Pelosi Is Feeling A Powerful Sense Of Relief, Impeachment Failed To Remove trump From Office


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

There is an unrelenting truth that the “Old Guard” Democrats, those who have been in congress for many years, truly prefer the safety of being the minority party in both chambers of the United States Congress. These old guard Democrats spend their years as the minority party lining their pockets, and, being the powerless minority party, are able to ignore the needs of the folks who sent them to D.C.

Only as a solid minority will these long-serving Democrats join with the progressive Democrats to adamantly oppose the Republican majority as they sell out the middle class. On the occasions when the old guard Democrats are in the majority, they can be counted on to find some vague justification for voting with the Republicans on legislation that benefits the fat cats, Big Business, and themselves. None are concerned when they screw over their lower and middle income constituents. After all, when elections roll around, there will be no other choice offered the voters, thanks to the cash provided by major political donors.

Being part of this “Old Guard”, Nancy Pelosi, as House Speaker, proved her extreme unwillingness to protect the American people when she and other members of the old guard Democrats collaborated with the Bush/Cheney administration after the 9/11 attacks destroyed the World Trade Towers. Pelosi and company’s cooperation helped to perpetuate that administration’s lies to the U.S. public to “justify” launching two unnecessary (but highly profitable) wars in the Middle East.

If we ignore the estimated tens-of-thousands of Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani civilians killed due to these wars and focus only on the thousands of U.S. military deaths and injuries, it’s easy to see why the congressional Republicans and their Democratic collaborators were eager to begin these wars and want them to continue indefinitely.

Since the days the decisions were made to send the U.S. Armed Forces to invade the Middle East countries, the war profits made by U.S. corporations and their billionaire stockholders have been staggering. These profits also assure congress members (especially leaders like Pelosi) are well compensated to assure the Pentagon budget goes unquestioned by either political party. Those profits also guarantee every opportunity to deploy our military personnel will be exploited, sending them to be killed or permanently disabled. Corporate leaders know very well the higher the troops' death toll, the greater the profit.

With the USSC’s Citizen’s United decision that converted corporations into people, these faceless “people” and the conservative billionaires control the votes of the GOP congressmen (and women), and the long-serving Democrats. A small portion of the war profits provide rewards to these “cooperative members” of congress, and are distributed in the form of substantial honoraria and massive campaign contributions spread among the necessary politicians and PACs. The influence of these dollars go far in maintaining congressional willingness to start and prolong these useless wars. And, for this reason, using her position as House Speaker, Pelosi guaranteed the Bush/Cheney administration that impeachment was “off the table”, regardless of public pressure, and despite Bush and Cheney’s endless lies, and, the orders they gave and authorized for the commission of countless wars crimes.

Jumping ahead to 2019, after her return to the position of House Speaker, Pelosi was equally motivated to keep impeachment “off the table” for trump. It was only after months of petitioning by progressive individuals and groups, and pressure from several congressional Democrats that Pelosi was finally forced to, reluctantly, agree to initiate impeachment proceedings against trump.

Unfortunately, Pelosi’s true reasons for beginning the impeachment process were not to end the criminal activities of the most corrupt individual to occupy the White House. No, focusing only on the Ukraine/Biden scandal, Pelosi carefully avoided introducing any useful evidence assembled by the Mueller inquiry of more serious criminal acts committed by trump. This opened the door for Moscow Mitch and his gaggle of crooks and grifters to keep trump in the White House after his (wink, wink) “trial”.

With trump’s acquittal by the Senate Republicans safely completed, Pelosi, and the other long-serving Democrats heaved a collective sigh of relief. They had successfully used their Party’s minority status to guarantee the trial’s result. And, in their usual form, they can now tell the folks back home, “We tried to enforce the rule of law, but failed against the 'bad old' Republicans.” And, in the process they managed to protect “Status Quo Joe” Biden, the DNC's top choice for their 2020 presidential nominee. Status Quo Joe is the man long-time party leaders know will carry on their traditions of collaboration with the GOP and their exclusive service to the high dollar political contributors.

For all of their b!tching, the vast majority of conservatives fail to understand what a great a friend Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the “Old Guard” Democrats are to the GOP. Both of these groups are the highly paid servants to the same parasitic capitalists that control our government, the very fat cats worshiped and protected by the right wingers.

All Smiles.jpg


There is an unrelenting truth that the “Old Guard” Democrats, those who have been in congress for many years, truly prefer the safety of being the minority party in both chambers of the United States Congress. These old guard Democrats spend their years as the minority party lining their pockets, and, being the powerless minority party, are able to ignore the needs of the folks who sent them to D.C.

Only as a solid minority will these long-serving Democrats join with the progressive Democrats to adamantly oppose the Republican majority as they sell out the middle class. On the occasions when the old guard Democrats are in the majority, they can be counted on to find some vague justification for voting with the Republicans on legislation that benefits the fat cats, Big Business, and themselves. None are concerned when they screw over their lower and middle income constituents. After all, when elections roll around, there will be no other choice offered the voters, thanks to the cash provided by major political donors.

Being part of this “Old Guard”, Nancy Pelosi, as House Speaker, proved her extreme unwillingness to protect the American people when she and other members of the old guard Democrats collaborated with the Bush/Cheney administration after the 9/11 attacks destroyed the World Trade Towers. Pelosi and company’s cooperation helped to perpetuate that administration’s lies to the U.S. public to “justify” launching two unnecessary (but highly profitable) wars in the Middle East.

If we ignore the estimated tens-of-thousands of Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani civilians killed due to these wars and focus only on the thousands of U.S. military deaths and injuries, it’s easy to see why the congressional Republicans and their Democratic collaborators were eager to begin these wars and want them to continue indefinitely.

Since the days the decisions were made to send the U.S. Armed Forces to invade the Middle East countries, the war profits made by U.S. corporations and their billionaire stockholders have been staggering. These profits also assure congress members (especially leaders like Pelosi) are well compensated to assure the Pentagon budget goes unquestioned by either political party. Those profits also guarantee every opportunity to deploy our military personnel will be exploited, sending them to be killed or permanently disabled. Corporate leaders know very well the higher the troops' death toll, the greater the profit.

With the USSC’s Citizen’s United decision that converted corporations into people, these faceless “people” and the conservative billionaires control the votes of the GOP congressmen (and women), and the long-serving Democrats. A small portion of the war profits provide rewards to these “cooperative members” of congress, and are distributed in the form of substantial honoraria and massive campaign contributions spread among the necessary politicians and PACs. The influence of these dollars go far in maintaining congressional willingness to start and prolong these useless wars. And, for this reason, using her position as House Speaker, Pelosi guaranteed the Bush/Cheney administration that impeachment was “off the table”, regardless of public pressure, and despite Bush and Cheney’s endless lies, and, the orders they gave and authorized for the commission of countless wars crimes.

Jumping ahead to 2019, after her return to the position of House Speaker, Pelosi was equally motivated to keep impeachment “off the table” for trump. It was only after months of petitioning by progressive individuals and groups, and pressure from several congressional Democrats that Pelosi was finally forced to, reluctantly, agree to initiate impeachment proceedings against trump.

Unfortunately, Pelosi’s true reasons for beginning the impeachment process were not to end the criminal activities of the most corrupt individual to occupy the White House. No, focusing only on the Ukraine/Biden scandal, Pelosi carefully avoided introducing any useful evidence assembled by the Mueller inquiry of more serious criminal acts committed by trump. This opened the door for Moscow Mitch and his gaggle of crooks and grifters to keep trump in the White House after his (wink, wink) “trial”.

With trump’s acquittal by the Senate Republicans safely completed, Pelosi, and the other long-serving Democrats heaved a collective sigh of relief. They had successfully used their Party’s minority status to guarantee the trial’s result. And, in their usual form, they can now tell the folks back home, “We tried to enforce the rule of law, but failed against the 'bad old' Republicans.” And, in the process they managed to protect “Status Quo Joe” Biden, the DNC's top choice for their 2020 presidential nominee. Status Quo Joe is the man long-time party leaders know will carry on their traditions of collaboration with the GOP and their exclusive service to the high dollar political contributors.

For all of their b!tching, the vast majority of conservatives fail to understand what a great a friend Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the “Old Guard” Democrats are to the GOP. Both of these groups are the highly paid servants to the same parasitic capitalists that control our government, the very fat cats worshiped and protected by the right wingers.

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Aw, wonder if she'll be so happy on her way to jail for treason against 63 million of her fellow Americans. :ack-1:

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