Pelosi Plays The Victim Card

The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Sorry pelosi thought the owner knew what she was talking about. All a silly phony scandal absolutely ridiculous the garbage you people listen to. Brainwashed functional morons are the base and the orange clown OMG. That's right Trump is an ignoramus who watches GOP propaganda all day with his Twitter. a a r r g g h h.....
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
SHE MAKES FUCKING POLICY. And you're telling me she didn't know?

Fuck off.
She makes national policy not local policy period so she called a hairdresser and asked them. Big f****** deal, brainwashed functional moron.
You don't think she has a say in what goes on in her district? Boy are you gullible.
Pelosi thinks she is ABOVE THE LAW!


Law and Order Election. Trump Voters Are Ready For November!​
Typical Democrat hypocrite. Caught red handed, Pelosi makes excuses and blames the salon owner putting her and her business at great risk. Pelosi is a complete failure as a leader and a disgusting human being.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Sorry pelosi thought the owner knew what she was talking about. All a silly phony scandal absolutely ridiculous the garbage you people listen to. Brainwashed functional morons are the base and the orange clown OMG. That's right Trump is an ignoramus who watches GOP propaganda all day with his Twitter. a a r r g g h h.....
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
SHE MAKES FUCKING POLICY. And you're telling me she didn't know?

Fuck off.
She makes national policy not local policy period so she called a hairdresser and asked them. Big f****** deal, brainwashed functional moron.
You don't think she has a say in what goes on in her district? Boy are you gullible.
Pelosi thinks she is ABOVE THE LAW!

View attachment 384825
Law and Order Election. Trump Voters Are Ready For November!​
Rupert Murdoch thinks you'll believe anything.... And you prove it everyday.
This is one of the threads that just shouts HYPOCRITE.

Trump is the victim of the media
Trump is the victim of the Deep State
Trump is the victim of Covid.
Trump is the victim of Jeff Sessions
Trump is the victim of the Chinese.
Trump is the victim of those he screwed.

Trump is the victim of everyone but himself.

Save me this pathetic moralizing about Pelosi.

Nobody, I MEAN NOBODY, whines more about being a victim than Trump.

more of your stupid whataboutism. Pelosi right after that attacked Trump for not setting an example and wearing a mask. She's an arrogant ass.

And Democrats are so hypocritical you can't even criticize your queen
Typical Democrat hypocrite. Caught red handed, Pelosi makes excuses and blames the salon owner putting her and her business at great risk. Pelosi is a complete failure as a leader and a disgusting human being.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Sorry pelosi thought the owner knew what she was talking about. All a silly phony scandal absolutely ridiculous the garbage you people listen to. Brainwashed functional morons are the base and the orange clown OMG. That's right Trump is an ignoramus who watches GOP propaganda all day with his Twitter. a a r r g g h h.....
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
SHE MAKES FUCKING POLICY. And you're telling me she didn't know?

Fuck off.
She makes national policy not local policy period so she called a hairdresser and asked them. Big f****** deal, brainwashed functional moron.
You don't think she has a say in what goes on in her district? Boy are you gullible.
Pelosi thinks she is ABOVE THE LAW!

View attachment 384825
Law and Order Election. Trump Voters Are Ready For November!​
Rupert Murdoch thinks you'll believe anything.... And you prove it everyday.
I believe my own eyes. You by contrast believe 'He said/She said' started by Democrat propagandists.
She did nothing wrong except in GOP dupe world...

I agree that Pewothi did nothing wrong in going to a hair salon and availing herself of the services there.

The problem is that she thinks that any of us “little people” doing the same would be doing wrong, and would gladly see us charged as criminals for doing the same. She imagines herself to be above any laws or restrictions that she would gladly have imposed on us.
She did nothing wrong except in GOP dupe world...

I agree that Pewothi did nothing wrong in going to a hair salon and availing herself of the services there.

The problem is that she thinks that any of us “little people” doing the same would be doing wrong, and would gladly see us charged as criminals for doing the same. She imagines herself to be above any laws or restrictions that she would gladly have imposed on us.

It kind of reminds me of Lori Lighthead out in Chicago. Go ahead and destroy the town, but don't go near my house. She has police stopping all so-called peaceful protesters from entering her street.
It kind of reminds me of Lori Lighthead out in Chicago. Go ahead and destroy the town, but don't go near my house. She has police stopping all so-called peaceful protesters from entering her street.

Or our criminal piece-of-shit Governor here in California, Gavin Newsom, who, among other things, arranged it so that the one winery in which he owns a stake was allowed to have its wine-tasting room open to the public, while every competing winery was forced to shut theirs down over the #CoronaHoax2020.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Sorry pelosi thought the owner knew what she was talking about. All a silly phony scandal absolutely ridiculous the garbage you people listen to. Brainwashed functional morons are the base and the orange clown OMG. That's right Trump is an ignoramus who watches GOP propaganda all day with his Twitter. a a r r g g h h.....
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
SHE MAKES FUCKING POLICY. And you're telling me she didn't know?

Fuck off.
She makes national policy not local policy period so she called a hairdresser and asked them. Big f****** deal, brainwashed functional moron.
You don't think she has a say in what goes on in her district? Boy are you gullible.

Even if she didn't, she still needs to set an example. As Speaker, she is the chief law maker in the country. The chief law maker should not be asking businesses to break local laws to accommodate her.
Pelosi thinks she above the Law.

Yup, someone FORCED her to break the law and get her hair done...

She even wants an apology...

There's already been threads on this but don't worry your pretty little head, the mods will let it stand since they don't like Pelosi either.

So, question: Do you think Melania and Ivanka are cutting and coloring their own hair or ......????

And please, nobody whines and plays the victim card like Donald.
He bitches and whines on Twitter 24/7.
He complains about how he's treated every time somebody puts a mic in front of his fat, orange face.
He whines to Fox News every single day.
Typical Democrat hypocrite. Caught red handed, Pelosi makes excuses and blames the salon owner putting her and her business at great risk. Pelosi is a complete failure as a leader and a disgusting human being.
The real tell on this is what she said "They set me up". That directly implies she knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong and she fucked up. Own it piglosi.

Typical dem hugging the victim card. Never taking personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault.

"They set me up" implies that they tricked her. They didn't call her, she called them. She is the one who asked to be seen by them, not the other way around.

This is similar to blaming the woman who was raped instead of the guy that raped her. She's trying to blame the salon for her intentional actions. As Speaker of the House, she is the chief lawmaker in this country. She took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. She asked them if they would break the law just for her. The stylist, a Piglosi supporter, agreed to break the law.

She went there the day before the state allowed salons to open up for business outside. There was no way she could go there after that opening because everybody would have seen her walk into the salon instead of being serviced outside like the rest of them. So it seems, she deliberately went the day before so as not to be seen by anybody in the public.

For Piglosi to say she was setup is like a robber claiming the bank set him up by having all that money inside of the bank.

I've heard a report where her Hair stylist (not the owner of the Salon), who is an independent stylist and rents a seat, called Pelosi to tell her they could take her because they can do one at a time. Whether or not Pelosi called, she knew it was wrong and against the "orders" of the local government of San Fran. All Salons were to remain closed. Saying she was setup is BS, because she knew the rules and saying that means she knew.
Sorry pelosi thought the owner knew what she was talking about. All a silly phony scandal absolutely ridiculous the garbage you people listen to. Brainwashed functional morons are the base and the orange clown OMG. That's right Trump is an ignoramus who watches GOP propaganda all day with his Twitter. a a r r g g h h.....
The female owner of the beauty salon was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:
Well you knew that was going to happen. That's how the Left operates now, hate mail, death threats, burn, destroy, bow down to me.
I don't feel sorry for the owner. She is Democrat scum and is finding out the type of people Democrats are.

Is the salon owner a demonRat??? I didn't know that!

wow...well then, .....I understand now.... it was Karma for her.:dunno:

I don't know if the owner was, but the stylist who accepted her request was a strong Democrat and Piglosi supporter. He's the joker that made the appointment. The salon owner is claiming she had nothing to do with it.

Never vote DemonRat again.

You people in Cali

What else can one say?
SHE MAKES FUCKING POLICY. And you're telling me she didn't know?

Fuck off.
She makes national policy not local policy period so she called a hairdresser and asked them. Big f****** deal, brainwashed functional moron.
You don't think she has a say in what goes on in her district? Boy are you gullible.
Pelosi thinks she is ABOVE THE LAW!

View attachment 384825
Law and Order Election. Trump Voters Are Ready For November!​
Rupert Murdoch thinks you'll believe anything.... And you prove it everyday.
I believe my own eyes. You by contrast believe 'He said/She said' started by Democrat propagandists.

It's the hearing part that is your problem.
So, question: Do you think Melania and Ivanka are cutting and coloring their own hair or ......????

I do not recall hearing either of them advocate the position that us “little people¨ shouldn't be allowed to avail ourselves of the services of professional hairdressers.
That's because they don't cover anything negative about the orange clown and the GOP on your propaganda machine. Nancy did nothing wrong, just another phony scandal blown out of all proportion just like all the other phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies you know all the imaginary details of. there's only one propaganda machine in the modern world that I know of and it's Fox run by Rupert Murdoch Incorporated just like your other media that agrees with you.... Fox a few newspapers and your online cottage industry for the dupes period easiest way to make money there is.
So, question: Do you think Melania and Ivanka are cutting and coloring their own hair or ......????

I do not recall hearing either of them advocate the position that us “little people¨ shouldn't be allowed to avail ourselves of the services of professional hairdressers.
That's because they don't cover anything negative about the orange clown and the GOP on your propaganda machine. Nancy did nothing wrong, just another phony scandal blown out of all proportion just like all the other phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies you know all the imaginary details of. there's only one propaganda machine in the modern world that I know of and it's Fox run by Rupert Murdoch Incorporated just like your other media that agrees with you.... Fox a few newspapers and your online cottage industry for the dupes period easiest way to make money there is.
All respected journalists and media around the world think the Republican base is out of their minds to support this clown. Ditto law enforcement
Yup, someone FORCED her to break the law and get her hair done...

She even wants an apology...

There's already been threads on this but don't worry your pretty little head, the mods will let it stand since they don't like Pelosi either.

So, question: Do you think Melania and Ivanka are cutting and coloring their own hair or ......????

And please, nobody whines and plays the victim card like Donald.
He bitches and whines on Twitter 24/7.
He complains about how he's treated every time somebody puts a mic in front of his fat, orange face.
He whines to Fox News every single day.
Oh no not local journalists who actually know what they're talking about!!
Yup, someone FORCED her to break the law and get her hair done...

She even wants an apology...

There's already been threads on this but don't worry your pretty little head, the mods will let it stand since they don't like Pelosi either.

So, question: Do you think Melania and Ivanka are cutting and coloring their own hair or ......????

And please, nobody whines and plays the victim card like Donald.
He bitches and whines on Twitter 24/7.
He complains about how he's treated every time somebody puts a mic in front of his fat, orange face.
He whines to Fox News every single day.
No like most powerful people they have hairdressers who come to them. Busy people don’t have time to waste hours at beauty salons.
This is one of the threads that just shouts HYPOCRITE.

Trump is the victim of the media
Trump is the victim of the Deep State
Trump is the victim of Covid.
Trump is the victim of Jeff Sessions
Trump is the victim of the Chinese.
Trump is the victim of those he screwed.

Trump is the victim of everyone but himself.

Save me this pathetic moralizing about Pelosi.

Nobody, I MEAN NOBODY, whines more about being a victim than Trump.

We all victims of the Covid Chinese DEm virus...........and the media.

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