Pelosi: ‘Doesn’t Matter’ If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Romney is rightfully disgusted that Trump is our president
It's just personal with Romney, he simply hates Trump.

Romney is so absorbed with his hatred for Trump, that he does whatever it takes to harm him. Romney ran for president, promising to accomplish many of the things that Trump is following thru on as president.

Mitt Romney on the Issues
Wish I could believe you but Pelosi has lied and treated the American voter with so much disrespect that I don’t believe Her.
I'll tell you what I don't believe: Pelosi lying through her botoxed face that she doesn't care if the impeachment scam costs democrats control of the House and her hold onto political power.
That's utter bullshit. She has staved off impeachment talk until it's become plain to her that she is losing favor with her gaggle of flying monkey followers.
She is an unbelievable liar and this one is a whopper.
Well, what happens when the dems lose control of either the House or Senate, not a whole lot. The dems still control the media, they still control most of the bills that go to the floor for debate.

All that really happens when the dems lose control of the House, is Pelosi moves to a different office, but she still has a lot of sway over what goes on in Washington.

Even when the repubs are in the majority, they act as if they are still the minority political party, with the dems calling all the shots.
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Pelosi is a Patriot doing what is in the best interests of the nation rather than the party

Romney is rightfully disgusted that Trump is our president
It's just personal with Romney, he simply hates Trump.

Romney is so absorbed with his hatred for Trump, that he does whatever it takes to harm him. Romney ran for president, promising to accomplish many of the things that Trump is following thru on as president.

Mitt Romney on the Issues
Romney lost because he didn't fight back against their smears. We elected Trump because he fights back!
Romney lost because he didn't fight back against their smears. We elected Trump because he fights back!
Yup. The voters don't like it when they see that when a possible candidate for president, is besmirched and lied about by his opponents, and all he does is just rolls over on his back, and refuse to stand up for himself, why would they want a president who does that? Will Romney roll over on his back if our enemies call him names too? No one wants a go along, to get along wimp, for a president.
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Pelosi is a Patriot doing what is in the best interests of the nation rather than the party

LMAO!!! Damn, I nearly spit my lunch all over my monitor on that one!
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Pelosi is a Patriot doing what is in the best interests of the nation rather than the party

LMAO!!! Damn, I nearly spit my lunch all over my monitor on that one!

Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Look who's talking about undermining their oath of office! How about taking a look at almost every Democrat in Congress today along those lines.
LMAO!!! Damn, I nearly spit my lunch all over my monitor on that one!
No kidding.

Pelosi and the dems are urinating all over the US Constitution, and going against the precedents set by all the other impeachment attempts in our nation's history. And yet this despicable woman has the gal to claim it is Trump who is to blame, for anything the lunatic dems are doing.
Romney lost because he didn't fight back against their smears. We elected Trump because he fights back!
Yup. The voters don't like it when they see that when a possible candidate for president, is besmirched and lied about by his opponents, and all he does is just rolls over on his back, and refuse to stand up for himself, why would they want a president who does that? Will Romney roll over on his back if our enemies call him names too? No one wants a go along, to get along wimp, for a president.
Romney is VERY COMFORTABLE slandering Republicans, but when Democrats slander him, he rolls over. He's worse than worthless in a confrontation, he doesn't just not fight, he backstabs his own side to curry favor with our adversaries.

Frankly, he's not on our side.
Romney lost because he didn't fight back against their smears. We elected Trump because he fights back!
Yup. The voters don't like it when they see that when a possible candidate for president, is besmirched and lied about by his opponents, and all he does is just rolls over on his back, and refuse to stand up for himself, why would they want a president who does that? Will Romney roll over on his back if our enemies call him names too? No one wants a go along, to get along wimp, for a president.
Romney is VERY COMFORTABLE slandering Republicans, but when Democrats slander him, he rolls over. He's worse than worthless in a confrontation, he doesn't just not fight, he backstabs his own side to curry favor with our adversaries.

Frankly, he's not on our side.
Yeah the people don't like it when the politicians that they support are always criticizing them but they're always kid gloves with their opponents

It's what made people so upset with Obama, sometime. it was like pulling teeth to get him to be critical of the leaders of other nations or their people. But when it came to the American people Obama had no problem saying horrible things about our nation, or it's citizens

Is it some kind of warped virtue signaling, with these people? Did it make them feel better about themselves if they criticized their own, and were always going out of their way not to appear to be critical of their enemies?
Romney lost because he didn't fight back against their smears. We elected Trump because he fights back!
Yup. The voters don't like it when they see that when a possible candidate for president, is besmirched and lied about by his opponents, and all he does is just rolls over on his back, and refuse to stand up for himself, why would they want a president who does that? Will Romney roll over on his back if our enemies call him names too? No one wants a go along, to get along wimp, for a president.
Romney is VERY COMFORTABLE slandering Republicans, but when Democrats slander him, he rolls over. He's worse than worthless in a confrontation, he doesn't just not fight, he backstabs his own side to curry favor with our adversaries.

Frankly, he's not on our side.
Yeah the people don't like it when the politicians that they support are always criticizing them but they're always kid gloves with their opponents

It's what made people so upset with Obama, sometime. it was like pulling teeth to get him to be critical of the leaders of other nations or their people. But when it came to the American people Obama had no problem saying horrible things about our nation, or it's citizens

Is it some kind of warped virtue signaling, with these people? Did it make them feel better about themselves if they criticized their own, and were always going out of their way not to appear to be critical of their enemies?
It's sick, and it does seem to be a warped form of self-righteousness, especially given how vile the Obama Administration was about illegal spying on the American People.

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