Pelosi tape released

Hahaha…nice try bud, Santos is your creation…NO real Republican is okay with faggotry and chicks with dicks…those are all your circus freaks. He only could have won in Loon York or Mexifornia.

So Julie Ani.... not a real Republican?

All irrelevant, partisan questions. The guy broke into Pelosi's home. Pelosi had never seen him before. The guy broke in with tape, rope & zipties. He confessed later that night he did so with the intent to take Nancy Pelosi hostage. The materials he took with him reflect that was his intention. He explained why he stayed, rather than flee, knowing police were on the way. He explained why he broke in.

Asking why the guy ignored Pelosi's security, or why Paul Pelosi was trying to remain calm and not agitate a home invader, as those Paul Pelosi was somehow involved, is absurd. Not unexpected given the source, but absurd.
I know, for those on the left, you just overlook some strange things, because you want to believe, without question, the left wing story.

Here’s the thing, I’m not trying to read anything into the situation, but I’m just posting my observations and what I think is strange. You all seems to want to overlook all the weird things, and just believe whatever the left wing talking heads tell you. Also, it’s ironic how you all tend to say everything the right says is a lie and not to be believed, but as soon as depape, whom you all say is a right winger, makes a confession, and that confession is what you want to hear, now you believe him. If depape had said he didn’t do it for trump, you all would be saying he is a liar.

Im not saying things didn’t happen exactly how they were depicted, but I also can’t ignore some of the strange things that were revealed because of these releases.

Anyway, since you want to believe things without questioning them, the. I suppose that means you believe that trump never had any prostitutes pee on a bed, nor did trump rape anyone, right? Don’t question it, trump said he didn’t do it, so you believe him, right?
Post hate, get more hate back. That's just how it is. I didn't draw the first hate in this thread. The Right-wingers never have a problem drawing it out first.
Ah, if that’s your philosophy, then don’t complain about people posting hate, if you are going to do the exact same thing.
I know, for those on the left, you just overlook some strange things, because you want to believe, without question, the left wing story.

Here’s the thing, I’m not trying to read anything into the situation, but I’m just posting my observations and what I think is strange. You all seems to want to overlook all the weird things, and just believe whatever the left wing talking heads tell you. Also, it’s ironic how you all tend to say everything the right says is a lie and not to be believed, but as soon as depape, whom you all say is a right winger, makes a confession, and that confession is what you want to hear, now you believe him. If depape had said he didn’t do it for trump, you all would be saying he is a liar.

Im not saying things didn’t happen exactly how they were depicted, but I also can’t ignore some of the strange things that were revealed because of these releases.

Anyway, since you want to believe things without questioning them, the. I suppose that means you believe that trump never had any prostitutes pee on a bed, nor did trump rape anyone, right? Don’t question it, trump said he didn’t do it, so you believe him, right?

We have a video of the attacker breaking into the Pelosi residence, a video of him attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer and a confession that he broke in to kidnap and attack Nancy Pelosi.

You're clinging to an absurd, baseless fantasy contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

This is the same thing you poor souls did with your Ray Epps fantasy and your blithering idiocy about Obama's birth certificate. ANd how your ilk gullibly gobbed the 'big lie'.
We have a video of the attacker breaking into the Pelosi residence, a video of him attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer and a confession that he broke in to kidnap and attack Nancy Pelosi.

You're clinging to an absurd, baseless fantasy contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

This is the same thing you poor souls did with your Ray Epps fantasy and your blithering idiocy about Obama's birth certificate. ANd how your ilk gullibly gobbed the 'big lie'.
What fantasy am I clinging to exactly? I’ve said several times that I’m not reading anything into it, I’m just asking questions about observations. You lefty’s are so flabbergasted that anyone would dare question the official left wing story that you are accusing anyone and everyone of some big conspiracy…all I’m doing is saying some things are strange.

By the way, another thing that I’m curious about and someone help me with this….the video of the break in shows a guy in a zip up jacket, yet in the video at the front door, it appears to be a pull over style jacket. I can’t see a zipper on the front of the sweater or jacket or whatever. Is it the same jacket?
What fantasy am I clinging to exactly? I’ve said several times that I’m not reading anything into it, I’m just asking questions about observations. You lefty’s are so flabbergasted that anyone would dare question the official left wing story that you are accusing anyone and everyone of some big conspiracy…all I’m doing is saying some things are strange.

By the way, another thing that I’m curious about and someone help me with this….the video of the break in shows a guy in a zip up jacket, yet in the video at the front door, it appears to be a pull over style jacket. I can’t see a zipper on the front of the sweater or jacket or whatever. Is it the same jacket?

And by 'left wing story', you mean that the attacker broke in and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, looking to kidnap and assault Nancy Pelosi?

The attacker confessed to it. You can listen to the recording of his confession yourself. There is video of it. Both the break in and the attack.

I don't think 'left wing' means what you think it means.
I know, for those on the left, you just overlook some strange things, because you want to believe, without question, the left wing story.

Here’s the thing, I’m not trying to read anything into the situation, but I’m just posting my observations and what I think is strange. You all seems to want to overlook all the weird things, and just believe whatever the left wing talking heads tell you. Also, it’s ironic how you all tend to say everything the right says is a lie and not to be believed, but as soon as depape, whom you all say is a right winger, makes a confession, and that confession is what you want to hear, now you believe him. If depape had said he didn’t do it for trump, you all would be saying he is a liar.

Im not saying things didn’t happen exactly how they were depicted, but I also can’t ignore some of the strange things that were revealed because of these releases.

Anyway, since you want to believe things without questioning them, the. I suppose that means you believe that trump never had any prostitutes pee on a bed, nor did trump rape anyone, right? Don’t question it, trump said he didn’t do it, so you believe him, right?

The circumstances were strange because a nutcase broke into Pelosi's house with the intent of taking her hostage and torturing her.

And I'm not getting that from "left wing talking heads." The fucking perp himself proudly announced his intentions as though that made him a patriot. And I believe him because his actions matched his words.

But that is what it is. Trying to raise doubt about what actually happened by questioning irrelevant events is absurd.

And no, I don't believe the claims about Trump and prostitutes peeing on a bed. As far as raping anyone, that remains to be seen.
The circumstances were strange because a nutcase broke into Pelosi's house with the intent of taking her hostage and torturing her.

And I'm not getting that from "left wing talking heads." The fucking perp himself proudly announced his intentions as though that made him a patriot. And I believe him because his actions matched his words.

But that is what it is. Trying to raise doubt about what actually happened by questioning irrelevant events is absurd.

And no, I don't believe the claims about Trump and prostitutes peeing on a bed. As far as raping anyone, that remains to be seen.

They've invested in this stupid fucking conspiracy theory, based on nothing.

They didn't use a spot of evidence to make up their fantasy. Evidence isn't going to convince them to set their fantasy aside.

Ask Ray Epps.
What would have happened had Paul Pelosi screamed and started running from this mentally deranged attacker? DePape would have attacked Pelosi with a claw hammer. Pelosi was able to keep him calm until the moment DePape was confronted by the police and told to drop the hammer. DePape then wrestled the hammer from Pelosi and struck him on the head fracturing his skull and knocking the man out.

Pelosi kept DePape calm for eight minutes while the police arrived. The police had no clue what to expect yet acted instantly to disarm DePape after his attack.

If read a homosexual affair into that scenario, you're one sick puppy.
Different colors appear differently on nightvision.

Here's the yard where Depape broke in...


... you'll note the leaves on the right are green. Yet in nightvision, they appear gray...


According to rightards like you, those must be different leaves because they're different colors in a nightvision video. :cuckoo:

You gotta be a special kinda stupid to see two videos, both with an overweight guy with a beard and a hair bun, wearing a dark colored jacket with light colored shorts and light colored sneakers, and with a hammer in hand, both inside the same house...


... and then suggest they're two different people because one video is in color while the other is with nightvision. Beyond batshit insane. But then, that is modern day conservatism.

What fantasy am I clinging to exactly? I’ve said several times that I’m not reading anything into it, I’m just asking questions about observations. You lefty’s are so flabbergasted that anyone would dare question the official left wing story that you are accusing anyone and everyone of some big conspiracy…all I’m doing is saying some things are strange.


What is the "left wing story" and how does it differ from reality?

By the way, another thing that I’m curious about and someone help me with this….the video of the break in shows a guy in a zip up jacket, yet in the video at the front door, it appears to be a pull over style jacket. I can’t see a zipper on the front of the sweater or jacket or whatever. Is it the same jacket?

It appears he left and then came back. Where do you see a zipper here...?

did you see how nonchalant he looked with the drink in his hand? hahahahahaahahahha he feared for his life so much he got himself a drink and held hands with the invader calmly.
Nonchalant? :laughing0301: Boy are you blind? Did you not see the attacker pulling back Pelosi's arm that had to be hurting him, and that's when he let go, and the nutcase lunged towards him with the hammer? WTF is wrong ith you man?
Nonchalant? :laughing0301: Boy are you blind? Did you not see the attacker pulling back Pelosi's arm that had to be hurting him, and that's when he let go, and the nutcase lunged towards him with the hammer? WTF is wrong ith you man?

They're emotionally invested in a dipshit fantasy backed by nothing. They literally made it up, inventing every detail. From Ray Epps to the Birther Conspiracy to Antifa being the attackers at J6 to Obama's 'shadow army', they follow the same stupid pattern:

1) Make up a story from nothing. Invent everything.

2) Demand your imaginary story be 'disproven' or accepted as true and plausible.

3) Ignore the massive quantities of evidence disproving your imaginary story, folding the evidence contradicting you into the conspiracy.

4) Cling to your imaginary story until you die.

You can't fix stupid.
Damn son, you don't know shit about outside security cameras.

Laughing....its like listening to a flat earther mention all the 'funny things' about video from the International Space Station.

You can't fix stupid. They've already emotionally committed to this dipshit nonsense.

They lack the either the integrity or the intelligence to let it go. Fuck, even Elon apologized.
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I know, for those on the left, you just overlook some strange things, because you want to believe, without question, the left wing story.

Here’s the thing, I’m not trying to read anything into the situation, but I’m just posting my observations and what I think is strange. You all seems to want to overlook all the weird things, and just believe whatever the left wing talking heads tell you. Also, it’s ironic how you all tend to say everything the right says is a lie and not to be believed, but as soon as depape, whom you all say is a right winger, makes a confession, and that confession is what you want to hear, now you believe him. If depape had said he didn’t do it for trump, you all would be saying he is a liar.

Im not saying things didn’t happen exactly how they were depicted, but I also can’t ignore some of the strange things that were revealed because of these releases.

Anyway, since you want to believe things without questioning them, the. I suppose that means you believe that trump never had any prostitutes pee on a bed, nor did trump rape anyone, right? Don’t question it, trump said he didn’t do it, so you believe him, right?
What strange things exactly?
Ok, where is the statement that pelosis phone was charging in the bathroom and that Pelosi asked depape if he could go to the bathroom, and that depape walked in on him during the call and that made Pelosi change his demeanor?

That kind of evidence would certainly help the situation.

But, it also doesn’t explain why depape continues to allow Pelosi to use the phone, especially since Pelosi is asking if the capitol police are there, and depape can clearly hear the conversation because depape is answering the 911 operators questions, and at once point Pelosi asks depape “I don’t know, what do you think”, in a casual way, and depape says “I think everything’s good”. Pelosi gives the 911 operator his address….depape has to know Pelosi is talking to the police. Pelosi says that depape said “I’m being too leading”, so, again, it would indicate depape knows the police are on the phone.

Maybe Pelosi was indeed trying to talk cleverly to the 911 operator, maybe he was trying to play on depapae assertion that he was a friend of theirs. Still, it doesn’t answer the question of why depape would let the phone conversation continue.
Remember they also claim Paul was asleep. If so, why is his phone in the bathroom and not on his nightstand? In his bedroom. Just more stuff that doesn’t add up. That of course the usual suspects here don’t dare question...
Laughing....its like listening to a flat earther mention all the 'funny things' about video from the International Space Station.

You can't fix stupid. They've already emotionally committed to this dipshit nonsense.

They lack the either the integrity or the intelligence to let it go. Fuck, even Elon apologized.
Yep, once they committed and walked into that bear trap, it's easy pickings for us Vultures now. They have no where to go but to keep on posting with stupid.

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