PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans ‘Not a Justification’ for Stricter Border Security Rules

Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

Guns are what is killing Americans. What does the GOP do about that ? Nothing !
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.
What's suddenly wrong with "thoughts and prayers"?
That's hilarious coming from the douchebags who object to when it's being said about mass shooting victims.

No one said anythingt's wrong with it if it was sincere. However, Piglosi made it clear she doesn't give a damn about Americans who are murdered by illegals.
So....your idea of "thoughts and prayers" is merely conditional? Is that it?
Thoughts and Prayers" are a sick joke when you are the one responsible for illegal aliens being allowed to kill Americans.
So you think "thoughts and prayers" are a sick joke, eh? Some teachers and students from Sandy Hook and Stoneman Douglas schools would like to have a word with you.
Wall cowards gonna cower.
"Wall cowards?" Seriously?

Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that your an imbecile.

Boy howdy. You got me. You've run circles around me logically. I bow to you superior intellect.

Just kidding. You're a sniveling coward who dreams that big daddy Trump will give you the courage you lack.
Dems are on the payroll of MS13 and the drug cartels, who fund the DNC through “La Raza”. They have no shame and no morals.

It's all about Child Trafficking. Don't doubt me on this.

Remember they were testing DNA to match the kids with their "parents"? I think they only did the first 6 and 2 admitted they weren't the parents and 2 of the others didn't match. Then there was a lawsuit to stop all further DNA testing.


Or to use them as a bargaining chip to sneak into this country.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.
What's suddenly wrong with "thoughts and prayers"?
That's hilarious coming from the douchebags who object to when it's being said about mass shooting victims.

No one said anythingt's wrong with it if it was sincere. However, Piglosi made it clear she doesn't give a damn about Americans who are murdered by illegals.
So....your idea of "thoughts and prayers" is merely conditional? Is that it?
Thoughts and Prayers" are a sick joke when you are the one responsible for illegal aliens being allowed to kill Americans.
So you think "thoughts and prayers" are a sick joke, eh? Some teachers and students from Sandy Hook and Stoneman Douglas schools would like to have a word with you.
Democrats are the ones who claimed it was a sick joke, moron.
Wall cowards gonna cower.
"Wall cowards?" Seriously?

Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

By trashing freedom and idolizing government as the solution to all your problems. You know, like good liberals.
Leftists are the one who trash freedom. You also idolize government as the solution to all your problems.

Prove it, chickenshit. I've posted a lot on this board. Should be real easy to find an example. Unless you're completely full of shit. Could that be it? Are you completely full of shit?
"Wall cowards?" Seriously?

Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that your an imbecile.

Boy howdy. You got me. You've run circles around me logically. I bow to you superior intellect.

Just kidding. You're a sniveling coward who dreams that big daddy Trump will give you the courage you lack.
Yes, I did run circles around you logically. Calling people who avoid self destructive behavior "cowards" is the logic of an infantile leftwing moron.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.
We don't know what is in her mind, sometimes even she doesn't. Like Trump, she and Schumer are getting painted into corners, and they are having trouble defending their positions and things they have said. Maybe what we need is a negotiator to work with them, say someone like Denzel Washington.

It's simple:

1. Border security is absolutely no justification for shutting down the government. They are unrelated.

2. Congress will not be blackmailed - "Buy this magazine or we'll shoot this dog!" is no way to run a government.

3. A wall across the entire Mexican border is an idiotic idea on so many levels!

4. Border security and illegal immigration are serious issues and should be treated as such. Catering to a spoiled brat that just wants a monument to himself is not how to deal with these issues.

It's not a monument to himself, it's a monument of keeping a promise to his voters; something Democrats seldom do.
Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that your an imbecile.

Boy howdy. You got me. You've run circles around me logically. I bow to you superior intellect.

Just kidding. You're a sniveling coward who dreams that big daddy Trump will give you the courage you lack.
Yes, I did run circles around you logically. Calling people who avoid self destructive behavior "cowards" is the sign of a leftwing moron.

You wouldn't know "left-wing" if you adopted every one of their values and betrayed your country - which you've done.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

Guns are what is killing Americans. What does the GOP do about that ? Nothing !

So take away people's guns and allow rapist and murderers in from another country. Only a leftist would come up with that as a solution.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that your an imbecile.

Boy howdy. You got me. You've run circles around me logically. I bow to you superior intellect.

Just kidding. You're a sniveling coward who dreams that big daddy Trump will give you the courage you lack.
Yes, I did run circles around you logically. Calling people who avoid self destructive behavior "cowards" is the sign of a leftwing moron.

You wouldn't know "left-wing" if you adopted every one of their values and betrayed your country - which you've done.
Sucking off what other people produce like a tick is not an American value. However, it is one of your values.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.
What's suddenly wrong with "thoughts and prayers"?

It's just a little hypocritical when the leader of the baby killing party uses a line like thoughts and prayers.
Wall cowards gonna cower.
"Wall cowards?" Seriously?

Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that you're an imbecile.
He's got you spot on there, boy.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.

Guns are what is killing Americans. What does the GOP do about that ? Nothing !

So take away people's guns and allow rapist and murderers in from another country. Only a leftist would come up with that as a solution.

Only taking guns away from criminals and dangerous people .

How many of these killings by illegals involved an “illegal “ gun?
Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?

Our Constitution guarantees our right to bear arms. It does not guarantee the right of foreigners to invade our land.
"Wall cowards?" Seriously?

Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that you're an imbecile.
He's got you spot on there, boy.
Yeah. I just can't keep up.
"Wall cowards?" Seriously?

Very serious. You chickenshits are running this country into the ground.

Answer the question: do you stick your finger in a live light socket?

All the time, finger-boy. Go hide behind your wall. It's your safe space.
You just admitted that you're an imbecile.
He's got you spot on there, boy.
ROFL! Another imbecile chimes in.
should we ban lettuce?

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