Pelosi Delivered


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Pelosi delivered - The Week

History will accord Pelosi an unprecedented scale of achievement for a House speaker. The breakthroughs of the past two years bear her indelible stamp. She has been not only the master of the House, but a moving force in changing America for generations to come — and despite their fulminations, the GOP that has demonized her will not succeed in undoing those changes.
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It was a legislative tour de force from someone who plainly believes that the purpose of politics goes beyond serving the self-interest of politicians. From the stimulus that averted a second Great Depression to Wall Street reform to the transformation and expansion of college student aid, Pelosi and the president have written more landmark legislation than anyone in nearly half a century. Majority Leader Harry Reid did his best in the sclerotic Senate, and at critical moments change squeaked by the Republican blockade.
I agree with you on almost everything you post, RW, but Pelosi needs to retire. She is and has been detrimental to Obama's Presidency and his agenda. This article wants to give Pelosi credit for the Healthcare bill and that is fine, as long long as history remembers what the Healthcare legislation COULD HAVE BEEN as opposed to the watered down bullshit piece of legislation we ended up with. Just my .02.
She failed to drain the swamp as promised, but no big deal as the voters did it for her on Tuesday.

But, yeah, she was successful in her job. She won the battle, but then lost the war. She's no longer speaker and 60-something of her comrades got their asses kicked to the curb. And now Republicans are going to redistrict the hell out of Dims that will hurt them for years to come.

So, hell yes, celebrate Nancy's great accomplishments. I sure am. Way to go, babe!
Pelosi Resume

Passed legislation that prevented the country from entering another Depression
Passed th most comprehensive Healthcare legislation in US History
Passed significant financial reform legislation
Passed Credit Card Bill of Rights

Will any Republicans out there care to post what Denny Hasterts accomplishments were?

Other than Gridlock, what do you expect Boehner to accomplish ?
She failed to drain the swamp as promised, but no big deal as the voters did it for her on Tuesday.

But, yeah, she was successful in her job. She won the battle, but then lost the war. She's no longer speaker and 60-something of her comrades got their asses kicked to the curb. And now Republicans are going to redistrict the hell out of Dims that will hurt them for years to come.

So, hell yes, celebrate Nancy's great accomplishments. I sure am. Way to go, babe!

Pelosi and her fellow Democrats in the House were willing to jeopardize their careers to pass esential legislation. They knew the window of opportunity would be short and did what was necessary to pass Healthcare and the Stimulus packages
"You have to pass it before you can read it." Tells me all I need to know about Pelosi.
She failed to drain the swamp as promised, but no big deal as the voters did it for her on Tuesday.

But, yeah, she was successful in her job. She won the battle, but then lost the war. She's no longer speaker and 60-something of her comrades got their asses kicked to the curb. And now Republicans are going to redistrict the hell out of Dims that will hurt them for years to come.

So, hell yes, celebrate Nancy's great accomplishments. I sure am. Way to go, babe!

Pelosi and her fellow Democrats in the House were willing to jeopardize their careers to pass esential legislation. They knew the window of opportunity would be short and did what was necessary to pass Healthcare and the Stimulus packages


That they didn't care the majority of Americans disagreed with what they were doing is why they got their asses kicked. What was seen as essential by them was seen as wasteful and harmful by others. That's the way the ball bounces some times.

A future one term president once said...Elections have consequences.
And the mindlessness marches on. Pelosi has passed the most comprehensive reform of this fucking nation since the 60s. Those reforms, though less far reaching than I would have liked, are not going away. Now the Repugs get 2 years to do nothing. That's their claim to Pelosi's incompetence. They won the election. They have no clue that winning elections is only a means to an end. Our end, ground breaking legislation. Their end...nothing, doing nothing.

A future one term president once said

Wingnut words from 1995. I could literally go back and cut & paste these exact words written about Clinton, a million times by the mindless right.

And I will ask the same question now that I asked then.

Who is going to unseat the sitting president? Who?

I don't expect an answer.
And the mindlessness marches on. Pelosi has passed the most comprehensive reform of this fucking nation since the 60s. Those reforms, though less far reaching than I would have liked, are not going away. Now the Repugs get 2 years to do nothing. That's their claim to Pelosi's incompetence. They won the election. They have no clue that winning elections is only a means to an end. Our end, ground breaking legislation. Their end...nothing, doing nothing.


That is why the Republicans are the Regressive Party. They exist to assist the wealthy in making more money and stonewalling all legislation that helps working Americans
Come on all you Republicans...

We know you know how to attack Nancy Pelosi

Where is your list of major Republican legislation in the last 20 years?
Pelosi has been highly effective at consolidating power for Obama's policies. If she retired tomorrow, the aforementioned would be overshadowed by being tied to a failure to revive a dismal economy.

Freespending liberal or crusading trailblazer?
Patriot or Pinhead?
It's arrogant to suppose how history will perceive her at this time.
Pelosi has been highly effective at consolidating power for Obama's policies. If she retired tomorrow, the aforementioned would be overshadowed by being tied to a failure to revive a dismal economy.

Freespending liberal or crusading trailblazer?
Patriot or Pinhead?
It's arrogant to suppose how history will perceive her at this time.


All we can do is list her major legislative accomplishments and let history determine how they worked out. No matter how much you hate Pelosi, you can't deny that she did her job as speaker and put together the coalition needed to pass landmark legislation

I have still yet to see the landmark legislation passed by the GOP

I will start you out..

Medicare Prescription Plan
No Child Left Behind
We hear about how evil Pelosi is all the time from her enemies on the Right. She must be doing something right.

Michael Moore was on The Last Word or one of them the other night talking about how the Senate should hurry up and pass all of these bills that have been passed by the House now like legislation protecting abused seniors, laws protecting kids, etc..

The House has so many things they want to overturn, give them everything else too. They'd look pretty much like the assholes they are trying to take those types of bills away.
Pelosi delivered - The Week

History will accord Pelosi an unprecedented scale of achievement for a House speaker. The breakthroughs of the past two years bear her indelible stamp. She has been not only the master of the House, but a moving force in changing America for generations to come — and despite their fulminations, the GOP that has demonized her will not succeed in undoing those changes.

History is already laughing at her. Coming off the worst president in history, according to the libs, and Pelosi couldn't even keep a democratic majority in the house past the first elections. What happened to the bold liberal statement in 2008 the the republicans were burried for at least the next 16 years? The pendulum swung back so quiclky this time it took a host of casualties with it.
They could try but the Repubs will fillibuster. Only bills that can credibly be said to have an effect on the deficit can be passed through reconcilliation. Though there is always the nuclear option.

Yeah, pass as much as you can in the Lame Duck session.

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