Pelosi: ‘Doesn’t Matter’ If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

The Democrats have already conceded that trump will get elected in 2020. The way it's looking the gop will control everything...

Seriously no Democrat has uttered a word of truth since the Muller report upped trumps numbers

The left is fucked.

I love the liberal echo chamber that believes Trump is done. He's in every article, every day, on every channel, in every single tweet and meme and dialogue, yet leftist fucks actually think that is a BAD thing?

Do these leftist dipshits actually pay attention to the world around them? Those morons keep whining under the delusion it’s going to change anything. The only change will be how many idiots see the name Trump on the ballot and pencil that in because they recognize it, or are sick of dipshits whining 24/7 about Russia or Ukraine.

We are going to be hearing about Ukraine for awhile.
It's going to be the Collusion that Ukraine had on behalf of the Hillary campaign.
2 people have already been prosecuted and convicted for election inference on her behalf.
This is the entire reason that the Democratic Media forced Pelosi into acting -
I wonder if there is a coke connection for hunter
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Bullshit! Nancy Pelosi will not hold an impeachment vote in the house if she thins it will cost the Dems their majority. Clearly, the Democratic Party does not give a flyin' fuck about the US Constitution, they have been trying for decades to change or ignore it. The squad can go to hell as far as she's concerned, it ain't happening unless she says so and believes it is her best interests. Not theirs.

I think she'll hold impeachment vote, because it doesn't matter to them, since they're going to rig the election.

They already rigged the last one but they underestimated Trump's popularity and he broke through the rigging, so this time they are going to do it way harder, to even overplay their hand ending up with something ridiculous like 90% votes for the dem candidate.

Even after years of derangement you guys still don't understand what kind of people you're dealing with here, you're just not gonna beat them playing by the rules, because you're the only ones playing by the rules at all.
The Democrats have already conceded that trump will get elected in 2020. The way it's looking the gop will control everything...

Seriously no Democrat has uttered a word of truth since the Muller report upped trumps numbers

The left is fucked.

I love the liberal echo chamber that believes Trump is done. He's in every article, every day, on every channel, in every single tweet and meme and dialogue, yet leftist fucks actually think that is a BAD thing?

Do these leftist dipshits actually pay attention to the world around them? Those morons keep whining under the delusion it’s going to change anything. The only change will be how many idiots see the name Trump on the ballot and pencil that in because they recognize it, or are sick of dipshits whining 24/7 about Russia or Ukraine.

We are going to be hearing about Ukraine for awhile.
It's going to be the Collusion that Ukraine had on behalf of the Hillary campaign.
2 people have already been prosecuted and convicted for election inference on her behalf.
This is the entire reason that the Democratic Media forced Pelosi into acting -
I wonder if there is a coke connection for hunter

Is there something that is not at least a possible coke connection for hunter?
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Bullshit! Nancy Pelosi will not hold an impeachment vote in the house if she thins it will cost the Dems their majority. Clearly, the Democratic Party does not give a flyin' fuck about the US Constitution, they have been trying for decades to change or ignore it. The squad can go to hell as far as she's concerned, it ain't happening unless she says so and believes it is her best interests. Not theirs.

I think she'll hold impeachment vote, because it doesn't matter to them, since they're going to rig the election.

They already rigged the last one but they underestimated Trump's popularity and he broke through the rigging, so this time they are going to do it way harder, to even overplay their hand ending up with something ridiculous like 90% votes for the dem candidate.

Even after years of derangement you guys still don't understand what kind of people you're dealing with here, you're just not gonna beat them playing by the rules, because you're the only ones playing by the rules at all.

Doubtful that there will be a vote - Actual Americans outside of the Democratic Media have very little interest in it.
Trump does not play by their rules.
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

Bullshit! Nancy Pelosi will not hold an impeachment vote in the house if she thins it will cost the Dems their majority. Clearly, the Democratic Party does not give a flyin' fuck about the US Constitution, they have been trying for decades to change or ignore it. The squad can go to hell as far as she's concerned, it ain't happening unless she says so and believes it is her best interests. Not theirs.
Patriot Pelosi understands the magnitude of her responsibility

To serve and protect We the People and remove those who abuse their official responsibilities from office

God Bless Nancy Pelosi!
Tribune CEO Evan Smith asked Nancy Pelosi: “Heading into the next election cycle, do you have any anxiety at all about any of the stuff we’re talking about impacting your ability to hold control of the House in 2020?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she responded. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. People say you have to take a political risk doing that. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Pelosi: 'Doesn't Matter' If Impeachment Cost Democrats The House

The country should always come first without personal or political consideration.
If that were the case she'd wait for a real offense before screaming impeachment.

So what are you recommending? How would you handle the current situation?

First, your statement about country should always come first before personal or political consideration is absolutely true, but I think most people realize that is not the case for just about all of the current politicians in DC, and for both parties. It's the way it is, and it ain't going to change cuz human nature is what it is.

As for what to do about it, people are gonna have to vote out those who have their priorities wrong, which in this case is a whole lot of democrats. And I'll be honest, Trump oughta be gone too, but the problem is that there's no better option being offered to the voters. The democratic candidates are IMHO a bunch of far left whackos whose politics are too far out of the mainsteam, the things they want to do are nothing short of preposterous. And in Trump's case, I doubt that he's doing anything worse than every other modern day president has done before.

Look, impeachment is a big deal cuz it means removing a duly-elected president, and that ought not to be undertaken unless serious and provable offenses were committed. And in this case, they weren't. The Dems have nothing but hearsay, supposition, and innuendo, there's nothing concrete to base such a serious action on. So again, about all we can do is vote out those who are not working in our best interests, party affiliation be damned. Part of draining the swamp falls on us, and I don't care how long somebody has been in office or which party they belong to, we need to kick their asses out if they deserve it.
The country should always come first without personal or political consideration.
If that were the case she'd wait for a real offense before screaming impeachment.

So what are you recommending? How would you handle the current situation?

Describe the situation that you see.

Okay - here's how I see it:

Congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.
The country should always come first without personal or political consideration.
If that were the case she'd wait for a real offense before screaming impeachment.

So what are you recommending? How would you handle the current situation?

First, your statement about country should always come first before personal or political consideration is absolutely true, but I think most people realize that is not the case for just about all of the current politicians in DC, and for both parties. It's the way it is, and it ain't going to change cuz human nature is what it is.

As for what to do about it, people are gonna have to vote out those who have their priorities wrong, which in this case is a whole lot of democrats. And I'll be honest, Trump oughta be gone too, but the problem is that there's no better option being offered to the voters. The democratic candidates are IMHO a bunch of far left whackos whose politics are too far out of the mainsteam, the things they want to do are nothing short of preposterous. And in Trump's case, I doubt that he's doing anything worse than every other modern day president has done before.

Look, impeachment is a big deal cuz it means removing a duly-elected president, and that ought not to be undertaken unless serious and provable offenses were committed. And in this case, they weren't. The Dems have nothing but hearsay, supposition, and innuendo, there's nothing concrete to base such a serious action on. So again, about all we can do is vote out those who are not working in our best interests, party affiliation be damned. Part of draining the swamp falls on us, and I don't care how long somebody has been in office or which party they belong to, we need to kick their asses out if they deserve it.

Why should President Trump be gone?
The country should always come first without personal or political consideration.
If that were the case she'd wait for a real offense before screaming impeachment.

So what are you recommending? How would you handle the current situation?

Describe the situation that you see.

Okay - here's how I see it:

Congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.

You may be confusing
Legitimate oversight with
Hey, we lost the election, but with the Democratic media behind us we can still pretend to be in charge

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