Pelosi Plays The Victim Card

MSNBC stresses that the shallow idiots they promote must look presentable. Nancy the lawmaker had no choice but to break the law and get some artificial enhancements. After all, she can't fix the stupid part. Peace, love and MAGA
Yup, someone FORCED her to break the law and get her hair done...

She even wants an apology...

And not to wear a mask AS REQUIRED BY LAW.

One of the truly remarkable — and chilling — aspects of the more arbitrary lockdown rules is that, in general, they have been consented to, not enforced. We have given away our rights as much they have been taken from us. Well, if Pelosi doesn’t have to live under these absurd restrictions, then neither should you.”

She was set up lol. If a Salon owner can get the best of our Speaker of the House how can we trust her? I know damn well China and Russia a whole lot better at setting you up. I mean it shows weakness and corruption for something as small as getting her hair done. You think she would not be corrupt in important matters? Impeach her ass now!!!
Dictator Pelosi was just exposed as a hypocrite who fully intends to rule as an elitist and not adhering to the same rules she forces on the lower class.

She needs a rude awakening that laws apply to EVERYONE.
She was set up lol. If a Salon owner can get the best of our Speaker of the House how can we trust her? I know damn well China and Russia a whole lot better at setting you up. I mean it shows weakness and corruption for something as small as getting her hair done. You think she would not be corrupt in important matters? Impeach her ass now!!!
It's against the law to go into a business without a mask in CA. She's a lying piece of crap. One of the amazing things in this panic has been how cooperatively Americans have gone along with these restrictions, well, she just demonstrated that lie behind it.
And not to wear a mask AS REQUIRED BY LAW.


California is a hybrid Republic/Democracy, not a dictatorship. There are two ways that valid laws can be made, and neither of these processes has been undertaken to impose any of the #CoronaHoax restrictions. What we have is an illegal order by a corrupt, criminal piece-of-shit Governor, usurping authority that he does not have, to create a “law” on his own unilateral say-so.

To be a valid law, it must either be passed in the democratic (small “d”, not to be confused with the party bearing that name) manner, as a ballot initiative to be voted into law by the people, or in the republican (again, not to be confused with the party by that name) process of being passed and reconciled as a bill by the two houses of our bicameral legislature, and then signed into law by the Governor. There is no valid process in this state, by which any one person, not the Governor nor anyone else, can create a law by himself. Governor Newsom has acted criminally by attempting to do so, and any attempt by any law enforcement to enforce this order is equally illegal. Law enforcement is only authorized to enforce actual laws.
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:
She's been red-pilled.
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:
She's been red-pilled.


All the same, if she voted for the Rats then she must have known what she was doing.

No use complaining that she lost her business and shit.

Put up AND shut up then.

Vote RED the next time.
And not to wear a mask AS REQUIRED BY LAW.


California is a hybrid Republic/Democracy, not a dictatorship. There are two ways that valid laws can be made, and neither of these processes has been undertaken to impose any of the #CoronaHoax restrictions. What we have is an illegal order by a corrupt, criminal piece-of-shit Governor, usurping authority that he does not have, to create a “law” on his own unilateral say-so.

To be a valid law, it must either be passed in the democratic (small “d”, not to be confused with the party bearing that name) manner, as a ballot initiative to be voted into law by the people, or in the republican (again, not to be confused with the party by that name) process of being passed and reconciled as a bill by the two houses of our bicameral legislature, and then signed into law by the Governor. There is no valid process in this state, by which any one person, not the Governor nor anyone else, can create a law by himself. Governor Newsom has acted criminally by attempting to do so, and any attempt by any law enforcement to enforce this order is equally illegal. Law enforcement is only authorized to enforce actual laws.
Mask wearing in many public places is now the law of the land in California, thanks to action by Gov. Gavin Newsom this week.

All Californians must wear face coverings in public or high-risk settings, including while shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Pelosi is a damned liar.

Under state law, residents who violate the new requirement could be charged with a misdemeanor and potentially face a financial penalty.

Gov. Newsom has broad authority under the California Emergency Services Act to issue health mandates during a pandemic.

A previous executive order issued by Newsom required Californians to follow public health guidelines grants the state the ability to enforce CDPH rules.

People in California must wear face coverings when they are in the “high-risk situations,” including:
  • Inside of, or in line to enter, any indoor public space
  • Visiting a hospital, pharmacy, medical clinic, laboratory, physician or dental office, veterinary clinic, or blood bank
  • Waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit or while in a taxi, private car service, or ride-sharing vehicle
The California Emergency Services Act gives the governor the power to make masks mandatory. Through that law, “the State Legislature has given the Governor broad authority to respond to state emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic.” Kate Folmar, CA Health and Human Services Agency.

You don't like the Legislature's grant of of this authority to the Gov, then work to get it changed, but don't pretend it doesn't exist.
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:
She's been red-pilled.

All the same, if she voted for the Rats then she must have known what she was doing.

No use complaining that she lost her business and shit.

Put up AND shut up then.

Vote RED the next time.
I think the lights are turning on for LOTS of folks right now, on all sides of the political spectrum.
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:
She's been red-pilled.

All the same, if she voted for the Rats then she must have known what she was doing.

No use complaining that she lost her business and shit.

Put up AND shut up then.

Vote RED the next time.
I think the lights are turning on for LOTS of folks right now, on all sides of the political spectrum.

That's right.
And not to wear a mask AS REQUIRED BY LAW.


California is a hybrid Republic/Democracy, not a dictatorship. There are two ways that valid laws can be made, and neither of these processes has been undertaken to impose any of the #CoronaHoax restrictions. What we have is an illegal order by a corrupt, criminal piece-of-shit Governor, usurping authority that he does not have, to create a “law” on his own unilateral say-so.

To be a valid law, it must either be passed in the democratic (small “d”, not to be confused with the party bearing that name) manner, as a ballot initiative to be voted into law by the people, or in the republican (again, not to be confused with the party by that name) process of being passed and reconciled as a bill by the two houses of our bicameral legislature, and then signed into law by the Governor. There is no valid process in this state, by which any one person, not the Governor nor anyone else, can create a law by himself. Governor Newsom has acted criminally by attempting to do so, and any attempt by any law enforcement to enforce this order is equally illegal. Law enforcement is only authorized to enforce actual laws.
Tell it to Justice Roberts:

Roberts Holds Line on Judicial Second-Guessing of Covid Orders

The U.S. Supreme Court hasn’t shown much willingness during the Covid pandemic to second-guess emergency orders issued by public officials.​

In approximately two dozen emergency requests received by the justices challenging federal, state, or local orders, the justices have across the board upheld rules aimed at protecting public health during the pandemic, even if the rules limit freedoms. They’ve sustained restrictions on in-person religious services, turned away groups complaining about business closures, and undone attempts to relax requirements.

Roberts was in the majority in all of them.

Given that emergency orders are the purview of the political branches, Roberts’ concern for separation of powers means he’ll be generally deferential to them.

In each, the court emphasized the “exceedingly high bar” against it stepping in.

Roberts seemed to be particularly worried about the judiciary hamstringing government officials charged with protecting public health and safety. Such questions should be resolved by the elected branches.

To underscore this, Roberts wrote in the challenge to California’s limits on in-person religious services that the “politically accountable officials” should “not be subject to second-guessing by an ‘unelected federal judiciary,’ which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people.”

The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.

The Left knows how to ruin small business.... even if it takes hate mail and death threats.
TRUMP Dunks on “Crazy Nancy” After She Gets “Set Up” and “Tricked” By Salon Owner.

Video released on Tuesday shows Queen Nancy Pelosi at a shuttered salon getting her hair done on Monday. Nancy was too important to follow the rules like the little people..
She is also seen without a face mask… Masks are for the little people too.


Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022


No Mask Nancy! "Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face'"

Democrats have no problem destroying small businesses but they will do as they damn well please!

Trump tweeted that maybe salon owner Erica Kious should be Speaker of the House?


Mask wearing in many public places is now the law of the land in California, thanks to action by Gov. Gavin Newsom this week.
Under state law, residents who violate the new requirement could be charged with a misdemeanor and potentially face a financial penalty.

Gov. Newsom has broad authority under the California Emergency Services Act to issue health mandates during a pandemic.
You don't like the Legislature's grant of of this authority to the Gov, then work to get it changed, but don't pretend it doesn't exist.

I'm not the one who is pretending.

California is a hybrid republic/democracy. California is not a dictatorship. There are only two ways in which valid laws can be made in this state, and neither of them involve a unilateral dictate from the Governor nor from any other individual.


And the legislature does not have the authority to shirk its responsibility in the lawmaking process, and hand it all over to the Governor.

The only ways that mask wearing, social distancing, and other #CoronaHoax2020 restrictions can legally be imposed is either as a ballot measure, voted into law by the public, or as a bill, passed by both houses of our legislature, and signed into law by the governor.

Do they not teach basic civics in public schools any more? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It doesn't serve the interests of the criminals who infest our government, for the public to be educated in how our government is supposed to work, and how the power is supposed to be divided up in order to prevent exactly the sort of abuses that we are now seeing under the guise of the #CoronaHoax.
The Left knows how to ruin small business.... even if it takes hate mail and death threats.

Or, on a grander scale, putting corrupt piece-of-shit criminals into positions of public office, and having them usurp and abuse authority that they do not actually have, to impose illegal economic shutdowns based on a fraudulent hyperbolization of a routine seasonal flu outbreak.
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.


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