Pelosi: ‘Doesn’t Matter’ If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Pelosi is laughable trying to come off like the moral one who will sacrifice her seat for the good of the Republic. If she wants to show her love of country, why not start by giving back all that government money that went to her old mans vineyard. I don't understand why anyone would believe that bug eyed phony.

Patriot Pelosi is fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way


"Patriot Pelosi"


Check it out!

Notice the flag pin on her lapel?
Bigger than Trumps!


Look at that tiny, tiny flag pin on Trumps lapel......Almost like he is ashamed to wear the flag

It's quite possible that his pin is smaller because it was designed for smaller hands. (sorry - I couldn't help myself - hahahaha)
Trump disrespects our flag by simulating sex with it

Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Pelosi is a Patriot doing what is in the best interests of the nation rather than the party
I love the patriotic way her family helped to turn Baltimore to what it is today. She is from the same mold. and has proven it.
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Pelosi is a Patriot doing what is in the best interests of the nation rather than the party
I love the patriotic way her family helped to turn Baltimore to what it is today. She is from the same mold. and has proven it.
Home of the Star Spangled banner!


Pelosi is a true PATRIOT
It's quite possible that his pin is smaller because it was designed for smaller hands. (sorry - I couldn't help myself - hahahaha)
It's more likely larger (if it indeed is) because Pelosi needs bigger props to convey the impression she is some sort of "patriot".
It's like the oversized prop bible Bill Clinton used to carry around so everyone got the message he was a
"Christian" (Hey, look at me and my huge bible...I'm a church going Christian, y'all).

Looks like these obvious sorts of tricks and distractions work on simple minded folks, like you.
It's quite possible that his pin is smaller because it was designed for smaller hands. (sorry - I couldn't help myself - hahahaha)
It's more likely larger (if it indeed is) because Pelosi needs bigger props to convey the impression she is some sort of "patriot".
It's like the oversized prop bible Bill Clinton used to carry around so everyone got the message he was a
"Christian" (Hey, look at me and my huge bible...I'm a church going Christian, y'all).

Looks like these obvious sorts of tricks and distractions work on simple minded folks, like you.
Patriot Pelosi appreciates our flag and shows her respect
Trump treats it as a prop


Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
The Democrats have already conceded that trump will get elected in 2020. The way it's looking the gop will control everything...

Seriously no Democrat has uttered a word of truth since the Muller report upped trumps numbers
The Democrats have already conceded that trump will get elected in 2020. The way it's looking the gop will control everything...

Seriously no Democrat has uttered a word of truth since the Muller report upped trumps numbers

The left is fucked.

I love the liberal echo chamber that believes Trump is done. He's in every article, every day, on every channel, in every single tweet and meme and dialogue, yet leftist fucks actually think that is a BAD thing?

Do these leftist dipshits actually pay attention to the world around them? Those morons keep whining under the delusion it’s going to change anything. The only change will be how many idiots see the name Trump on the ballot and pencil that in because they recognize it, or are sick of dipshits whining 24/7 about Russia or Ukraine.
It's quite possible that his pin is smaller because it was designed for smaller hands. (sorry - I couldn't help myself - hahahaha)
It's more likely larger (if it indeed is) because Pelosi needs bigger props to convey the impression she is some sort of "patriot".
It's like the oversized prop bible Bill Clinton used to carry around so everyone got the message he was a
"Christian" (Hey, look at me and my huge bible...I'm a church going Christian, y'all).

Looks like these obvious sorts of tricks and distractions work on simple minded folks, like you.
Patriot Pelosi appreciates our flag and shows her respect
Trump treats it as a prop




Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Bullshit! Nancy Pelosi will not hold an impeachment vote in the house if she thins it will cost the Dems their majority. Clearly, the Democratic Party does not give a flyin' fuck about the US Constitution, they have been trying for decades to change or ignore it. The squad can go to hell as far as she's concerned, it ain't happening unless she says so and believes it is her best interests. Not theirs.
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Pelosi is laughable trying to come off like the moral one who will sacrifice her seat for the good of the Republic. If she wants to show her love of country, why not start by giving back all that government money that went to her old mans vineyard. I don't understand why anyone would believe that bug eyed phony.

Patriot Pelosi is fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way

We have to be honest and recognize that Speaker Pelosi weighed her actions with maintaining control over the house. Control and power are always a factor when politicians are strategizing. With that said, she happens to be on the right side of this fight.

There is the funny part.
She's not.
Trump says make America great again. Pelosi says it was never great.
Trump wants our borders to be secure. Pelosi is fighting the idea of a wall tooth and nail.
Trump says gangs like MS-13 must be eradicated. Pelosi says they are children of God.
Trump said the Russia hoax was a plot to remove him from office. Pelosi says he colluded with Russia.
Trump says late term abortions are wrong. Pelosi supports them.
Trump says citizenship question should be included in census. Pelosi says Trump wants to make America white again.
Trump says other countries should stop freeloading off the US. Pelosi wants the starus quo.
Trump was wrongly accused of colluding with Russia. Pelosi colluded with Mexico to defeat Trump. Pelosi plots with Mexico to beat Trump
The Democrats have already conceded that trump will get elected in 2020. The way it's looking the gop will control everything...

Seriously no Democrat has uttered a word of truth since the Muller report upped trumps numbers

The left is fucked.

I love the liberal echo chamber that believes Trump is done. He's in every article, every day, on every channel, in every single tweet and meme and dialogue, yet leftist fucks actually think that is a BAD thing?

Do these leftist dipshits actually pay attention to the world around them? Those morons keep whining under the delusion it’s going to change anything. The only change will be how many idiots see the name Trump on the ballot and pencil that in because they recognize it, or are sick of dipshits whining 24/7 about Russia or Ukraine.

We are going to be hearing about Ukraine for awhile.
It's going to be the Collusion that Ukraine had on behalf of the Hillary campaign.
2 people have already been prosecuted and convicted for election inference on her behalf.
This is the entire reason that the Democratic Media forced Pelosi into acting -

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