Pelosi Drafts New House Rules Outlawing Gendered Terms Like Mother & Father

Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

Name one Republican that votes for school shootings. Sorry but the comparison doesn't fly.
Anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment has contributed...that goes for Democrats as well.

Bullshit. Does that mean anyone that supports the 21st amendment supports drunk driving?
Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

Name one Republican that votes for school shootings. Sorry but the comparison doesn't fly.
Anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment has contributed...that goes for Democrats as well.
Why did this not exist at least the way we see today in the past?

Try again slingblade
Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

Name one Republican that votes for school shootings. Sorry but the comparison doesn't fly.
Anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment has contributed...that goes for Democrats as well.
Why did this not exist at least the way we see today in the past?

Try again slingblade

No. It means that if Adam Lanza's mother didn't have an arsenal in her house with a mentally ill kid, 26 people would still be alive today. The 2nd Amendment created that right for her to have these weapons in close proximity to a supposed nutjob. Ditto for Kleibold and Harris. You'll note that their shooting was what killed their classmates. They made bombs too. But, unlike firearms, they couldn't go out to the bombing range and practice their craft making bombs because the 2nd Amendment doesn't cover that--much to your chagrin I'm certain.. But, hell, kids with Uzi' problem. They probably got pointers from fellow gun nuts.
Also in the bill. . .
(1) exempt the budgetary effects of measures to prevent, prepare for, or respond to economic or public health consequences resulting from the COVID–19 pandemic; and
(2) exempt the budgetary effects of measures to prevent, prepare for, or respond to economic, environmental, or public health consequences resulting from climate change
And also in the bill. .
(1) the investigative jurisdiction of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis shall consist of policies, strategies, and innovations to achieve substantial and permanent reductions in pollution and other activities that contribute to the climate crisis which will honor our responsibility to be good stewards of the planet for future generations and advance environmental justice;
No. It means that if Adam Lanza's mother didn't have an arsenal in her house with a mentally ill kid, 26 people would still be alive today. The 2nd Amendment created that right for her to have these weapons in close proximity to a supposed nutjob.

There goes that leftist crystal ball again. How do you know what Lanza would have done if he didn't get her weapons? She had hers under lock and key. He had to kill his mother to get the keys off of her. When mad killers have a goal, they don't stop because one idea didn't work. They go to the next idea.
And lastly. .
(A) PAYMENT OF EXPENSES.—There shall be paid out of the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives not more than $500,000 for the expenses of the Select Committee, to be available during the period beginning at noon on January 3, 2021, and ending on March 31, 2021.


Apparently Piglosi hasn't read the First Amendment.
Its been a while. You guys have gone nuts.

I would be embarrassed to be a Democrat or a Republican given the silly assed games each plays. Then again, I have character and am not a jerk...unlike yourself.

Of course you're a jerk because you are afraid to admit what you are. By your own admission you haven't voted for a Republican in years. There are really only two choices in any election because no third party candidate stands a chance. Face it, you're a Democrat.
No. It means that if Adam Lanza's mother didn't have an arsenal in her house with a mentally ill kid, 26 people would still be alive today. The 2nd Amendment created that right for her to have these weapons in close proximity to a supposed nutjob.

There goes that leftist crystal ball again. How do you know what Lanza would have done if he didn't get her weapons? She had hers under lock and key. He had to kill his mother to get the keys off of her. When mad killers have a goal, they don't stop because one idea didn't work. They go to the next idea.

Yeah, well here is what happens in reality.

Paris, Texas. Teenage girl calls her teenaged boyfriend and tells him that he's a loser and they are through. He gets mad. Goes to his dad's dresser, pulls out his pistol, goes over to her house and kills her.

Paris, France. Teenage girl calls her teenaged boyfriend and tells him that he's a loser and they are through. He gets mad. He doesn't have access to a gun and gets over it in a few days.
Its been a while. You guys have gone nuts.

I would be embarrassed to be a Democrat or a Republican given the silly assed games each plays. Then again, I have character and am not a jerk...unlike yourself.

Of course you're a jerk because you are afraid to admit what you are. By your own admission you haven't voted for a Republican in years. There are really only two choices in any election because no third party candidate stands a chance. Face it, you're a Democrat.
I'd be embarrassed to be a Democrat or a Republican. But I'd be much more ashamed if I were someone like you. Good to see that everyone has to fall within two camps in your simple mind.
I'd be embarrassed to be a Democrat or a Republican. But I'd be much more ashamed if I were someone like you. Good to see that everyone has to fall within two camps in your simple mind.

You're embarrassed to refer to yourself as to what you really are? Hey, at least I don't live in denial.
Yeah, well here is what happens in reality.

Paris, Texas. Teenage girl calls her teenaged boyfriend and tells him that he's a loser and they are through. He gets mad. Goes to his dad's dresser, pulls out his pistol, goes over to her house and kills her.

Paris, France. Teenage girl calls her teenaged boyfriend and tells him that he's a loser and they are through. He gets mad. He doesn't have access to a gun and gets over it in a few days.

Oh please. People in this country murder with all kinds of weapons: guns, knives, bats, and you think eliminating guns would solve the problem? Two years ago London had a higher murder rate than New York City.

Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.
Right wingers don't own school shootings. If right wingers ever wanted to shoot up a school, they certainly wouldn't shoot innocent kids. They'd probably find the worst teachers who are peddling critical race theory and other liberal indoctrination BS, put them in a room, and shoot at their feet while saying "dance bitch". Once they shit their pants, they would be free to go.
Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Yea, it's just about time for her to go buh-bye. But I'll say this for Nancy - She has been THE most effective Speaker in my lifetime.
yep all those corrupt deals to sell out the nation---made her millions $$$ along with a bunch of other corrupt politicians. Very effective.

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