Pelosi Drafts New House Rules Outlawing Gendered Terms Like Mother & Father

Exactly how fruity do the Democrats want America to go?

Aunts and uncles would be changed to "parent's sibling"

One has to feel sorry for Ms. Nancy.

The elderly lady is so desperate to keep the Speakership that she will go to any length to get enough votes.

I guess that she felt kneeling in the Capitol would do the trick, but I hear tell that the vote this year is so close that she has to go bonkers in order to get the vote from so-called "progressives."
research the author!! Can you point me to a video where she said that?
And you showed the same demand for an exact quote for when "Trump said to drink bleach".
The attack on a person's biological sex and its effects on them will continue, and it's sad. And such moves only continue to promote youth to partake in willing gender dysphoria, whether it's genuine or to be celebrated and worshipped by mainstream leftist institutions.

The bottom line is, these folk have an alarmingly high suicide rate, and that's not simply because of differences and social interactions. I think the dysphoria corrupts a psychological and emotional baseline in so many people. There's a reason why men overall are masculine and women are feminine. These aren't social constructs whatsoever, and they go hand in hand with the physiological differences between men and women. Yet, here we are, electing a president who thinks its good for eight year olds to change genders.. it's sick.

If you go to Biden's website, he's going to re-institute DumBama's policy of forcing schools to let weirdos in dresses into girls bathrooms and dressing rooms. Yet it was the left who accused Republicans of having a war on women because we objected to commie care policies that state all health insurance plans must provide birth control.

If you went to visit your friend, knocked on the door, and heard something scratching on the door, entered and found your friend on all fours barking at you, what would be the most humane thing to do? Would you pat him on the head and say "good boy!" Would you throw a ball across the room for him to fetch it; open the back door so he could piss on a tree, or would you contact professionals to get him some mental help?

Instead of treating this illness, we cateer to it. We refer to guys in dresses as "her or she." They keep taking steps toward becoming something they can never be. Eventually they find some quack that will amputate them. It's only then they not only realize they can never actually be a woman, but can never have natural sex of any kind for the rest of their lives, and kill themselves.

It's just very sad.
I am not seeing what is wrong with updating laws to make them more inclusive.
Its not making it more inclusive its making it more vague if i am not mistaken.
Isnt she taking out the part that says you cant hire your sister in law? Etc.
I dont see whats wrong with the term sister in lae or brother or whatever in describing who you cant hire.
It seems to me she could have simply added a few terms sge thought might imply. But instead she is taking out a term that was used for a definition and did not replace it with anything thereby leaving the term relative. In you can not hire a reletive undefined. It can then later be argued a son in law is not a reletive.
Sounds to me like they are trying to get around the rules of the house saying you can not hire any reletives.
Is mass unemployment on the way?
If it is they could after voting in mass unemployment hire their offshoot family members thereby saving their own families while everyone elses drowns
All they have to do is argue the now undefined term reletive in regards to whom the members of the house can hire untill the economy recovers if ever.
This is wrong
She should know better and if it is necessary add a term or redefine one and not totally remove a definition from the law
Either redefine it or leave it alone. It is not making it inclusive or exclusive. It is making it vague and arguable when challenged
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There is nothing wrong with the definition. If a man gets a sex change they just go from son in law to sister in law.
These are hiring laws for the house of representitives. Not some off the wall nothing
They are trying to change them right now.
In a lockdown emegency, they can hire their own offshoot relatives and put them on the printing press payroll.
Once they all vote for a nationwide lockdown and loss of jobs for the population they can hire offshoot family members
Undefine the term "reletive" and you can hire your son in law while swearing he is not a real blood reletive while the rest of america sinks.
Do not let them change laws on the rules of the house. Especially during these times!
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

If you're a liberal but not a Democrat, how do you vote?
For federal elections, I vote for Democrats because they represent my views. It makes zero sense to vote for a President of one party and a congressperson from another. That is our federal system.

Locally, I vote for whomever represents my views as well. That includes those who run as democrats, republicans or non affiliated.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

If you're a liberal but not a Democrat, how do you vote?
For federal elections, I vote for Democrats because they represent my views. It makes zero sense to vote for a President of one party and a congressperson from another. That is our federal system.

Locally, I vote for whomever represents my views as well. That includes those who run as democrats, republicans or non affiliated.
Vote for either party you like. There is something seriously wrong with this country right now.
For federal elections, I vote for Democrats because they represent my views. It makes zero sense to vote for a President of one party and a congressperson from another. That is our federal system.

Locally, I vote for whomever represents my views as well. That includes those who run as democrats, republicans or non affiliated.

Then basically you're a Democrat but too embarrassed to admit it. Can't blame you there. So when was the last time you voted for any Republican?
Well. We cleaned up in 2018... held the house and won the presidency in2020 and have a 50/50 chance of winning the senate in 2021. Seems like the democratic agenda is winning hearts and minds while the republicans agenda is... what am I thinking, there is no Republican agenda.

The Democratic agenda is nothing more than promoting “free” stuff at someone else’s expense. Yes, those with childlike minds are very intrigued. Ergo, the least successful and the youngest are staunch Democrats. Go figure.
Yea? Like what policy? I’ll wait for your informed post. I’m expecting: “F off you commie bastard”.
For federal elections, I vote for Democrats because they represent my views. It makes zero sense to vote for a President of one party and a congressperson from another. That is our federal system.

Locally, I vote for whomever represents my views as well. That includes those who run as democrats, republicans or non affiliated.

Then basically you're a Democrat but too embarrassed to admit it. Can't blame you there. So when was the last time you voted for any Republican?

Its been a while. You guys have gone nuts.

I would be embarrassed to be a Democrat or a Republican given the silly assed games each plays. Then again, I have character and am not a jerk...unlike yourself.
Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

Name one Republican that votes for school shootings. Sorry but the comparison doesn't fly.
I'm sure all the men and women mothers and fathers brothers and sisters who have had a business go under lost there job or had there hours reduced due to covid and are in danger of losing everything they spent their life working for greatly appericate her attention on getting rid of terms like these in Congress that will be a great help to them in their struggle to make it another day.
Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

Name one Republican that votes for school shootings. Sorry but the comparison doesn't fly.
Anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment has contributed...that goes for Democrats as well.
Another idiotic move by Pelosi. How long will the Democrats continue to have this tone deaf lightning rod as their leader in Congress?

Your people, your side, you own it.
I'm not a democrat. As a liberal, I guess, I do "own" it....much in the same way right wing loons own the school shootings since your political leanings overlap in the same way mine and Nancy's do.

Name one Republican that votes for school shootings. Sorry but the comparison doesn't fly.
Anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment has contributed...that goes for Democrats as well.
Why did this not exist at least the way we see today in the past?

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