Pelosi Appoints Anti-Jew Rep. Ilhan Omar To House Foreign Affairs Committee

Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?

The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.
When you attack Israel, be prepared to pay the price. So-called "Palestinians" are vicious animals who belong in cages.
When you attack Israel, be prepared to pay the price. So-called "Palestinians" are vicious animals who belong in cages.

Jail time for israeli sniper who bragged about shooting children
Of course the 80,000 muslims the America hating kenyan muslim obama forcefully shipped into the Minneapolis area helped get that little muslim bitch elected. But how they're being allowed to vote, I have no idea.

Islam should be outlawed in America. It should be outlawed in all western nations. They don't assimilate. They come to take over.


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Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?

The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.

And deserving it!
What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?

The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.

Another genocidal maniac.
Why are Zionists such vile beasts?

Because they don't like being Raided, bombed, and Pissed on!

Another genocidal maniac.
Why are Zionists such vile beasts?
The Palestinians are the vile beasts. Killing them is the only way to deal with them. They have made that abundantly clear.

Israel has massacred Palestinians from Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948 to the May 14th Massacre in 2018.

Zionists decided to kick Palestinians to the curb since the Nakba.

How dare they fight back.
Palestinian propaganda. When you make war on Israel, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

When someone creates another nation on their own like Israel has done to Palestinians, expect to suffer the consequences of them fighting back.

Commonsense, something Zionists don't have.

Oh Really? And YOU DO?
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.

Another genocidal maniac.
Why are Zionists such vile beasts?
They believe in the God given right to self defense.

Palestinians believe in the God given right to self defense.
Zionists believe in the Synagogue of Satan right to self offense.

You are showing your IGNORANCE
When it comes to choosing between a backwards misogynistic hateful death cult and civilization, I choose civilization every time.
You're a genocidal terrorist.
No he isn't. He's a good conservative American asking hard questions of people who take advantage of America because we fought their idol Hitler. And we beat him and discovered that the Mayor of Jerusalem promised to help Hitler murder all the Jews in Europe if he would in turn send the SS to their country and get rid of all of the Jews in the world who remained in their own homeland of thousands of years. They welcomed Jews who escaped the holocaust of Europe. In the meantime, the Jew killers who returned after Hitler killed himself and the war was over, they decided to end the Jews there all by themselves and made Jewish life so intolerable they rebelled and took the country back in 1948 in a very short but decisive war. The Palestinians made nuisances of themselves by killing as many Jews as they could in spite of the war's outcome, and continued both isolated murders of Jews and Kamakazi style bombings until Israel kicked them out. That didn't stop the idiocy. Israel then received unneighborly missiles fired into busy marketplaces, schools, churches, isolated Jews' homes. Other Arab countries didn't want the Palestinians either, and the Jew hatred became the onus of their attentions, in spite of the great wealth oil found in their countries made them very wealthy.

Hitler was a genocidal terrorist, Mr. SobieskiSE. BriPat is just a good American man who is interested in his nation being run right so its citizens can live in the peace we have earned. A very good American, too.

No he's not, I'm an actual Right-Wing Conservative, he's a Classical Liberal.

Why should Palestinians hand over their lands to Jewish Zionists?

When are you going to give up Tex@$$ to Mexico?
They aren't their lands. They are recent immigrants.

Palestinians have lived a lot longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in the USA.

When are you giving up your homeland to Natives?
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

No he's not, I'm an actual Right-Wing Conservative, he's a Classical Liberal.

Why should Palestinians hand over their lands to Jewish Zionists?

When are you going to give up Tex@$$ to Mexico, you filthy twit?
My family owned part of Texas before Christopher Columbus came here, and the other part of my family came over from Europe on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution that was rife there at the time. I've sewn baby quilts for the babies born to mothers of all backgrounds including those from several latin countries south of the border who need help at the local care center, sir. I very much am involved in receiving whoever comes to this land of my ancestors from probably several other continents than this one. I finished one quilt top this morning and got a good healthy start on another later on in the day, which is why I'm not always around here.

You give this board of American posters a very vile spiel and seem to come from the same part of the world my friend Lech Walesca came from. It's too bad you didn't learn some perspective from such a great man of the people. Maybe you're just wearing a foreigner's name for fun for the opportunity to beat up on Americans for some hidden agenda. We don't know you very well, except for your tendency to keep one foot or the other in your mouth most of the time.

Arabs lived in Palestine long before Anglos lived in Texas.

Texas should be Mexico, by your very logic.
Here's some logic. The land belongs to whoever defends it. Case closed.

Mexicans are taking back Texas, anyways.
Soon, Texan English speakers might end up like Palestinians, kicked to the curb by immigrants.
Are you a Mexican spy, sir?

I don't support Mexicans to take over Texas, just like I don't support Israelis to take over Palestine.

The difference is Palestinians lived in their homes longer than Texans had.
My family owned part of Texas before Christopher Columbus came here, and the other part of my family came over from Europe on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution that was rife there at the time. I've sewn baby quilts for the babies born to mothers of all backgrounds including those from several latin countries south of the border who need help at the local care center, sir. I very much am involved in receiving whoever comes to this land of my ancestors from probably several other continents than this one. I finished one quilt top this morning and got a good healthy start on another later on in the day, which is why I'm not always around here.

You give this board of American posters a very vile spiel and seem to come from the same part of the world my friend Lech Walesca came from. It's too bad you didn't learn some perspective from such a great man of the people. Maybe you're just wearing a foreigner's name for fun for the opportunity to beat up on Americans for some hidden agenda. We don't know you very well, except for your tendency to keep one foot or the other in your mouth most of the time.

Arabs lived in Palestine long before Anglos lived in Texas.

Texas should be Mexico, by your very logic.
Here's some logic. The land belongs to whoever defends it. Case closed.

Mexicans are taking back Texas, anyways.
Soon, Texan English speakers might end up like Palestinians, kicked to the curb by immigrants.
Are you a Mexican spy, sir?

I don't support Mexicans to take over Texas, just like I don't support Israelis to take over Palestine.

The difference is Palestinians lived in their homes longer than Texans had.
If you move into a house with cockroaches, do you allow them to live there because they were there longer than you? Idiot.
Blood thirsty Animals, but it's good when Israel butchers far more Palestinians, than vice versa.

You can't make this cr@p up.

Zionists are the pits.
If you get your ass kicked every time you punch someone, why do you keep punching them?

Israel is the bully here.
How dare Palestinians fight back.
The Pals were firing rockets into Israel. You're a liar.

Would you fight back, if Mexicans took over your homeland?

Mexicans have about as much right to the USA, as Ashkenazi Jews do to Israel.
They have Mexico, which is all they need if the government would share its assets with ordinary people who shine their shoes, pick their crops, prepare their meals, and sew their clothes for them. But the Mexican government chooses not to bestow pisanos with privileges they enjoy. It's how they run things. Oh, and by the way, before the Mexicans started murdering the Texicans, they cleaned house on the brothers of my tribal people for 400 years, when the new Mexican Army went north from Montezuma's lands to kill the Indians up here after the were given food and a place to rest, so they could have the land for themselves. They even recruited people from the English colonies to Texas with every intention of making them slaves, too, like they did to the descendants of the Incas they turned into pisanos.

So no, descendants of tribal lands along with descendants of pilgrims won Texas by making certain they'd never be Santa Ana's slaves, so he went on a killing campaign and lost territory on account of his bad judgment and betrayal of the Texicans, not to mention the peaceful Indian nations they'd counted on murdering, only they didn't know where to find the ones that scattered to friendly tribes they didn't know about.

You know very little about history of the USA, particularly border state history, hm.

I'm well aware that Mexico invited in Anglo families to Texas to help them govern, just like now the USA invited in Mexicans to Texas to help them with Capitalism.

But, Mexicans at this rate will soon be the majority of Texas.

What gives Zionist Jews the right to take back Israel after 1,000's of years, but not Mexicans to take back Texas after 100's of years?

See, every American Zionist is a massive hypocrite.
When it comes to choosing between a backwards misogynistic hateful death cult and civilization, I choose civilization every time.

Israel has harbored Communist butchers, Rabbi Pedophiles, Organ Traffickers, and Russian Mafia gangsters.

Yeah, some Civilization" they have. (Rolls eyes)
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?

The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.

And deserving it!

Another ethnic cleansing maniac.

Zionists are truly beasts among men.
The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.

Another genocidal maniac.
Why are Zionists such vile beasts?

Because they don't like being Raided, bombed, and Pissed on!

Why did Israel decide to build their nation there, then?
You're a genocidal terrorist.
Nope. I don't launch murderous attacks on innocent people. Of course, there's nothing innocent about the so-called "Palestinians." They are vicious blood-thirsty animals.

Blood thirsty Animals, but it's good when Israel butchers far more Palestinians, than vice versa.

You can't make this cr@p up.

Zionists are the pits.
If you get your ass kicked every time you punch someone, why do you keep punching them?

Israel is the bully here.
How dare Palestinians fight back.

What a fucking liar.

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since the Nakba.

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