Pelosi Claims She Was Set Up at Hair Salon

Was Trump required to mask up? Was there a mandate that he could not go to the rally?

Under the new Mayor’s Order on masks, people must wear a mask when they leave their homes if they are likely to come into contact with another person for more than a fleeting moment.

The mayor has no authority over the White House. I asked about his rallies and you or anyone have not answered.
I guess it was a continuation of the Beasts' Right-Wing conspiracy:

In a press conference in San Francisco on coronavirus legislation, Pelosi claimed she was misled by the neighborhood salon. Security footage showed her at one point wearing a mask around her neck instead of over her face.

What a feckless bitch she is.
Trump&Co. exposed hundreds at his acceptance rally. Your hypocrisy is deplorable.

Do you have any idea just how pathetic and degraded mindless sheep such as yourself are, who have ignorantly allowed yourselves to be lied to and manipulated into living in fear and isolation over a hyperbolized flu outbreak, and into being complicit in trying to spread the lies and fearmongering to others?

I'm embarrassed just to be of the same biological species as your kind.
Pelosie is in a dead heat with her Republican opponent... Time will tell..

It would be a truly remarkable thing if Pewothi lost her reelection to a Republican. Remember, this isn't all of California that is voting to keep her or drop her; this is Than Fwanthithco. Any Republican winning this district, any Republican getting any significant number of votes at all, would be extraordinary.

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