Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

"sorry my pantsuit is still at the cleaners"

Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses

The New York Times


WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as minority leader has been transformed into a larger debate about what has gone wrong with a party that eight years ago controlled Congress and the White House.

Ms. Pelosi, a 76-year-old San Francisco progressive, is expected to easily win re-election when her colleagues vote on Wednesday. But she has become a stand-in for complaints that Democrats have failed to offer a compelling, broad-based economic message to the working-class voters in the Midwest and South who helped them capture the House 10 years ago and made Ms. Pelosi the first woman speaker.


Stephen Crowley/The New York Times Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio, right, is running to replace Ms. Pelosi as the Democratic leader in the House.

Representative Tim Ryan, who represents a blue-collar district in northeastern Ohio, has mounted an unexpected challenge to Ms. Pelosi and given voice to the message that House Democrats must broaden their appeal beyond the three liberal states — California, Massachusetts and New York — that now account for a third of their members.

Mr. Ryan argues that his party can only rebuild if it re-establishes itself as the party of the working class.


Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses
Well they haven't learned a thing.
PC crowd was soudly defeated and they re-elect her again. One of the originals from the 60's.
Stupid, they are gonna hear from their desenters from their own party which they dont think exist. :)
We all know that Pelosi's knockers are way bigger than the picture that is a poor Photoshop of observational comedy...

"sorry my pantsuit is still at the cleaners"

Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses

The New York Times


WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as minority leader has been transformed into a larger debate about what has gone wrong with a party that eight years ago controlled Congress and the White House.

Ms. Pelosi, a 76-year-old San Francisco progressive, is expected to easily win re-election when her colleagues vote on Wednesday. But she has become a stand-in for complaints that Democrats have failed to offer a compelling, broad-based economic message to the working-class voters in the Midwest and South who helped them capture the House 10 years ago and made Ms. Pelosi the first woman speaker.


Stephen Crowley/The New York Times Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio, right, is running to replace Ms. Pelosi as the Democratic leader in the House.

Representative Tim Ryan, who represents a blue-collar district in northeastern Ohio, has mounted an unexpected challenge to Ms. Pelosi and given voice to the message that House Democrats must broaden their appeal beyond the three liberal states — California, Massachusetts and New York — that now account for a third of their members.

Mr. Ryan argues that his party can only rebuild if it re-establishes itself as the party of the working class.


Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses

Oh God, my eyes :ack-1:
The far left allowed their party to be destroyed by Pelosi, Reid, Obama and Clinton. They blindly followed their religious leaders off the cliff.

Proves that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS.
The stupid C***T is trying to interpret the Constitution, you people on the left need to keep your rabid pets in cages...

August 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


So many possible angles...

1. The Dems are going full anti-free speech in response to pressure from the left. The whole "shouting fire in a crowded theater" thing was a WW1 overreach by the Wilson administration. I can't think of a Dem today who believes that agitating against the draft should be illegal. In fact the left went all in on that during the Vietnam War.

2. Nancy Pelosi is not well.


It's never been clear what, if anything, she brings to the table except the cultivation of Bay Area donors. And that seems to be about it. She has no grasp of anything, from policy to leadership. Where Schumer and Reid were pitbulls, Pelosi is more like a confused poodle. If the Dems had her in the Senate, there wouldn't be a single excuse left for the Republican majority.

Now all that is a problem for Dems. And it's emblematic of a party whose first legislative priority was getting the money under Obama. And whose current priority is impeachment.

Pelosi: Constitution Says You Can't Shout "Wolf" in a Crowded Theater
Awkward: Pelosi's Father Once Dedicated Statue to Robert E. Lee
"We can look for inspiration to the lives of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson."


Michael Horn

last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called for the removal of all Confederate statues in Congress, calling them a "reprehensible" reminder of this nation's racist past. It turns out, however, that Pelosi has a strange kinship with Confederate statues because her father once dedicated one to Robert E. Lee.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi woke up from her 30-year slumber last week and suddenly decided to be outraged by the Confederate statues standing in the halls of Congress. She finds them “reprehensible” and is demanding House Speaker Paul Ryan have them removed.

Red Alert Politics reports that "Pelosi’s father, Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., spoke as the mayor at the dedication of a monument to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson in 1948."


The statues that Pelosi's father dedicated were taken down last week by Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh.

Awkward: Pelosi's Father Once Dedicated Statue to Robert E. Lee
Pelosi is a dried out old rind hippie. Putting lipstick on a hog serves no purpose except to annoy the hog.

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