Pelosi ...early stages of Alzheimer's.

Yeah, the revisionist bullshit is strong in this one. The truth is the lying democrats tried to steal an election and their own state Supreme Court was making up law on the fly. It was Florida at their best worst behavior.

I understand that your cult fed you that BS, so you're commanded to repeat it, but you need to understand that everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida by every chad-counting standard. That's not debatable. Chads were meaningless, just an excuse Republicans used to stop the counting of legal votes.

The Republicans stopped those legal votes from being counted even once. That's not debatable.

Gore sued to have the votes counted. The Florida SC agreed, and ordered a statewide recount of all votes under one standard. I understand that your Stalinist cult considers counting all the votes in a fair election to be something that needs to be stopped at all costs, but you need to understand that patriots consider your attitude to be anti-American.

So, you cheated. You won. Get over it already. Worst sore winners I've ever seen.

It's the same with Trump. We thought you'd stop being such whiny bitches after you won, but winning just caused you to escalate the whining. Why not admit that you're happier when you don't cheat to win? When you're in your natural state of loserdom, you won't have to take responsibility for your incompetence, so you won't look so stupid when you try to blame it on Democrats.
Someone here has a bad case of RETARDATION. You come into a thread about NANCY PELOSI and start talking about TRUMP while whining about deflecting.

Getting triggered like that over simple truth is a symptom of senility. That's one reason the Trump cult adores the dotard-in-chief. Many of them are as addled as Trump, so they see him as a kindred soul.

Instead of crying about it, look at the bright side. Trump's lawyers will be able to present senility as a mitigating factor at Trump's sentencing. Trump won't be able to plead it himself, as he'll be in the home asking for another pudding cup.
I understand that your cult fed you that BS, so you're commanded to repeat it, but you need to understand that everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida by every chad-counting standard. That's not debatable. Chads were meaningless, just an excuse Republicans used to stop the counting of legal votes.

The Republicans stopped those legal votes from being counted even once. That's not debatable.

Gore sued to have the votes counted. The Florida SC agreed, and ordered a statewide recount of all votes under one standard. I understand that your Stalinist cult considers counting all the votes in a fair election to be something that needs to be stopped at all costs, but you need to understand that patriots consider your attitude to be anti-American.

So, you cheated. You won. Get over it already. Worst sore winners I've ever seen.
Even more revisionist bullshit! The United States Supreme Court rightly stepped in an stopped all the interpretive nonsense of trying to determine what chad voters intended (Bush lawyers said one thing...Gore lawyers another).
"According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court." The Florida Recount of 2000 -

Bush still won no matter how you figure it. Pull up your Depends and stop whining.
I told you that, but you're still in meltdown mode over it.
LOL...if you want to call me correcting your politicized fables a "meltdown" go ahead. You stated a lie and I corrected it.

Why are you such a hysterical sore winner? To outside observers, it looks as though something is nagging your conscience about your "win".
And to some outsiders it looks as though you are dragging your straw man through the mud with your absurd. inferences. My conscience has zero reason to be troubled.
Republicans reset the political bar

They didn’t expect business as usual after the way they acted for eight years did they?

Democrats reset the bar in 2000 then the bar was reset in 2008 and then again in 2016. There is a pattern.
Not following you
Have an example?

Bush was called illegitimate from the 2000 election. In 2016 Trump was called illegitimate. It’s not new, for the Dems to act like a victim is laughable. How many bills did Reid sit on? Lol! I see both parties as being very petty. Just pathetic, Democrats and Republicans are responsible for our politics today.
Bush lost the popular vote and needed the court to award him Florida......not exactly a president of the People

Trump also lost the popular vote and had help from both Russia and James Comey.......again his legitimacy is questionable

Why was the legitimacy of Obama in question when he won by 8 million votes and over 100 electoral votes?
Because some morons (including our sitting President) claimed he was born in Kenya

So before Obama and after Obama the left claims the Presidents were not legitimate. There you go, and then you wonder? I don’t, both parties are the same and work to divide both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of hate and dividing the country, yet neither party or its voters will take blame.

Low points in the American electoral system
I understand that your cult fed you that BS, so you're commanded to repeat it, but you need to understand that everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida by every chad-counting standard. That's not debatable. Chads were meaningless, just an excuse Republicans used to stop the counting of legal votes.

The Republicans stopped those legal votes from being counted even once. That's not debatable.

Gore sued to have the votes counted. The Florida SC agreed, and ordered a statewide recount of all votes under one standard. I understand that your Stalinist cult considers counting all the votes in a fair election to be something that needs to be stopped at all costs, but you need to understand that patriots consider your attitude to be anti-American.

So, you cheated. You won. Get over it already. Worst sore winners I've ever seen.
Even more revisionist bullshit! The United States Supreme Court rightly stepped in an stopped all the interpretive nonsense of trying to determine what chad voters intended (Bush lawyers said one thing...Gore lawyers another).
"According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court." The Florida Recount of 2000 -

Bush still won no matter how you figure it. Pull up your Depends and stop whining.

Bush stole the election
Just like Comrade Trump
Can’t wait for Pelosi to come back

Nobody I’d rather have leading Trumps impeachment
So, a fine thread to deflect away from Trump's rather obvious dementia.

It's how Republicans always operate. Whatever is a problem for them, whatever sleaze it is they're doing, that's what they accuse Democrats of.

If Pelosi has Alzheimer's, what the fck does Trump have!?

If the Dems make her the speaker again they're nuts. This midterm mini gain is actually really bad news for them. They didn't actually gain anything except the ability to slow down legislation. If the moron song is going to be anything like the preview over the next two years I think we'll see a Historically lopsided victory for the GOP in 2020. One thing they can get right is to appoint a younger, more well informed gavel master.... But no.... They're going to let Nancy drool on the Gavel again. Not smart

So trump boy has dementia and you people love him.

If the Dems make her the speaker again they're nuts. This midterm mini gain is actually really bad news for them. They didn't actually gain anything except the ability to slow down legislation. If the moron song is going to be anything like the preview over the next two years I think we'll see a Historically lopsided victory for the GOP in 2020. One thing they can get right is to appoint a younger, more well informed gavel master.... But no.... They're going to let Nancy drool on the Gavel again. Not smart

tRump, late stages of Alzheimer's.

Not a good look that our "leaders" pelosi and trump suffer from alzheimers.

Is this the Dems talking points? Nothing new, nothing original, just bitterness and envy, it seems to be all the left has now. Maybe you nutters need someone to come up with new nonsense instead of the tired and failed nonsense.
Its not a talking point dude. Republicans nominated a crazy ex reality show host to be president. Everyone is gonna talk about it, and the dude makes a fool of himself daily on twitter anyways.
So, a fine thread to deflect away from Trump's rather obvious dementia.

It's how Republicans always operate. Whatever is a problem for them, whatever sleaze it is they're doing, that's what they accuse Democrats of.

If Pelosi has Alzheimer's, what the fck does Trump have!?

If the Dems make her the speaker again they're nuts. This midterm mini gain is actually really bad news for them. They didn't actually gain anything except the ability to slow down legislation. If the moron song is going to be anything like the preview over the next two years I think we'll see a Historically lopsided victory for the GOP in 2020. One thing they can get right is to appoint a younger, more well informed gavel master.... But no.... They're going to let Nancy drool on the Gavel again. Not smart

So trump boy has dementia and you people love him.

If the Dems make her the speaker again they're nuts. This midterm mini gain is actually really bad news for them. They didn't actually gain anything except the ability to slow down legislation. If the moron song is going to be anything like the preview over the next two years I think we'll see a Historically lopsided victory for the GOP in 2020. One thing they can get right is to appoint a younger, more well informed gavel master.... But no.... They're going to let Nancy drool on the Gavel again. Not smart

tRump, late stages of Alzheimer's.

Not a good look that our "leaders" pelosi and trump suffer from alzheimers.

Is this the Dems talking points? Nothing new, nothing original, just bitterness and envy, it seems to be all the left has now. Maybe you nutters need someone to come up with new nonsense instead of the tired and failed nonsense.

They claim to be the party of progress and yet they have not progressed at all in the leadership department.

The republican party is the party of massive debt.
Is this the Dems talking points? Nothing new, nothing original, just bitterness and envy, it seems to be all the left has now. Maybe you nutters need someone to come up with new nonsense instead of the tired and failed nonsense.

They claim to be the party of progress and yet they have not progressed at all in the leadership department.

Ummm...... you guys pushed Bush and Trump on the world

Democrats are just as guilty for putting in Trump and Bush into office, just as the right was responsible for Obama.
Total nonsense

Had the Democrats put up a halfway decent candidate they Dems would have won easily, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans, I realize that Democrats won’t take any responsibility for it, and there in lies the problem.
It's the democrats fault republicans nominated a piece of shit!
Bush needed the court to award him the presidency
He damned well did to stop the democrats from absolutely robbing the country. A consortium of news services went back and did a post election recount and guess what? Bush won again! So suck on that!
Trump needed Putin and Comey
LOL....even the Inquisitor Robert Mueller can't make that dead meme get up and walk. You people are fucking pathetic!
The Great Obama won fair and square
Well....yeah, kind of. I mean he did have all the media, and academia and Hollywood sucking his dick.
But okay, sure...."fair and square".
Or as fair and square as any election can be with all the cards stacked against
you from the start and where every uninformed sheep man and woman gets all they know of the election from Ellen DeGeneres, The View and ABC news. Fair and square. Right?
Pelosi has only one concern right now
Building a solid case for impeachment

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