Pelosi tape released

I don't have a cum-stained blue dress if that's what you're looking for. It is obvious that the two men were having a party in which one of them took off his pants.
I ask you for the third time, what would you be wearing if your house was broken into at 2:30 in the morning?

You are unbelievably stupid.

Oh, show me that video then.
Don't worry. It's coming. It has already been reported what is on the video. Your propagandists have kept that information from you. It's astonishing you allow yourself to be deliberately misled.

You are suck a cuck!
For sure.
It is unclear why they did not want this video to be released.
It helps Paul's reputation. The media got a lot wrong in this.
A lot
1) Where's Nancy, I didn't hear that on the call or police vid
2) cops arrive at 9:30 PM not 2:30 AM but the break in appears to have happened at 5:04 AM
3) Paul didn't say "His name is David he's a friend" Depape said that in the background of the call

Did I miss anything?

Still doesn't explain Pelosi in his underwear with drink in hand for 16 hours
Well he wasn't sleeping, which the original narrative is off. They are just chillin and answer the door? WTF And he waits for the cops?

DePape broke in the window and was looking for Nancy. He was too retarded to check online to see if she was in DC.

He had no interest in her husband. He wanted Nancy so he could tie her up and torture her.

The man is mentally ill, obviously. He allowed Paul Pelosi free movement because he probably didn't think an 82 year old man was a threat to him, especially since he had the hammer.

So Pelosi was able to go to the bathroom and call 911. He kept things casual so as not to provoke or alert the intruder. He was smart. He played it cool.

Once the police arrived, all hell broke loose.
They're going to see exactly what they want to see, nothing else.

That's how it works in that world.
Well you have to look at it logically and how people respond. Most criminals do not wake people up, have them put on a button up shirt, but stay pantless, threaten them and then wait for the cops to come to act, while their vicitm has a beer in their hand. And Pelosi waits to fight off the guy until then? I mean wtf is this?
I ask you for the third time, what would you be wearing if your house was broken into at 2:30 in the morning?

You are unbelievably stupid.

Don't worry. It's coming. It has already been reported what is on the video. Your propagandists have kept that information from you. It's astonishing you allow yourself to be deliberately misled.

You are suck a cuck!
Well I always sleep in my underwear and a button up shirt, that's a getup chicks have on when they are about to fuck you or just after.....and it was nice of the home invader to allow him a drink, those criminals in San Francisco are upper class and courteous.
Well you have to look at it logically and how people respond. Most criminals do not wake people up, have them put on a button up shirt, but stay pantless, threaten them and then wait for the cops to come to act, while their vicitm has a beer in their hand. And Pelosi waits to fight off the guy until then? I mean wtf is this?
What is this? It's an 82 year old man playing it very cool in the presence of a deranged intruder asking for his wife.

Precisely how you should behave around the mentally ill. Make no sudden moves. Speak calmly. Make a quick trip to the bathroom and call 911, then continue to play it cool until the cavalry arrives.

The old man can't be blamed for getting a drink to calm his nerves.
What is this? It's an 82 year old man playing it very cool in the presence of a deranged intruder asking for his wife.

Precisely how you should behave around the mentally ill. Make no sudden moves. Speak calmly. Make a quick trip to the bathroom and call 911, then continue to play it cool until the cavalry arrives.
LOL, you are really reaching man......whats the response time, 5 seconds? And the Criminal just says, hey let the cops in!
What is this? It's an 82 year old man playing it very cool in the presence of a deranged intruder asking for his wife.

Precisely how you should behave around the mentally ill. Make no sudden moves. Speak calmly. Make a quick trip to the bathroom and call 911, then continue to play it cool until the cavalry arrives.

The old man can't be blamed for getting a drink to calm his nerves.
Thank God you're not a cop, you would be like...oh it's totally a suicide, nothing unusual in this crime scene with the guy shot in the back of the head 3 times.
Paul sounds terrified. The operator didn’t get the hints he was dropping
He does not sound terrified.

He is incoherent and meandering. He sounds like he is intoxicated.

It seems both of them are incompetent, insane, or completely wasted, because neither one of them make any sense in these exchanges.
Depape breaks in at 5:04 am and cops arrive at 9:31 pm.

16 hours. Was Paul there the whole time? Did he have him hostage in his underwear and drinking the whole time? I think Paul got tired of his gay friend and didn't want to pay for his break in rape fantasy and drunkenly called the cops trying to hint that he's a Pelosi and needed this guy removed discreetly
Just to recap: Here are the highlights of the gay masturbation fantasy the tards' propagandists cooked up within HOURS of that attack, which the tard herd swallowed hook, line, and sinker:

1. The window was broken from the inside.

2. DePape was Pelosi's male prostitute .

3. There were three people in the house.

4. Both men were in their underwear.

5. There is a 13 foot wall around the Pelosi residence which DePape could not have surmounted.

Just from the police body cam footage, three of the five lies in that hoax are thoroughly debunked.

The Capitol Police security footage will debunk another, and DePape's own testimony will finish off the fifth.

And yet we have mentally ill rubes still buying into this totally made-up gay fantasy.
You would think the tards, upon seeing 3 of the 5 lies they were fed already totally debunked, they would start to doubt the bullshit they ate so greedily.

But noooooooo!

What a pack of cucks. They deserve to be lied to. And they will line up again and again to eat more bullshit from the same people who fed it to them.

Yet they claim they don't believe anything someone who lied even once tells them, but only if it's a Democrat.

They will believe whatever lie they are fed by their own team, though. Over and over and over and over and over.

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