Pelosi Blames Bush for $9T Debt Added Under Obama

I asked you to name the legislation passed by the Democrats OVER a Bush VETO that added 2 trillion in Bush debt. Until you do that, Bush owns all the debt he allowed.
So you admit it was Democratic spending, Democratic $2 Trillion, as it was the Democrats who controlled Congress, the budget, and spending.

Bush let them have their spending. He let THEM own it. And you are mad that Bush did not prevent Democratic Party fiscal irresponsibility.

That's funny.
I asked you to name the legislation passed by the Democrats OVER a Bush VETO that added 2 trillion in Bush debt. Until you do that, Bush owns all the debt he allowed.
So you admit it was Democratic spending, Democratic $2 Trillion, as it was the Democrats who controlled Congress, the budget, and spending.
Bush let them have their spending. He let THEM own it. And you are mad that Bush did not prevent Democratic Party fiscal irresponsibility.
That's funny.
Thank you for admitting that Bush approved all the spending without any opposition or veto. Bush owns all $6 trillion he racked up in debt.
Thank you for admitting that Bush approved all the spending without any opposition or veto. Bush owns all $6 trillion he racked up in debt.
You're already admitted that whoever controls Congress controls the spending and debt - that was the Democrats.
You've already admitted it was the Democrats who engaged in the spending.
Now you want to pass the buck onto someone else. Pathetic.
Thank you for admitting that Bush approved all the spending without any opposition or veto. Bush owns all $6 trillion he racked up in debt.
You're already admitted that whoever controls Congress controls the spending and debt - that was the Democrats.
You've already admitted it was the Democrats who engaged in the spending.
Now you want to pass the buck onto someone else. Pathetic.
No, I was citing that Right-wing claim, and then pointed out that the GOP took over spending when they took over the House in 2011 and the House and Senate in 2015 and yet in spite of that "logic" but they STILL counted all the spending and debt as belonging to Obama. I was pointing out the hypocritical double standard of the Right. If you remember I used the very chart the Right posted in this thread that counted 2008 and 2009 as Democratic spending because they controlled both houses, but counted 2015 to 2020 as Democratic spending even though the GOP controlled both houses since 2015.
You can't have it both ways, though the dishonesty of the Right compels you to try.

Thank you for admitting that Bush approved all the spending without any opposition or veto. Bush owns all $6 trillion he racked up in debt.
You're already admitted that whoever controls Congress controls the spending and debt - that was the Democrats.
You've already admitted it was the Democrats who engaged in the spending.
Now you want to pass the buck onto someone else. Pathetic.
No, I was citing that Right-wing claim, and then pointed out that the GOP took over spending when they took over the House in 2011 and the House and Senate in 2015 and yet in spite of that "logic" but they STILL counted all the spending and debt as belonging to Obama. I was pointing out the hypocritical double standard of the Right. If you remember I used the very chart the Right posted in this thread that counted 2008 and 2009 as Democratic spending because they controlled both houses, but counted 2015 to 2020 as Democratic spending even though the GOP controlled both houses since 2015.
You can't have it both ways, though the dishonesty of the Right compels you to try.


You admitted the Democrats had a near Super Majority control of Congress, which meant THEY controlled the budget, the spending, and thus the economy. Now when pressed on the issue you are trying to claim that Congress does not control the budget and spending? :p

Why don't you pu$$ies MAN UP and take some responsibility? Grow a f*ing backbone...and some intelligence.
Thank you for admitting that Bush approved all the spending without any opposition or veto. Bush owns all $6 trillion he racked up in debt.
You're already admitted that whoever controls Congress controls the spending and debt - that was the Democrats.
You've already admitted it was the Democrats who engaged in the spending.
Now you want to pass the buck onto someone else. Pathetic.
No, I was citing that Right-wing claim, and then pointed out that the GOP took over spending when they took over the House in 2011 and the House and Senate in 2015 and yet in spite of that "logic" but they STILL counted all the spending and debt as belonging to Obama. I was pointing out the hypocritical double standard of the Right. If you remember I used the very chart the Right posted in this thread that counted 2008 and 2009 as Democratic spending because they controlled both houses, but counted 2015 to 2020 as Democratic spending even though the GOP controlled both houses since 2015.
You can't have it both ways, though the dishonesty of the Right compels you to try.


You admitted the Democrats had a near Super Majority control of Congress, which meant THEY controlled the budget, the spending, and thus the economy. Now when pressed on the issue you are trying to claim that Congress does not control the budget and spending? :p

Why don't you pu$$ies MAN UP and take some responsibility? Grow a f*ing backbone...and some intelligence.

The GOP had control of the presidency and Congress for 5 years starting in 2001. And instead of inheriting a trillion dollar deficit, they inherited a balanced budget.

How'd that work out?
Thank you for admitting that Bush approved all the spending without any opposition or veto. Bush owns all $6 trillion he racked up in debt.
You're already admitted that whoever controls Congress controls the spending and debt - that was the Democrats.
You've already admitted it was the Democrats who engaged in the spending.
Now you want to pass the buck onto someone else. Pathetic.
No, I was citing that Right-wing claim, and then pointed out that the GOP took over spending when they took over the House in 2011 and the House and Senate in 2015 and yet in spite of that "logic" but they STILL counted all the spending and debt as belonging to Obama. I was pointing out the hypocritical double standard of the Right. If you remember I used the very chart the Right posted in this thread that counted 2008 and 2009 as Democratic spending because they controlled both houses, but counted 2015 to 2020 as Democratic spending even though the GOP controlled both houses since 2015.
You can't have it both ways, though the dishonesty of the Right compels you to try.


You admitted the Democrats had a near Super Majority control of Congress, which meant THEY controlled the budget, the spending, and thus the economy. Now when pressed on the issue you are trying to claim that Congress does not control the budget and spending? :p
Why don't you pu$$ies MAN UP and take some responsibility? Grow a f*ing backbone...and some intelligence.
Nope, I turned the Right's rationalization against them and unassailably exposed their hypocrisy.
If the GOP congress does not control the budget and spending under Obama, then the Democratic congress didn't under Bush.

Why don't you snowflakes stop your hypocrisy.
The US government paid about 4 trillion in interest on the national debt during the Obama presidency.

Roughly 3 trillion of that was paid on debt accumulated BEFORE Obama was president, so when you're trying to blame Obama for adding 9 trillion to our debt over the past 8 years,

you might want take that 3 trillion off that total.
The GOP had control of the presidency and Congress for 5 years starting in 2001. And instead of inheriting a trillion dollar deficit, they inherited a balanced budget. How'd that work out?
It didn't work pointed out, the Democrats took over a near Super Majority Control of Congress (4 seats shy of having it) - they took over power of all of congress to include the Budget, spending, and the economy Bush's last 2 years - AS YOU ADMIT TO. It was in these last 2 years that even Democrats admit the economy started going down hill.

As I pointed out, the Democrats added nearly $2 trillion in debt those last 2 years, approx. $1 trillion less than Bush had added in 6 years. The Democrats held the near Super Majority Control of Congress for the 1st 2 years of Obama's Presidency, controlling the budget, spending, and the economy.


With that firm control on Congress the Democrats added nearly $1 trillion in 1 shot, on Obama's failed Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork which ended up costing OVER $774,000 PER JOB created/saved.
The US government paid about 4 trillion in interest on the national debt during the Obama presidency.

Roughly 3 trillion of that was paid on debt accumulated BEFORE Obama was president, so when you're trying to blame Obama for adding 9 trillion to our debt over the past 8 years,
Democrats who controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years added nearly $2 Trillion, and they held that near Super majority Control of Congress through the end of Obama's 2nd year. Obama added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years.
the deficit defines the RATE of debt growth, reducing the annual deficit by a few million does not stop the debt from growing.

How about making the deficit zero? how about a surplus? Clinton and Newt created an annual surplus, did obozo try? Duh, no.

"A few million"?

The deficit was 1.5 TRILLION at the conclusion of Scrub's last fiscal year (you remember Scrub........he was the guy for whom you cast two votes on the basis of his promise to ELIMINATE the surplus he was bequeathed......a sentient would feel kinda stupid and might keep their mouth shut for...oh.....say.......several decades........but not you lot........beholding the consequences of your disastrous choices, you just draw more strength - with which to complain about the pace of repairs)...

It will be about 550 BILLION at the end of FY2017.....

is the difference between 1.5 TRILLION and 550 BILLION "a few million"?

did the national debt grow in each of Obama's years? yes or no

was the debt around 10 T when he took over and around 20T today? yes or no

and yes, I understated the deficit reduction. enjoy.


and, until I schooled you on it, you clearly didn't...

My turn..

Did you cast 2 votes for the douchebag who vaporized the surplus in 2001?

Yes or no.

Where the fuck do you get off bitching about the consequences of your votes?

Yes or no.

Bush was a better choice than the idiot Gore or the fool Kerry. Bush did some dumb stuff but he was still better than either of those clowns.

on the debt, so Obama didn't take over until October 2009? is that your argument? Could he and the dem controlled congress have reduced spending between Jan 09 and Oct 09? again, its a yes or no.

You STILL rationalize two votes for THE WORST POTUS OF THE MODERN ERA, the guy who effected a net fiscal swing of 15 trillion dollars?

And NO...Obama could NOT have reduced the spending that had already been appropriated prior to his inauguration.....and given that the bulk of the additional spending was to address the catastrophic wages of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, cutting it would have been even worse....

Good job! you accurately recited a list of lying dem talking points. Nothing in your post is true, but you have confirmed your complete indoctrination into liberal bullshit.

For the record: History will record Obama as the worst president of all time. Which is really sad because the guy could have brought the country together and made real progress. Instead he was determined to "get even" with the country for his ill perceived visions of its racist past. Today this country is divided like never before, more partisan than ever, more people below the poverty level than ever before, and carrying more national debt than ever before-------------Obama failed, until you realize that you will continue to look like a complete fool on this message board.
nope, I turned the Right's rationalization against them and unassailably exposed their hypocrisy.
If the GOP congress does not control the budget and spending under Obama, then the Democratic congress didn't under Bush.
I like this philosophy - all debt under a President is HIS - of yours even better: Under 8 years of Bush only $4 trillion in debt was added. Obama called Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for that. Barry then went on to add nearly $9 Trillion in 8 years - double that of Bush, almost $7 in his 1st 4 years.

Using your philosophy of 'the sitting President owns the debt added on his watch', Barry is by FAR the worst President regarding fiscal irresponsibility in US history.

YOU and other Liberals don't even want to adhere to that philosophy, though. Regarding Obama, you want to change the philosophy to 'What is Bush's is Bush's, and what is Barry's is Bush's'. :p
The Right blames Carter's CRA for Bush's housing crash, as if you didn't know.
Uh, I blame barney fat idiot frank and his fellow democraptic cohorts for pushing mortgages/home ownership onto minorities who had no business getting them.
Barney Frank was a POWERLESS minority congressman, and it was Bush's ADDI that gave mortgages to buyers with bad credit for more than the property was worth, part of his push to get 5.5 million new minority homeowners.

Record of Achievement - Expanding Home Ownership
  • The President set a goal to increase the number of minority homeowners by 5.5 million families by the end of the decade. Through his homeownership challenge, the President called on the private sector to help in this effort. More than two dozen companies and organizations have made commitments to increase minority homeownership - including pledges to provide more than $1.1 trillion in mortgage purchases for minority homebuyers this decade.
  • President Bush signed the $200 million-per-year American Dream Downpayment Act which will help approximately 40,000 families each year with their downpayment and closing costs.
  • The Administration proposed the Zero-Downpayment Initiative to allow the Federal Housing Administration to insure mortgages for first-time homebuyers without a downpayment. Projections indicate this could generate over 150,000 new homeowners in the first year alone.
The US government paid about 4 trillion in interest on the national debt during the Obama presidency.

Roughly 3 trillion of that was paid on debt accumulated BEFORE Obama was president, so when you're trying to blame Obama for adding 9 trillion to our debt over the past 8 years,
Democrats who controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years added nearly $2 Trillion, and they held that near Super majority Control of Congress through the end of Obama's 2nd year. Obama added nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years.
Already debunked those lies earlier in this thread, repeating your lies does not make them any less a lie or you any less a liar.
I like this philosophy - all debt under a President is HIS - of yours even better: Under 8 years of Bush only $4 trillion in debt was added. Obama called Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for that. Barry then went on to add nearly $9 Trillion in 8 years - double that of Bush, almost $7 in his 1st 4 years.
Still lying, Bush added $6 trillion, and Obama added $7 trillion, 3 trillion of which was interest on the $12 trillion GOP National Debt Bush passed on to him

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