Pelosi tape released

did you see how nonchalant he looked with the drink in his hand? hahahahahaahahahha he feared for his life so much he got himself a drink and held hands with the invader calmly.
I'd love to see any other case of a hostage of a kidnapper who is waiting for the hostage's wife to torture her calmy has a drink and answers the door in his underwear.

Dombocrats on here actually believe that and then the use the loco emoticon.

What a pussy to be so passive. If some weirdo tells me they're waiting to hurt my wife, they'd need a lot more than a hammer.
I'd love to see any other case of a hostage of a kidnapper who is waiting for the hostage's wife to torture her calmy has a drink and answers the door in his underwear.

Dombocrats on here actually believe that and then the use the loco emoticon.

What a pussy to be so passive. If some weirdo tells me they're waiting to hurt my wife, they'd need a lot more than a hammer.
Oddly, it’s not possible to see who opened the door? He had the drink in the hand closet to the door his other hand was holding the supposed intruder. The intruder held the hammer and peloser with his hands. So who opened the door?
Oddly, it’s not possible to see who opened the door? He had the drink in the hand closet to the door his other hand was holding the supposed intruder. The intruder held the hammer and peloser with his hands. So who opened the door?
It looks like the BG did.
Oddly, it’s not possible to see who opened the door? He had the drink in the hand closet to the door his other hand was holding the supposed intruder. The intruder held the hammer and peloser with his hands. So who opened the door?
I'm guessing there's an automatic door. Maybe it activated by walking up to it. There's an edit between the cop knocking and the door opening so we'll never know the answer.

But then that's what editing is for.
Another Funny thing, the video of someone smacking the shit out of a door had light shorts on and when they answered the door, the dude had dark shorts on! Hahaha hahaha

Oh look, yet another rightard who thinks colors are the same between a color video and a B&W nightvision video. :cuckoo:
Becasue it didn't exist. When you want to live in reality (walls DO work) then let me know.

Why is tRump's wall failing miserably? He should have got Mexico to pay for it AND build it cuz he didn't do much of a job.

How about Bannon's wall? How is that one doing? Hope you contributed!
Why is tRump's wall failing miserably? He should have got Mexico to pay for it AND build it cuz he didn't do much of a job.

How about Bannon's wall? How is that one doing? Hope you contributed!
So do you know how walls work? OR do I need to explain that to you?0
And the cops in Memphis, TN said it was self defence, did the media just take their word for it, or did they question it?

The FAMILY questioned their story, and since this man had no police record, gang history, or troubled past, it was hard for police to back up their story. Then there was the medical examiner's report that he was beaten to death. And pepper sprayed, and tazered.
That's great, now convice the rest of the left....that you love so much....Start with Adam Schiff

It ain't my job to convince anyone of anything. Still, you were wrong yet again. That's quite a streak you've got going there.
Why was the sweatshirt the same ? Dark and dark? Hahaha pigmentation

Different colors appear differently on nightvision.

Here's the yard where Depape broke in...


... you'll note the leaves on the right are green. Yet in nightvision, they appear gray...


According to rightards like you, those must be different leaves because they're different colors in a nightvision video. :cuckoo:

You gotta be a special kinda stupid to see two videos, both with an overweight guy with a beard and a hair bun, wearing a dark colored jacket with light colored shorts and light colored sneakers, and with a hammer in hand, both inside the same house...


... and then suggest they're two different people because one video is in color while the other is with nightvision. Beyond batshit insane. But then, that is modern day conservatism.

Why is tRump's wall failing miserably? He should have got Mexico to pay for it AND build it cuz he didn't do much of a job.

How about Bannon's wall? How is that one doing? Hope you contributed!
Thankfully Biden just sent billions to build 4 walls for 4 Muslim nations.
He accused the government of spying on "a rival campaign." He did n't say Trump. The interviewer prompted him "you mean Trump?"

If the tape is even real, which there is no proof of.

He is a gin-soaked old fart, unlikely to attract a younger partner based on his looks, or charm and personality. I'd say the same if it were a much younger woman with whom he was drinking in his underwear.

Tell the children whose lives he risked that they are not relevant.

It is certainly relevant to the Democreeps claim that Pelosi is an honest man of sterling reputation who would certainly not be having a gay affair behind his wife's back.
That's just foolish and worse, twisting my words. Grow up!

Making any claim that an 82 year old man is having a gay affair is just as foolish and childish.

I've heard that he is a pretty decent guy. That doesn't mean he hasn't taken advantage of his position as the husband of the House Speaker for so many years and used it to greatly enrich himself and Nancy. He most certainly has.

That doesn't make him prey for clowns with anything better to do.
It doesn't just like 1/6 was not a coup. Home Intruders don't let you put on a shirt, grab a drink and answer the door for the cops......If this really was a crime, then, this criminal must be a lefty, they never think anything through and they have the mental capacity of a 12 year old.
What would have happened had Paul Pelosi screamed and started running from this mentally deranged attacker? DePape would have attacked Pelosi with a claw hammer. Pelosi was able to keep him calm until the moment DePape was confronted by the police and told to drop the hammer. DePape then wrestled the hammer from Pelosi and struck him on the head fracturing his skull and knocking the man out.

Pelosi kept DePape calm for eight minutes while the police arrived. The police had no clue what to expect yet acted instantly to disarm DePape after his attack.

If read a homosexual affair into that scenario, you're one sick puppy.
No, the real world where men who think their women run for Congress and win and get committee assignments.

Repubs love them some George Santos...perverts.
Hahaha…nice try bud, Santos is your creation…NO real Republican is okay with faggotry and chicks with dicks…those are all your circus freaks. He only could have won in Loon York or Mexifornia.
Hahaha…nice try bud, Santos is your creation…NO real Republican is okay with faggotry and chicks with dicks…those are all your circus freaks. He only could have won in Loon York or Mexifornia.
Nope. Voted in by conservatives and promptly given committee assignments.

Priests molesting children, cross dressing senators.

Be proud of your party and own it.

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