Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU


Well since you are scum, of course nobody even bats an eyelash. Your stupidity and childishness is now on full display nationwide. Also noting you couldn’t refute ONE thing stated as false.
It’s pretty astonishing that the Speaker of the House would behave that way, but then I guess that’s where we are as a country

He refused to shake her hand and then told a pack of lies...

Pelosi was telling the truth, the speech is worthless tissue of lies and the State of the Union is weak because the President ill prepared for the job...

Will we have to explain to him again what happened in Pearl Harbour...

So moron, explain the rising wages, record low unemployment, record stock market, record revenues coming into the government. He should not have shaken her hand. A flip of the bird would have been more appropriate.
I'm really not sure on this, but did Trump shake Pence's hand?
Fair question.

Pence did not extend his hand to shake.

would you shake the hand of someone who had lied repeatedly about you and tried to get you fired on made up charges?
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.

Complete and total disconnect from reality here. ^^^^ Trump has broken Pisslosi the drunk so that even some liberal commentators have said she lost it and looked the fool. Gem? You and your party are a national laughingstock thanks to this and Iowa. Start working on your excuses for November. You’ll be full of them for sure.
would you shake the hand of someone who had lied repeatedly about you and tried to get you fired on made up charges?
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.
She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?

There is no excuse for being this ignorant.
I keep saying it and they keep proving it over and over in new ways every day.

What’s not to hate?

You are wise to avoid our forum today you little sick asshole.

Not avoiding anything Otis. I’ll be back on the 11th after you snowflakes calm down a bit.

Nice to hear from you though. I see your butt is still hurting.

chortle :)

Take your time. No one misses you.


There is no excuse for being this ignorant.

Anybody who voted for Trump, is a Deplorable or has the hate-filled twat Limbaugh as their avatar has no right to call anybody ignorant.

^^^ why the left lose elections.

You mean how the left won the house in 2018? That kind of losing?

You mean how Dem's in red districts LIED and promised to support Trump's policies to win. Come here snowflake :itsok:
There is no excuse for being this ignorant.

Anybody who voted for Trump, is a Deplorable or has the hate-filled twat Limbaugh as their avatar has no right to call anybody ignorant.

^^^ why the left lose elections.

You mean how the left won the house in 2018? That kind of losing?
The Lie of Russian Collusion helped you for a bit, that and 40 GOP Congressmen retiring.

If not for that, you would have under-performed worse than you under-performed.

People don't like when you lie to them and waste their money on witch hunts.

Welcome to GOP Supermajority 2020!
How do you think that 100 year old Tuskegee airman felt watching Pelosi tear up the speech right in front of him? Or his great grandson who wants to be an astronaut?

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