Pelosi ...early stages of Alzheimer's.

Pelosi has only one concern right now
Building a solid case for impeachment
On what planet?

It's ok.... Let them make this Congress term all about impeachment. It will guarantee a Trump landslide in 20.

They can't impeach him out of the White House anyway. They'd just be cutting their own throats. Even dumbass Pelosi is smart enough to know that. Course Adam Schit might not be... but they'd lose their majority for sure in 2020... so... let 'em do it... if they're that stupid.
Pelosi has only one concern right now
Building a solid case for impeachment
On what planet?

It's ok.... Let them make this Congress term all about impeachment. It will guarantee a Trump landslide in 20.

They can't impeach him out of the White House anyway. They'd just be cutting their own throats. Even dumbass Pelosi is smart enough to know that. Course Adam Schit might not be... but they'd lose their majority for sure in 2020... so... let 'em do it... if they're that stupid.
The only question is......will Trump bring the Republican Party down with him?
So, a fine thread to deflect away from Trump's rather obvious dementia.

It's how Republicans always operate. Whatever is a problem for them, whatever sleaze it is they're doing, that's what they accuse Democrats of.

If Pelosi has Alzheimer's, what the fck does Trump have!?

If the Dems make her the speaker again they're nuts. This midterm mini gain is actually really bad news for them. They didn't actually gain anything except the ability to slow down legislation. If the moron song is going to be anything like the preview over the next two years I think we'll see a Historically lopsided victory for the GOP in 2020. One thing they can get right is to appoint a younger, more well informed gavel master.... But no.... They're going to let Nancy drool on the Gavel again. Not smart

So trump boy has dementia and you people love him.

If the Dems make her the speaker again they're nuts. This midterm mini gain is actually really bad news for them. They didn't actually gain anything except the ability to slow down legislation. If the moron song is going to be anything like the preview over the next two years I think we'll see a Historically lopsided victory for the GOP in 2020. One thing they can get right is to appoint a younger, more well informed gavel master.... But no.... They're going to let Nancy drool on the Gavel again. Not smart

tRump, late stages of Alzheimer's.

Not a good look that our "leaders" pelosi and trump suffer from alzheimers.

Is this the Dems talking points? Nothing new, nothing original, just bitterness and envy, it seems to be all the left has now. Maybe you nutters need someone to come up with new nonsense instead of the tired and failed nonsense.
Its not a talking point dude. Republicans nominated a crazy ex reality show host to be president. Everyone is gonna talk about it, and the dude makes a fool of himself daily on twitter anyways.

Man my post went way over your head.
They claim to be the party of progress and yet they have not progressed at all in the leadership department.

Ummm...... you guys pushed Bush and Trump on the world

Democrats are just as guilty for putting in Trump and Bush into office, just as the right was responsible for Obama.
Total nonsense

Had the Democrats put up a halfway decent candidate they Dems would have won easily, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans, I realize that Democrats won’t take any responsibility for it, and there in lies the problem.
It's the democrats fault republicans nominated a piece of shit!

No, it is the Democrats fault that he won, Democrats had to nominate a terrible candidate.
Ummm...... you guys pushed Bush and Trump on the world

Democrats are just as guilty for putting in Trump and Bush into office, just as the right was responsible for Obama.
Total nonsense

Had the Democrats put up a halfway decent candidate they Dems would have won easily, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans, I realize that Democrats won’t take any responsibility for it, and there in lies the problem.
It's the democrats fault republicans nominated a piece of shit!

No, it is the Democrats fault that he won, Democrats had to nominate a terrible candidate.
Most Americans voted for her
Only a few more weeks till Pelosi time

Crooked Donnie will have some splainin to do
I heard she liked to tip the bottle. I always thought that was the reason for her weird demeanor.

Yeah I've read that as well.

They should elect someone besides her as Speaker. The way that woman speaks one would think she's drunk 24/7.

They need a younger person as Speaker.
Democrats are just as guilty for putting in Trump and Bush into office, just as the right was responsible for Obama.
Total nonsense

Had the Democrats put up a halfway decent candidate they Dems would have won easily, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans, I realize that Democrats won’t take any responsibility for it, and there in lies the problem.
It's the democrats fault republicans nominated a piece of shit!

No, it is the Democrats fault that he won, Democrats had to nominate a terrible candidate.
Most Americans voted for her

And she lost, imagine what a romp it would have been with a more likable candidate.
It will be Trump faking Alzheimer’s once charges are filed

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