Pelosi: ‘Doesn’t Matter’ If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Remember when the Dems voted in Obamacare, knowing the American public was going vote them out of office for it?

Dems have been political suicide bombers before. They are willing to kill their own political career if it permanently hurts America.
Dems putting the people ahead of politics

Patriot Pelosi’s finest hour
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
Pelosi is a Patriot doing what is in the best interests of the nation rather than the party

This is one of the funniest posts I have read in a long long time. Thanks for the laughs!
Pelosi is laughable trying to come off like the moral one who will sacrifice her seat for the good of the Republic. If she wants to show her love of country, why not start by giving back all that government money that went to her old mans vineyard. I don't understand why anyone would believe that bug eyed phony.

Patriot Pelosi is fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way


"Patriot Pelosi"


Check it out!

Notice the flag pin on her lapel?
Bigger than Trumps!


Look at that tiny, tiny flag pin on Trumps lapel......Almost like he is ashamed to wear the flag

That's because she has steamrolled over it many times over.
Pelosi is not wrong, but politicians are masters of specious arguments. Winning elections is first and foremost. If the public had not shifted on impeachment, her idealism would not be on display.
Do you know why the public has shifted on impeachment? It may have a little bit to do with Trump using taxpayer money to shake down a foreign leader in hopes of interfering with our election. That`s against the law. We`re just starting to scratch the surface of his outrageous criminal behavior. Watergate was called a third rate burglary and over a year later the man who won 49 states in 1972 was gone.
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House
It is because they know that Pres.Trump is going to win the upcoming election, and whom ever he chose to be in the House or the Senate. That his supporters are going to vote them in. And so they are trying to make sure that he doesn't tell his supporters which candidates to vote for. And so everytime Pres.trump opens up his mouth to talk. That they'll scream bloody murder.
The Left knows that they cannot impeach Pres.Trump. But it is a great distraction to keep the public from focusing on this upcoming election. So everyone should ignore this impeachment proceedings. Because it is all just an act.

This is a short but urgent warning: A false flag event, an act of war, a bombing or some other headlines-grabbing orchestrated event is very likely to occur in the next seven days precisely because the Obama administration is under intense fire right now and needs a quick distraction. In stage magic, it’s called the “art of misdirection.” In politics, it’s called the “Clinton method.”

Why a government-orchestrated distraction event is highly likely to occur in the next 7 days


They are gong to go into the election with zero achievements for the American People? Whereas Trump has economic growth and rising incomes? Sad!
Pelosi is not wrong, but politicians are masters of specious arguments. Winning elections is first and foremost. If the public had not shifted on impeachment, her idealism would not be on display.
Do you know why the public has shifted on impeachment? It may have a little bit to do with Trump using taxpayer money to shake down a foreign leader in hopes of interfering with our election. That`s against the law. We`re just starting to scratch the surface of his outrageous criminal behavior. Watergate was called a third rate burglary and over a year later the man who won 49 states in 1972 was gone.

That was Biden/Obama
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Remember when the Dems voted in Obamacare, knowing the American public was going vote them out of office for it?

Dems have been political suicide bombers before. They are willing to kill their own political career if it permanently hurts America.
The dems already knew that the American people had voted them out of office, which is why on early Christmas Eve morning in 2010, just a week before they would lose their majority in the Congress, they passed the ACA.
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Remember when the Dems voted in Obamacare, knowing the American public was going vote them out of office for it?

Dems have been political suicide bombers before. They are willing to kill their own political career if it permanently hurts America.
The dems already knew that the American people had voted them out of office, which is why on early Christmas Eve morning in 2010, just a week before they would lose their majority in the Congress, they passed the ACA.

They have always worked against the will of the people
That is their thing.
One huge reason that Donald Trump beat 16 better politically qualified opponents to win the Republican nomination.
Exactly. We are sick and tired of the corruption in Washington. Look at Romney, the guy was close to becoming president, and he's nothing but a Trump-hating democrat, with an (R) after his name.

Romney just views himself as a nicer, less crazed socialist, than the boiler plate dems. He still favors big central government control, and he likes the swamp, and all the power, control and influence a $4 trillion federal budget, and the deficit spending offers for him and his ilk.
Pelosi is laughable trying to come off like the moral one who will sacrifice her seat for the good of the Republic. If she wants to show her love of country, why not start by giving back all that government money that went to her old mans vineyard. I don't understand why anyone would believe that bug eyed phony.

Patriot Pelosi is fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way


"Patriot Pelosi"


Check it out!

Notice the flag pin on her lapel?
Bigger than Trumps!


Look at that tiny, tiny flag pin on Trumps lapel......Almost like he is ashamed to wear the flag

That's because she has steamrolled over it many times over.
Patriot Pelosi wears the flag proudly
Trump treats the flag like a prop
One huge reason that Donald Trump beat 16 better politically qualified opponents to win the Republican nomination.
Exactly. We are sick and tired of the corruption in Washington. Look at Romney, the guy was close to becoming president, and he's nothing but a Trump-hating democrat, with an (R) after his name.

Romney just views himself as a nicer, less crazed socialist, than the boiler plate dems. He still favors big central government control, and he likes the swamp, and all the power, control and influence a $4 trillion federal budget, and the deficit spending offers for him and his ilk.
Romney is rightfully disgusted that Trump is our president
One huge reason that Donald Trump beat 16 better politically qualified opponents to win the Republican nomination.
Exactly. We are sick and tired of the corruption in Washington. Look at Romney, the guy was close to becoming president, and he's nothing but a Trump-hating democrat, with an (R) after his name.

Romney just views himself as a nicer, less crazed socialist, than the boiler plate dems. He still favors big central government control, and he likes the swamp, and all the power, control and influence a $4 trillion federal budget, and the deficit spending offers for him and his ilk.
Romney is rightfully disgusted that Trump is our president

LMAO He couldn't beat Barry even though the economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof. Oh and I'm sure Trump give a shit what the little nobody thinks.

He's a little nobody and only a lefty loon like you would give anything he has to say credence.

Carry on.
Pelosi is laughable trying to come off like the moral one who will sacrifice her seat for the good of the Republic. If she wants to show her love of country, why not start by giving back all that government money that went to her old mans vineyard. I don't understand why anyone would believe that bug eyed phony.

Patriot Pelosi is fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way


"Patriot Pelosi"


Check it out!

Notice the flag pin on her lapel?
Bigger than Trumps!


Look at that tiny, tiny flag pin on Trumps lapel......Almost like he is ashamed to wear the flag

That's because she has steamrolled over it many times over.
Patriot Pelosi wears the flag proudly
Trump treats the flag like a prop

Wish I could believe you but Pelosi has lied and treated the American voter with so much disrespect that I don’t believe Her.
Wish I could believe you but Pelosi has lied and treated the American voter with so much disrespect that I don’t believe Her.
I'll tell you what I don't believe: Pelosi lying through her botoxed face that she doesn't care if the impeachment scam costs democrats control of the House and her hold onto political power.
That's utter bullshit. She has staved off impeachment talk until it's become plain to her that she is losing favor with her gaggle of flying monkey followers.
She is an unbelievable liar and this one is a whopper.
The country should always come first without personal or political consideration.

(1) I laugh
(2) We have 300 Million people here with 300 million different ideas on what it means to put the country first.
(3) I realize that some may not agree

Personally I think that the current President does that better than any politician that I have ever seen.

(1) I realize some don't really want the country to come first - See Obama and like minded politicians and followers
(2) I realize that some may not agree

I never thought it would be a laughing matter to suggest Americans should always put the country first. I'm not sure how to respond to your post.

The topic is an important and a serious one and worthy of thoughtful discussion not party talking points.
Except the FACT is that in this CASE politics is all it is. Trump has done thing wrong EXCEPT get elected. The democrats have been butt hurt since November 2016 and been playing politics since then.
So impeach. Let's get this moving.
How can Articles of Impeachment be drawn up without sufficient data/evidence?
The way it works you MORON is the House votes to Impeach and then then draws up the articles. You don't spends months INVESTIGATING what are supposedly cut and dried events and articles that REQUIRE the vote to begin with.
It seems like Pelosi knows she's lost control of the party. She'd rather the Dems lose the House in the election than her lose her position by vote of her own party.

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