Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

You sound...

The original can be on the computer that it was typed on.
If that file the original State of the Union?
Prove you answer to be true.
No, the original document was not handed to both the VP and Speaker, as they both cannot have been handed the one original,
Many legal documents have "original copies" that are signed by all the parties involved, so that each has an original..
So, yes, there can be.
Are -these- the original State of the Union?
Prove your answer to be true.
I am done playing your little game.
I accept your surrender.
As far as I know there is no original State of the Union, and until such time as you prove otherwise, then that is a fact.
Ah. You don't understand that when you make a claim, the onus is on you to support it.
The original can be on the computer that it was typed on.
If that file the original State of the Union?
Prove you answer to be true.
No, the original document was not handed to both the VP and Speaker, as they both cannot have been handed the one original,
Many legal documents have "original copies" that are signed by all the parties involved, so that each has an original..
So, yes, there can be.
Are -these- the original State of the Union?
Prove your answer to be true.
I am done playing your little game.
I accept your surrender.
As far as I know there is no original State of the Union, and until such time as you prove otherwise, then that is a fact.
Ah. You don't understand that when you make a claim, the onus is on you to support it.

I have supported it...a dozen times. you make up stories about legal documents that have nothing to do with the topic at hand

I tell you what, as soon as she is charged with violating the law I will admit I am wrong...till then I am 100% correct.
The original can be on the computer that it was typed on.
If that file the original State of the Union?
Prove you answer to be true.
No, the original document was not handed to both the VP and Speaker, as they both cannot have been handed the one original,
Many legal documents have "original copies" that are signed by all the parties involved, so that each has an original..
So, yes, there can be.
Are -these- the original State of the Union?
Prove your answer to be true.
I am done playing your little game.
I accept your surrender.
As far as I know there is no original State of the Union, and until such time as you prove otherwise, then that is a fact.
Ah. You don't understand that when you make a claim, the onus is on you to support it.
I have supported it...a dozen times.
You have yet to tell us what the original document is, and you have yet to prove your answer to that effect -- so, no.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



Impeached, but just like Bill Clinton, his presidency goes on.

Democrats simple would't convict and remove him over "lying about a blowjob". They own that type of corruption, forever.

Trumpublicans wont convict and remove over the "Shakedown Scheme" to cheat in the upcoming election. They own that type of corruption, forever.
Again for you braindead scum, the rapist bill wasn't impeached for a blowjob. You are so stupid.

Actually he was. He perjured himself to hide the fact he got a blowjob.

from a young low level employee, then he lied under oath about it and caused others to lie under oath.. If any CEO did that he would be fired immediately. But the clintons are above the laws that apply to the rest of us, right?
What did Newt have to say about the president not shaking the speakers hand? I guess we'll just ignore that.
I'm really not sure on this, but did Trump shake Pence's hand?
Fair question.

Pence did not extend his hand to shake.

would you shake the hand of someone who had lied repeatedly about you and tried to get you fired on made up charges? she deserved the snub, if it really was that, very hard to tell from the film clip.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



Impeached, but just like Bill Clinton, his presidency goes on.

Democrats simple would't convict and remove him over "lying about a blowjob". They own that type of corruption, forever.

Trumpublicans wont convict and remove over the "Shakedown Scheme" to cheat in the upcoming election. They own that type of corruption, forever.
Again for you braindead scum, the rapist bill wasn't impeached for a blowjob. You are so stupid.

Actually he was. He perjured himself to hide the fact he got a blowjob.

from a young low level employee, then he lied under oath about it and caused others to lie under oath.. If any CEO did that he would be fired immediately. But the clintons are above the laws that apply to the rest of us, right?

No. He was impeached, disbarred, and paid restitution as I recall.
What did Newt have to say about the president not shaking the speakers hand? I guess we'll just ignore that.
I'm really not sure on this, but did Trump shake Pence's hand?
Fair question.

Pence did not extend his hand to shake.

would you shake the hand of someone who had lied repeatedly about you and tried to get you fired on made up charges?
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either
Impeached, but just like Bill Clinton, his presidency goes on.

Democrats simple would't convict and remove him over "lying about a blowjob". They own that type of corruption, forever.

Trumpublicans wont convict and remove over the "Shakedown Scheme" to cheat in the upcoming election. They own that type of corruption, forever.
Again for you braindead scum, the rapist bill wasn't impeached for a blowjob. You are so stupid.

Actually he was. He perjured himself to hide the fact he got a blowjob.

from a young low level employee, then he lied under oath about it and caused others to lie under oath.. If any CEO did that he would be fired immediately. But the clintons are above the laws that apply to the rest of us, right?

No. He was impeached, disbarred, and paid restitution as I recall.
And Monica got a spattered dress. All good.
That stupid bitch broke the law and should be arrested.

The copy of the speech Trump gave to the Bitch was suppose to go into the National Archive. It is against the law to destroy National Archive documents.

Lock the Bitch up!

Maybe we should all mail her a copy, then she will have to tear up 50,000,000 of them
No, that look on her face was that of an actor playing out a part.

The more telling thing is that she did it behind his back. Like so much else has been done these days. Least she could have done is have the guts to rip it in half in front of his face.

There are many copies of the Constitution but there is only one archive document.

That was the official archive copy of the SOTU address with the real signatures.

She destroyed an official archive document. Lock the bitch up!

She really needs to be locked up in a mental institution because of her Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness that is causing her to be publicly bat shit crazy like destroying official archive documents.

“US Code prohibits the destruction of government records… Nancy Pelosi may have just committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2071, Section 2071 (a)

The US codes does not prohibit the destruction of copies government records
That woman is sad.

Worse than that, she has displayed some stunning incompetence at political tradecraft...something that the DEM party high command told everybody that she was an expert at when she stood for Speaker in 2018.

Really...she is an embarrassment to the DEMs at this point. Throwing a tantrum is classless in any light.
Democrats simple would't convict and remove him over "lying about a blowjob". They own that type of corruption, forever.

Trumpublicans wont convict and remove over the "Shakedown Scheme" to cheat in the upcoming election. They own that type of corruption, forever.
Again for you braindead scum, the rapist bill wasn't impeached for a blowjob. You are so stupid.

Actually he was. He perjured himself to hide the fact he got a blowjob.

from a young low level employee, then he lied under oath about it and caused others to lie under oath.. If any CEO did that he would be fired immediately. But the clintons are above the laws that apply to the rest of us, right?

No. He was impeached, disbarred, and paid restitution as I recall.
And Monica got a spattered dress. All good.

She apparently wanted it. Certainly doesn’t excuse the behavior
It’s pretty astonishing that the Speaker of the House would behave that way, but then I guess that’s where we are as a country

He refused to shake her hand and then told a pack of lies...

Pelosi was telling the truth, the speech is worthless tissue of lies and the State of the Union is weak because the President ill prepared for the job...

Will we have to explain to him again what happened in Pearl Harbour...
It’s pretty astonishing that the Speaker of the House would behave that way, but then I guess that’s where we are as a country

He refused to shake her hand and then told a pack of lies...

Pelosi was telling the truth, the speech is worthless tissue of lies and the State of the Union is weak because the President ill prepared for the job...

Will we have to explain to him again what happened in Pearl Harbour...

well cowboy, looks like you were hitting the cheat gin last night. "ill prepared" ? lets see now, lowest unemployment rates in decades, lowest ever for blacks, hispanics, asians, and women. Stock market at record highs, terrorists dead, borders being secured. sounds like success to me.

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