Pelosi moves to intimidate Democratic rivals as she tries to cling to power

Pelosi moves to intimidate Democratic rivals as she tries to cling to power

Pelosi is in Trouble!

Rep. Nancy Pelosi formally announced Wednesday she is running to retain her spot as House minority leader and sent a warning shot to potential rivals by informing her colleagues that she has already locked up “the support of more than two-thirds” of the Democratic caucus.

Mrs. Pelosi has led the caucus since 2003, but the results of the election last week convinced the caucus to delay a scheduled vote this week on leadership posts until Nov. 30, with members saying they want more time to digest the shellacking the party took.

Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, meanwhile, has emerged as a potential challenger and has warned that the party has lost touch with working-class voters in the Rust Belt and Midwest that it will need to recapture a House majority.

Mrs. Pelosi, though, made it clear in a letter to her colleagues Wednesday that she does not plan on giving up her post.

“It is with both humility and confidence that I write to request your support for House Democratic Leader,” the 76-year-old wrote to her colleagues. “As of this writing, I am pleased to report the support of more than two-thirds of the Caucus.”

Democrats were optimistic early on in the 2016 race about their chances of flipping control of the 30 seats they needed to retake control of the House.

Nancy Pelosi officially enters race to be House minority leader in new Congress

Her demise would top off the best election in decades! It's the cherry on top if she loses the election!

Typical democrat, but shell lose. Shes an old hag, not even a 3 anymore and is crazy as fuck.

The dems got buttfucked......and it couldnt have happend to a bigger douche
Pelosi moves to intimidate Democratic rivals as she tries to cling to power

Pelosi is in Trouble!

Rep. Nancy Pelosi formally announced Wednesday she is running to retain her spot as House minority leader and sent a warning shot to potential rivals by informing her colleagues that she has already locked up “the support of more than two-thirds” of the Democratic caucus.

Mrs. Pelosi has led the caucus since 2003, but the results of the election last week convinced the caucus to delay a scheduled vote this week on leadership posts until Nov. 30, with members saying they want more time to digest the shellacking the party took.

Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, meanwhile, has emerged as a potential challenger and has warned that the party has lost touch with working-class voters in the Rust Belt and Midwest that it will need to recapture a House majority.

Mrs. Pelosi, though, made it clear in a letter to her colleagues Wednesday that she does not plan on giving up her post.

“It is with both humility and confidence that I write to request your support for House Democratic Leader,” the 76-year-old wrote to her colleagues. “As of this writing, I am pleased to report the support of more than two-thirds of the Caucus.”

Democrats were optimistic early on in the 2016 race about their chances of flipping control of the 30 seats they needed to retake control of the House.

Nancy Pelosi officially enters race to be House minority leader in new Congress

Her demise would top off the best election in decades! It's the cherry on top if she loses the election!

Typical democrat, but shell lose. Shes an old hag, not even a 3 anymore and is crazy as fuck.

The dems got buttfucked......and it couldnt have happend to a bigger douche
shes 85 years old! Christ! Move to Florida to "The Villages" already !!!!!
I'm inclined to think she needs to go and it's time for someone new but, when I realize it's someone the Republicans actively hate, I have to step back and go hmmmmm

No need to think, she needs to go. It's wrong to want her there only for the purpose of perpetuating division and stirring up more hatred.

Congress is supposed to be there for us, to serve us, not to play political brinkmanship with each other. What good is all that talk of "moving on" and "healing" when you have that kind of attitude?
Pelosi moves to intimidate Democratic rivals as she tries to cling to power

Pelosi is in Trouble!

Rep. Nancy Pelosi formally announced Wednesday she is running to retain her spot as House minority leader and sent a warning shot to potential rivals by informing her colleagues that she has already locked up “the support of more than two-thirds” of the Democratic caucus.

Mrs. Pelosi has led the caucus since 2003, but the results of the election last week convinced the caucus to delay a scheduled vote this week on leadership posts until Nov. 30, with members saying they want more time to digest the shellacking the party took.

Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, meanwhile, has emerged as a potential challenger and has warned that the party has lost touch with working-class voters in the Rust Belt and Midwest that it will need to recapture a House majority.

Mrs. Pelosi, though, made it clear in a letter to her colleagues Wednesday that she does not plan on giving up her post.

“It is with both humility and confidence that I write to request your support for House Democratic Leader,” the 76-year-old wrote to her colleagues. “As of this writing, I am pleased to report the support of more than two-thirds of the Caucus.”

Democrats were optimistic early on in the 2016 race about their chances of flipping control of the 30 seats they needed to retake control of the House.

Nancy Pelosi officially enters race to be House minority leader in new Congress

Her demise would top off the best election in decades! It's the cherry on top if she loses the election!

Lol, talk about a transition in disarray!

It's a lot like what the Republicans went through when Obama won. It's about time.

I'm inclined to think she needs to go and it's time for someone new but, when I realize it's someone the Republicans actively hate, I have to step back and go hmmmmm......

I hope she stays. She did such a fine job as the 2nd most powerful rat in the nation. Rats down to 16 governorships and nothing in DC. By all means...Pelosi Now and Forever!!

hmmm...except correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation.

Why do the Pugs hate her so much? You'd think they'd want her to stay and stay and .... well, you get the picture. Think Strom Thurmond.

Having taught statistics once upon a time and written a corporate standard course for a F250 company, you are correct. Such is also true with global warming.

I, and by inference many of my fellow conservatives, hate her because of her policies and actions. Gun control and graft (Solyndra) are my personal top 2 edging out "you have to pass it to see what's in it" by only a slight margin.

Interesting that you mention Strom. He ran for the presidency and carried 5 states, president pro tem of the Senate, etc. Quite a successful politician compared to Hellary.
Pelosi moves to intimidate Democratic rivals as she tries to cling to power

Pelosi is in Trouble!

Rep. Nancy Pelosi formally announced Wednesday she is running to retain her spot as House minority leader and sent a warning shot to potential rivals by informing her colleagues that she has already locked up “the support of more than two-thirds” of the Democratic caucus.

Mrs. Pelosi has led the caucus since 2003, but the results of the election last week convinced the caucus to delay a scheduled vote this week on leadership posts until Nov. 30, with members saying they want more time to digest the shellacking the party took.

Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, meanwhile, has emerged as a potential challenger and has warned that the party has lost touch with working-class voters in the Rust Belt and Midwest that it will need to recapture a House majority.

Mrs. Pelosi, though, made it clear in a letter to her colleagues Wednesday that she does not plan on giving up her post.

“It is with both humility and confidence that I write to request your support for House Democratic Leader,” the 76-year-old wrote to her colleagues. “As of this writing, I am pleased to report the support of more than two-thirds of the Caucus.”

Democrats were optimistic early on in the 2016 race about their chances of flipping control of the 30 seats they needed to retake control of the House.

Nancy Pelosi officially enters race to be House minority leader in new Congress

Her demise would top off the best election in decades! It's the cherry on top if she loses the election!
She, along with Hillary should just pack the fuck up and leave Washington FOREVER......take the botox big heads and just leave. I am sick of these tired ass old white women, its time to go!!
Iowa Cow Compost Inc. is buying the rights to Nancys Pelosi's face without make up, they want to put it on all of the 40 pound bags.
“It is with both humility and confidence that I write to request your support for House Democratic Leader,” the 76-year-old wrote to her colleagues. “As of this writing, I am pleased to report the support of more than two-thirds of the Caucus.”

Does this shit actually work on anyone? If she already had 2/3 support, why the fuck would she need to send out a memo to everyone asking for their support? What a stupid moron. Democrats deserve her.
they should make Pelosi work a Wal Mart return counter for two years straight! then see what us little people go thru

And Trump can bag the groceries as she checks them out. BRILLIANT idea! I like that :)
Pelosi's clinging to power is a bit like you clinging to respectability on USMB because you're a mod.

I'm taking Coyote's back on this one. Mods are entitled to their opinions and to post same here. WE all have that's called Freedom of Speech. Should a mod abuse their moderation powers is another subject altogether. In some, I have the opinion that it has been abused but I can't say that about Coyote. She knows her stuff and brings a hard game. That's what playing at a high level is all about. You can't fault her or anyone on the other side for doing that.
As one young democrat challenger said

The Clintons are gone, the obamas are gone, the Bidens are gone, Harry Reid is gone. It's time for that generation to go.
Nancy Pelosi and her death stare....

What will it take for her... to let go of power?
Nancy Pelosi and her death stare....

What will it take for her... to let go of power?
Imagine if Nancy Pelosi called that number to assist her when she falls and cant get up, then the man on the other end asks,,"What's Your Name"?, and she says "Nancy Pelosi". What do you think the male rep would of said and done?
Pelosi has been called "the Mussolini in a skirt".... I think Savage did, and boy...was he right.
Pelosi moves to intimidate Democratic rivals as she tries to cling to power

Pelosi is in Trouble!

Rep. Nancy Pelosi formally announced Wednesday she is running to retain her spot as House minority leader and sent a warning shot to potential rivals by informing her colleagues that she has already locked up “the support of more than two-thirds” of the Democratic caucus.

Mrs. Pelosi has led the caucus since 2003, but the results of the election last week convinced the caucus to delay a scheduled vote this week on leadership posts until Nov. 30, with members saying they want more time to digest the shellacking the party took.

Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, meanwhile, has emerged as a potential challenger and has warned that the party has lost touch with working-class voters in the Rust Belt and Midwest that it will need to recapture a House majority.

Mrs. Pelosi, though, made it clear in a letter to her colleagues Wednesday that she does not plan on giving up her post.

“It is with both humility and confidence that I write to request your support for House Democratic Leader,” the 76-year-old wrote to her colleagues. “As of this writing, I am pleased to report the support of more than two-thirds of the Caucus.”

Democrats were optimistic early on in the 2016 race about their chances of flipping control of the 30 seats they needed to retake control of the House.

Nancy Pelosi officially enters race to be House minority leader in new Congress

Her demise would top off the best election in decades! It's the cherry on top if she loses the election!

Damn, Obama/Hillary, Reid and Pelosi all out? Wow, the end of the axis of evil ...
they should make Pelosi work a Wal Mart return counter for two years straight! then see what us little people go thru

And Trump can bag the groceries as she checks them out. BRILLIANT idea! I like that :)
Pelosi's clinging to power is a bit like you clinging to respectability on USMB because you're a mod.

I'm taking Coyote's back on this one. Mods are entitled to their opinions and to post same here. WE all have that's called Freedom of Speech. Should a mod abuse their moderation powers is another subject altogether. In some, I have the opinion that it has been abused but I can't say that about Coyote. She knows her stuff and brings a hard game. That's what playing at a high level is all about. You can't fault her or anyone on the other side for doing that.
they should make Pelosi work a Wal Mart return counter for two years straight! then see what us little people go thru

And Trump can bag the groceries as she checks them out. BRILLIANT idea! I like that :)
Pelosi's clinging to power is a bit like you clinging to respectability on USMB because you're a mod.

I'm taking Coyote's back on this one. Mods are entitled to their opinions and to post same here. WE all have that's called Freedom of Speech. Should a mod abuse their moderation powers is another subject altogether. In some, I have the opinion that it has been abused but I can't say that about Coyote. She knows her stuff and brings a hard game. That's what playing at a high level is all about. You can't fault her or anyone on the other side for doing that.
The question is respectability. I haves seen far too much to even entertain to concept of respectability with coyote. I don't give a rat's ass if she's a mod or not. That was my point.
they should make Pelosi work a Wal Mart return counter for two years straight! then see what us little people go thru

And Trump can bag the groceries as she checks them out. BRILLIANT idea! I like that :)
Pelosi's clinging to power is a bit like you clinging to respectability on USMB because you're a mod.

I'm taking Coyote's back on this one. Mods are entitled to their opinions and to post same here. WE all have that's called Freedom of Speech. Should a mod abuse their moderation powers is another subject altogether. In some, I have the opinion that it has been abused but I can't say that about Coyote. She knows her stuff and brings a hard game. That's what playing at a high level is all about. You can't fault her or anyone on the other side for doing that.
they should make Pelosi work a Wal Mart return counter for two years straight! then see what us little people go thru

And Trump can bag the groceries as she checks them out. BRILLIANT idea! I like that :)
Pelosi's clinging to power is a bit like you clinging to respectability on USMB because you're a mod.

I'm taking Coyote's back on this one. Mods are entitled to their opinions and to post same here. WE all have that's called Freedom of Speech. Should a mod abuse their moderation powers is another subject altogether. In some, I have the opinion that it has been abused but I can't say that about Coyote. She knows her stuff and brings a hard game. That's what playing at a high level is all about. You can't fault her or anyone on the other side for doing that.
The question is respectability. I haves seen far too much to even entertain to concept of respectability with coyote. I don't give a rat's ass if she's a mod or not. That was my point.

And you every right to feel that way and express it. Like you, I am on a different side from her politically. But as conservatives we HAVE to accept their right of expression. If we don't, then we are no better than they.

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