Pelosi tape released

I don't really know, but it's not cut and dry. It is San Fransisco......and I just don't think criminals are that hosiptable, except in the movies......
Hospitable? He broke in a window, wielded a hammer, and wanted to torture Nancy!

Paul Pelosi was not his target, and he was an old man. Do DePape didn't see him as a threat and left him be.

What's to wonder about?

Why was it necessary for the MAGA media to invent a completely made-up, evidence-free, hoax?

And why do you give that hoax even the slightest bit of creedence? That's the REAL mystery here.

As I have shown, three of the five key elements of the hoax are totally debunked. Thoroughly.

So why would anyone still attach any credibility to it at this point? I think it is because they don't have the integrity or humility to admit to themselves they were fooled so easily.

It is profoundly baffling how the tard herd fell for an entirely made up story, and then puts on a pretense of skepticism when confronted with facts which thoroughly debunk the hoax.

This is mental illness in all its glory.
I hear Nancy done called in.....

this wouldn’t of happen had she been home. 1) Cap police would of been there 2) he wouldn’t of been playing these odd sex games with his lover
Ah perverts of the New Republicans' are Klingons.

1. The window was broken from the inside. Completely made up.

2. DePape was Pelosi's male prostitute . Completely made up. ZERO evidence.

3. There were three people in the house. Completely made up. ZERO evidence. Now debunked.

4. Both men were in their underwear. Completely made up. ZERO evidence. Now debunked.

5. There is a 13 foot wall around the Pelosi residence which DePape could not have surmounted. Completely made up. ZERO evidence. In fact, I showed weeks ago photos of the house which showed it had no wall. So you have to ask yourselves why the MAGA media made this up. Seriously. Ask yourselves why they made this up. You know why? Because they knew you don't think for yourselves and would not check this easily debunked lie.

Think about that, folks. This is how much contempt your propagandists have for you. They spit right in your faces with lies which can be easily be debunked, believing you are too stupid to think critically.

They can only have utter contempt for you to do that. They know you are all cucks.
Hospitable? He broke in a window, wielded a hammer, and wanted to torture Nancy!

Paul Pelosi was not his target, and he was an old man. Do DePape didn't see him as a threat and left him be.

What's to wonder about?

Why was it necessary for the MAGA media to invent a completely made-up, evidence-free, hoax?

And why do you give that hoax even the slightest bit of creedence? That's the REAL mystery here.

As I have shown, three of the five key elements of the hoax are totally debunked. Thoroughly.

So why would anyone still attach any credibility to it at this point? I think it is because they don't have the integrity or humility to admit to themselves they were fooled so easily.

It is profoundly baffling how the tard herd fell for an entirely made up story, and then puts on a pretense of skepticism when confronted with facts which thoroughly debunk the hoax.

This is mental illness in all its glory.
After all the Trump hoaxes, we are owed a few, just call it reperations.

Pelosi had a button up shirt on, no guy sleeps with underwear and button up shirt, NO GUY! Chicks do when they're about to rid the pony or after they rode it....but not guys. Second how many criminals let you have a beer in a home invasion? I mean those things matter.....And why would an attacker let you answer the door?

A dude here in Memphis commits a home invasion, you aren't getting time to put on a shirt and grab a drink and then answer the door with the cops.
1. The window was broken from the inside. Completely made up.

2. DePape was Pelosi's male prostitute . Completely made up. ZERO evidence.

3. There were three people in the house. Completely made up. ZERO evidence. Now debunked.

4. Both men were in their underwear. Completely made up. ZERO evidence. Now debunked.

5. There is a 13 foot wall around the Pelosi residence which DePape could not have surmounted. Completely made up. ZERO evidence. In fact, I showed weeks ago photos of the house which showed it had no wall. So you have to ask yourselves why the MAGA media made this up. Seriously. Ask yourselves why they made this up. You know why? Because they knew you don't think for yourselves and would not check this easily debunked lie.

Think about that, folks. This is how much contempt your propagandists have for you. They spit right in your faces with lies which can be easily be debunked, believing you are too stupid to think critically.

They can only have utter contempt for you to do that.
WAit wait wait.....I have been told for 6 years that walls don't what would a wall matter?
Another thought

If Depape did break in at 5:04am wouldn't Pelosi have some kind of security system to notify of a break in? How does that go unanswered for 16 hours? Someone would have to put in a code upon entry wouldn't they?
So the attacker was holding Pelosi against Pelosi's will, Pelosi tried to get out of his grip and was attacked with a hammer.

Now we know, and all those "reports" from the alternate universe were way off. Again.
Speaking of which. I wonder what-who is in his will ?
Depape breaks in at 5:04 am and cops arrive at 9:31 pm.

16 hours. Was Paul there the whole time? Did he have him hostage in his underwear and drinking the whole time? I think Paul got tired of his gay friend and didn't want to pay for his break in rape fantasy and drunkenly called the cops trying to hint that he's a Pelosi and needed this guy removed discreetly
Do we have Depapes testimony?
Pelosi was asleep and making drinks? That makes sence in someone's world, I suppose.

That was reported by on Bay Area local TV station, and retracted shortly after. An easy mistake that could have been easily corrected if Nancy's personal police force had released the footage immediately as they do for other cases.

When you hide things, you invite speculation of the worst. In this case the truth so far revealed has been that worst. We'll know more when we hear the 911 tape.
Seymour Flops posted this in his underwear with animal porn playing on his phone. Go ahead and post footage of yourself not doing this.... or better yet, why should you have to respond to a ridiculous assertion that was in no way accurate? Neither should Paul Pelosi.
I am surprised the video did not show that weirdo's dick in Paul's mouth. The video must have been filmed post-coitus.
With Megan... the first time I saw the video, I did indeed wonder why the two cops didn't rush the assailant who had the hammer. Like 10 seconds went by. Pelosi got his head bashed because the two officers just kinda stood there while this younger/large man was obviously menacingly holding a hammer.
I don't really know, but it's not cut and dry. It is San Fransisco......and I just don't think criminals are that hosiptable, except in the movies......
Guy was a nut case. Everything he did was crazy. The fact that you are obsessed with finding something Paul did wrong other than be a victim is a shit way to live your life.

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