Pelosi Plays The Victim Card

The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

because if those people in poor Cali keep voting demonRats over and over....nobody is going to feel sorry for them

you understand what I mean?
Mask wearing in many public places is now the law of the land in California, thanks to action by Gov. Gavin Newsom this week.
Under state law, residents who violate the new requirement could be charged with a misdemeanor and potentially face a financial penalty.

Gov. Newsom has broad authority under the California Emergency Services Act to issue health mandates during a pandemic.
You don't like the Legislature's grant of of this authority to the Gov, then work to get it changed, but don't pretend it doesn't exist.

I'm not the one who is pretending.

California is a hybrid republic/democracy. California is not a dictatorship. There are only two ways in which valid laws can be made in this state, and neither of them involve a unilateral dictate from the Governor nor from any other individual.


And the legislature does not have the authority to shirk its responsibility in the lawmaking process, and hand it all over to the Governor.

The only ways that mask wearing, social distancing, and other #CoronaHoax2020 restrictions can legally be imposed is either as a ballot measure, voted into law by the public, or as a bill, passed by both houses of our legislature, and signed into law by the governor.

Do they not teach basic civics in public schools any more? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It doesn't serve the interests of the criminals who infest our government, for the public to be educated in how our government is supposed to work, and how the power is supposed to be divided up in order to prevent exactly the sort of abuses that we are now seeing under the guise of the #CoronaHoax.
You might want it to be that way, and I might want it to be that way, but, his order carries the force of law and unless the Court finds that masks are wholly unprotective, they'll back up his exercise of the Legislature's power grant.

The Court has been backing the delegation of power by one branch to another so long as it is guided by an "intelligible principle".

1989 case Mistretta v. United States,[6] the Court stated that:

Applying this "intelligible principle" test to congressional delegations, our jurisprudence has been driven by a practical understanding that in our increasingly complex society, replete with ever changing and more technical problems, Congress simply cannot do its job absent an ability to delegate power under broad general directives. Accordingly, this Court has deemed it "constitutionally sufficient" if Congress clearly delineates the general policy, the public agency which is to apply it, and the boundaries of this delegated authority.

If you find these subjects interesting, you might enjoy Gorsuch's book: "A Republic If You Can Keep It" he covers this and several other areas where he would like to see the Court slowly tact back to our Constitutional framework.

In this case, Pelosi is a liar. She knows damn well that salons are closed, that she was supposed to wear a mask, and she instead did whatever the hell she wanted to be, because she believes that she is above the law.
Yup, someone FORCED her to break the law and get her hair done...

She even wants an apology...

The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

because if those people in poor Cali keep voting demonRats over and over....nobody is going to feel sorry for them

you understand what I mean?

I've always said that you get what you vote for. With Democrats however, there is nothing a Dem politician can do that would make their voters turn against them. Look at what happened in New York. AOC easily won her primary without even trying, and she will be re-elected in the general. Think how stupid the people there have to be to do that.

We have the same problem here in Cleveland. The Council passed a 2 million dollar bill for a dirt bike park. Why a dirt bike park? Because the Mayor's grandson kept getting busted riding his dirt bike on the street. It's the same grandson that got busted with pot, a scale, illegally carrying a concealed weapon, and he didn't spend a day in jail over it. The court slapped him on the hand.

The criminal activity going on with him and his family stretches for years, but they keep electing the guy. It's that way all across the country.
The liberals will always place rules on the people that they have no intention of following themselves. They never lead by example.
It's the socialist way-----and yet so many don't understand this is how socialism always works out.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.
This is one of the threads that just shouts HYPOCRITE.

Trump is the victim of the media
Trump is the victim of the Deep State
Trump is the victim of Covid.
Trump is the victim of Jeff Sessions
Trump is the victim of the Chinese.
Trump is the victim of those he screwed.

Trump is the victim of everyone but himself.

Save me this pathetic moralizing about Pelosi.

Nobody, I MEAN NOBODY, whines more about being a victim than Trump.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Yup, someone FORCED her to break the law and get her hair done...

She even wants an apology...

View attachment 384344
New Tapes Show Salon Owner Luring In Unsuspecting Pelosi With Her Favorite Ice Cream.


SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Thanks to newly released security cam footage from eSalon in San Francisco, it now appears Nancy Pelosi was the innocent victim of an evil plot to make her look bad.​

In the footage, salon owner Erica Kious is seen luring in a completely unsuspecting Nancy Pelosi using a pint of her favorite ice cream as bait.

Witnesses say they saw Kious peeking out her front door as Nancy Pelosi very innocently walked by during a morning stroll. Then, as Pelosi walked by, the Speaker of the House noticed a Jeni's ice cream pint hanging on a fish hook.

"Heeey Miss Pelosi Ma'am, look what I got for ya! Your favorite ice-cream!" said the devilishly deceptive trickster. "Why don't you just step in here and relax and enjoy some ice cream? Come on! You deserve it!"

Speaker Pelosi cheerfully skipped toward the front door of the salon, being careful to avoid all the human poop littering the sidewalk.

"Come right in!" said Kious. "I promise no harm will come to you!"

Pelosi crossed the threshold of the salon, not realizing she was walking into a horrible trap. The salon door slammed shut and Kious laughed wickedly.

"BWAAA HA HA HA HAAA! You fool! You have entered a salon which is closed by the order of Gavin Newsom! You are on video! You will now look really really bad in the media! HAHA HAHA HAAAA!"
She owes the American people an apology...and her resignation.
She did nothing wrong. The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. The stylist I don't care it's total b******* LOL. I don't believe the owner set anybody up. Of course the GOP propaganda machine set them all up. You know all the imaginary details about all the imaginary phony scandals and conspiracy theories but you don't know the GOP is the swamp at this point and has been screwing the non-rich for 30 years. Not to mention the worst propaganda machine ever anywhere in the modern world.
She owes the American people an apology...and her resignation.
She did nothing wrong. The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. The stylist I don't care it's total b******* LOL. I don't believe the owner set anybody up. Of course the GOP propaganda machine set them all up. You know all the imaginary details about all the imaginary phony scandals and conspiracy theories but you don't know the GOP is the swamp at this point and has been screwing the non-rich for 30 years. Not to mention the worst propaganda machine ever anywhere in the modern world.

LOL is Pelosi in a 14 day quarantine now since she failed to wear a mask?
I feel sorry for her. It seems that a hairdresser gang kidnapped her and forced her to have her hair done.

Dang it! Don't you just hate when rogue hair stylists drag you into their salons, rip the mask off your face, and then wash and blow dry your hair while you're kicking and screaming and trying to escape?

Happens to me all the time, and really breaks up my schedule.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Sorry pelosi thought the owner knew what she was talking about. All a silly phony scandal absolutely ridiculous the garbage you people listen to. Brainwashed functional morons are the base and the orange clown OMG. That's right Trump is an ignoramus who watches GOP propaganda all day with his Twitter. a a r r g g h h.....
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
It is possible tat she did not know any better, but it is just absurd that we are to believe that she did not inform anybody from her staff that she was going for a salon visit, and her staff (local secretary) did not warn her.

It is not even remotely possible that she didn't know better. The poisonous bitch is all over the media every two seconds, gassing away about the importance of masks and social distancing and extending lockdowns and "We know this is good because Trump doesn't like it, and Orange Man BAAAAAD!"
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.

I have no idea why a stylist would call her out of all people to tell her to come in that day. She can't be a good tipper, Democrats usually aren't. Unless cell phone records can be confiscated, there is no way to prove who called who. What I read is that the stylist is a real lefty Dem, supporter of hers and the party. Sounds to me like she or the party got him to fall on the knife to save Piglosi. I don't believe that story of him calling her for anything. It simply wouldn't make any sense.
just what did she get DONE?----it is just hair---hanging there. Speaking of being SET UP---
how do I get a few-----like a SET UP at the local
high-end steak house?
It is possible tat she did not know any better, but it is just absurd that we are to believe that she did not inform anybody from her staff that she was going for a salon visit, and her staff (local secretary) did not warn her.

It is not even remotely possible that she didn't know better. The poisonous bitch is all over the media every two seconds, gassing away about the importance of masks and social distancing and extending lockdowns and "We know this is good because Trump doesn't like it, and Orange Man BAAAAAD!"


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