Pelosi tape released

Sounds like a great deal. People can read what you wrote and understand what you meant.
save ^one^
It’s disgusting but at least out there for folks to see.
do you think they'll notice that once I posted the actual quotes you stopped pretending to know what they actually said?
I prefer NOT getting used to vicious attacks nor celebrating them.
and yet you are the only one in this conversation talking about them.
I'm as politically opposed to citygator as anyone on this board.
But anyone trying to make something homosexual about this attack are just being childish idiots.
Grow up kids, and find something legitimate to contest.
Nah Citygator and Dante are both YUGE faggots
More nudes. Stop Fapping to TDS fantasies
trump hillbilly.jpg

Truth Social is calling

'Scammed' users rage at Trump over 'misleading gimmicks' on Truth Social -- Despite this, recent polls have shown Trump continues to lead other Republicans by a significant margin intentional acts of moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption

miracle cures, scams and fake merchandise, a cesspool of ads from scam artists

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Trump-themed hats, shirts, coins and novelty bills, the low-quality ads on Truth Social, disturbing images, misleading gimmicks

alternative medicine, diet pills, gun accessories and Trump-themed trinkets

Truth Social was initially financed with $37 million from GOP donors, and is currently estimated to be burning through $1.7 million per month and money is running out because of problems with the Security Exchange Commission.

Truth Social has not been paying for web-hosting fees to the point where attorneys are now involved, traffic is collapsing, the value of stock in the company is plunging and money is running out.
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Look, Nancy seems to be OK with her husbands lifestyle(s) so I see no reason to criticize/deny it/them, if this is what he likes to do when she is out of town and she doesn't care then why should anyone?

That said, there does seem to be some excessive and un-necessary denial of what has happened here that is just adding to and fueling the obvious, the pleas to stop are also fueling the fire.
Did you listen to the 911 call? They were not sure what was going on. Could have been a confused older person. The guy with the hammer didn’t know Paul called 911 and tried to have him play it off like there was no big deal.
Here's the purported call:

How could he have not known that Paul called 911 if that call were real? He was listening through the bathroom door. Unless he was as drunk as Paul, he would have known. Let's say you were a crazy left-winger and you broke into the home of a Rebublican leader's spouse with the intent to lay in wait for the leader to harm them, and your victim excuses himself to the bathroom and you let him, because that's what crazy winger home invaders do. :rolleyes:

Who else would he have called?

Bad guy wasn’t a mastermind he was a crazy right wing attempted murderer. You’re trolling. Listen to the call. Watch both the break in and the assault. Listen to the interview when bad guy admits he did it for Trump.

Here's is the purported "confession."

Three questions:

Why wasn't it video and audio instead of just audio?

Which timestamp should I go to in order to verify that this is Depape on the audio?

What timestamp should I go to to hear DePape say "I did it for Trump?"

Here is the purported break in video:

How are you able to tell that this is DePape other than it appears to match the narrative put out three months ago right before the election?

Three month later and they suddenly come up with video that may or may not be authentic and you gleefully swallow it whole? That is when credulity turns into gullibility.

Here is the purported body cam footage they finally released under court order:

Why does it cut off when it does? They arrested DePape, they absolutely had camerals running while they took him in. Why is that still hidden?

Sorry, you can't hide evidence for three months and then suddenly produce something that supposedly proves your case and say "See!?"
They were both holding the hammer. Look at the video I posted. Clearly Pelosi has his hand gripping the hammer. Depape the prys the hammer out of Pelosis hand, at which point Pelosi should drop the drink and attempt to grab the hammer with his other hand. He should also be yelling for help.
You idiot, he doesn't have control of the hammer. The attacker does. The attacker who is younger, had Pelosi's arm, which is connected to his hand where Pelosi was then holding the hammer. Clearly from the photo, Pelosi had no control of that hammer.
They won't comment on this. Therefore we win and what's more is they know it. I mean not MarcATL or the other one. They are a bit slower for obvious reasons.
I already did. You'd have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to see this for what it was.
I love how you morons think typing baseless, almost certainly false exclamations, is somehow legitimate if you TYPE IN CAPS!!!!

But yeah, Pelosi had been "woken out of bed" and then decided to pour himself a long tall one.

Makes perfect sense.

I mean, it's not like he's known to drink after 2am or anything.

Oh woops, I almost forgot! ;)
Sounds like you were there moron?
you think like a 12 year old. I mean I see lots of home invaders fix a drink for their captives.....and as a captive, I would be haning on to the drink for sure! Maybe check details and actually question the narrative for once...
Exactly! Check details. Which is exactly what you haven't done, because you don't know them all. Stop being a stooge.

Where was the drink when this asshole broke in? In his hand, on the counter, next to his bed? Did the attacker allow him to make a drink? Can you answer any of these questions? If not, then you've been spewing excrement this whole time. You are nothing but a shit starter over information you don't have. You're a pos.
Yes I suppose being psychologically unable to put your glass of liquor down is a definite disadvantage in a gimp-on-gimp hammer fight.

I just wonder how many more DUIs and accidents it will take before Paul decides to give AA a try.
Folks, can we say loser, or hater? Maybe both?

I fail to see any point to your post other than to point out your obvious concession to my argument, and your obvious hate. Thanks for the heads up.

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