing to ignore facts that you have been repeatedly exposed to indicates that you are STUPID.
uh-huh. like yer guesses that all the criminals surrounding donny - pardoned or otherwise - somehow leaves him outa the criminal loop.

& you would still vote for donny even after jan 6. so ya - you sure do.

about what? admitting there were rioters & there were peaceful protesters ... in both the BLM protests... & jan 6

AND i just said the same thing about the trump humpers who did not invade the capital & commit insurrection.

know what else is a false comparison?

the SAME reaction & response getting the national guard in there in the same timely matter given by donny regarding the BLM protests & the terrorists who staged a bloody attempted coup.

pretty sad & uber hypocritical.
I cannot follow your chaotic post. What are you asking me?
' nancy's guy' has no authority. so whatever the hell you are talking about is not factual. there were nutters actively hunting her down & you think she had any reservations? you're nuts.

lol ... projection.

i don't have a party. but yer ASSumption only shows yer stoogery. kudos for making it so obvious.

DC Guard chief details Pentagon delays during Jan. 6 riot at Capitol​

Walker calls restrictions on his ability to deploy his force ‘unusual’​

Scores of District of Columbia National Guardsmen loaded on buses at the Washington Armory and were ready to deploy as pro-Trump rioters breached the Capitol on Jan. 6, but minutes turned into hours as they awaited permission from the Pentagon to move out.

Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commander of the D.C. National Guard, told lawmakers Wednesday that written instructions issued ahead of the insurrection from then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy limited his ability to deploy his troops where, as a commander, he felt they were needed.

On Jan. 6, Walker and top officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department pleaded for permission to send the National Guard to help secure the Capitol during a phone call around 2:22 p.m. with defense officials. But Walker said he didn’t receive the go-ahead to send his troops to the Capitol until just after 5 p.m.

Because the District of Columbia is not a state and thus does not have a governor, the president is the commander in chief of the D.C. National Guard. The chain of command runs down to the Defense secretary and the Army secretary.

‘Unusual’ restrictions​

McCarthy’s written instructions from Jan. 5 required Walker to seek specific permission to deploy a 40-member quick reaction team. McCarthy also required Walker to send him a “concept of operation” before that team could be used.

“Based on the Defense Department’s public timeline, once requested, it took the National Guard over three hours to arrive at the Capitol. Now remember, we were all watching this on CNN, and Fox and MSNBC, and it’s a riot,” the Ohio Republican said. “We need to know why the Pentagon took so long to deploy the National Guard.”
DC Guard chief details Pentagon delays during Jan. 6 riot at Capitol

why did donny get rid of mark esper & installed an 'acting' secretary of defense, chris miller just a few days after the election when he was going to leave office? why did chris miller put out this memo on january 4th re: the NG?




Just wow.

I can't believe that someone in our government actually wrote that.

It's like the person didn't want the National Guard to do anything to stop the insurrection.
You've been speculating that four 4 1/2 years. It's sad that you haven't figured out that your leaders and your media are blowing smoke up your ass
Well, he's done being president so
Why not release them now?

I'm so excited.
Soon I'll be a proud part owner of Mara Lago along with all other taxpayers.
I'm going to book a room and demand the Presidential Suite and just like The Donald
I'm going to pay myself for the room.
I am a Zionist you moron and I am saying it was the Democrats

Yeah, but you are a lost clueless moron who does not understand basic science.

Right winger was long gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910, and has personally autographed photos of col osman and Simon Elliot.

You are arguing that the Marxist black homosexual bigot leaders of BLM are not "Democrats."

That is the same level of Zionist contempt for American intelligence as claiming burning jet fuel 600F caused 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower.

And that Siran Siran's gun, which held 8 rounds, put 13 holes in RFK....

Decent American Jews like Einstein have a word for you....

Rhymes with Michelle..... Lol.
Yeah, but you are a lost clueless moron who does not understand basic science.

Right winger was long gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910, and has personally autographed photos of col osman and Simon Elliot.
You know him personally? You inbred hicks amuse me.
Don't expose your stupidity too much more. We're already well aware of it.

How many times do you see the select committee referred to as a commission?

You do need some educating. Continuing to ignore facts that you have been repeatedly exposed to indicates that you are STUPID.

kevin et al rejected the COMMISSION in


& that's when pelosi said that the having a SELECT COMITTEE will be the next option & she took it.

ALL OF YOUR 'SOURCES' are dated in


nice try .. but it doesn't fly, penguin dude.

& neither can you.
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I cannot follow your chaotic post. What are you asking me?

lol .. funny you saying that after trying to put words in my mouth.

doesn't matter - you have created a false equivalency in yer mind that somehow the BLM protests & riots are on the same level as the terrorists storming the capital & the response to them both wasn't the same either; & that lays squarely on donny's shoulders.

& you said you would vote for donny a 3rd time. that is one hell of a defense for him, zogs. :113:
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Just wow.

I can't believe that someone in our government actually wrote that.

It's like the person didn't want the National Guard to do anything to stop the insurrection.

bingo. & they will be subpoenaed because there will be no executive privilege.

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