Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

How do you think that 100 year old Tuskegee airman felt watching Pelosi tear up the speech right in front of him? Or his great grandson who wants to be an astronaut?

So you want to use a 100 year old hero for your dirty work? Shame on you. Next you are going to claim Rump invented the Tuskegee idea. Your cheap shot is noted.
Imagine the abuse that gentleman had to take and be silent over back in the day
Poor lil Nancy has her bowels and feelings in an uproar and has to engage in a childish, repulsive act of defiance. She should be prohibited from sitting behind him if she gets a next time.
She did her job.
She's really gotten under your skin.
I keep saying it and they keep proving it over and over in new ways every day.

What’s not to hate?

You are wise to avoid our forum today you little sick asshole.

Not avoiding anything Otis. I’ll be back on the 11th after you snowflakes calm down a bit.

Nice to hear from you though. I see your butt is still hurting.

chortle :)

You have been an asshole one time too many, haven't you?
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.
She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?

There is no excuse for being this ignorant.

This IM2 is famous for being ignorant, especially when it comes to racial issues.
would you shake the hand of someone who had lied repeatedly about you and tried to get you fired on made up charges?
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.
She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?
Perhaps, the House should have slowed down and do their Due Diligence and not rely on the majority in the Senate.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.
She was an excellent representative for the party of hate. You could see the hate in her eyes throughout the entire speech, and as she ripped up the speech in her rage.
I sont adhere to any party...but if you support Trump dont complain about hate or been hated....the guy is the definition of hate.
you have me fooled issa....
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.
She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?
Perhaps, the House should have slowed down and do their Due Diligence and not rely on the majority in the Senate.
They turned the Congress into an Animal House. I'm not thrilled.
How do you think that 100 year old Tuskegee airman felt watching Pelosi tear up the speech right in front of him? Or his great grandson who wants to be an astronaut?

So you want to use a 100 year old hero for your dirty work? Shame on you. Next you are going to claim Rump invented the Tuskegee idea. Your cheap shot is noted.
Imagine the abuse that gentleman had to take and be silent over back in the day
Poor lil Nancy has her bowels and feelings in an uproar and has to engage in a childish, repulsive act of defiance. She should be prohibited from sitting behind him if she gets a next time.
She did her job.
She's really gotten under your skin.
DH sez: "She did her job."​

No, she did a sorry number on courtesy standards for a House Speaker.
Using that preposterous excuse to explain why you made the SOTU about you and your decrepit head shakes, lip syncing, facial contortions. You, the judge of the universe did that for political benefit to you and you are out of touch with reality.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

Post impeachment and after 3 years of a non stop onslaught of hate and negative press by the Deep State media and he polls higher than Obama at this point in his first term.

And the GOP are polling at 51%. Highest in 15 years.

Thanks to the incredible stupidity of the Dem leadership— pandering to the dumbest and loudest ( notice how that often works? You should) elements of the filthy Dem base.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

Post impeachment and after 3 years of a non stop onslaught of hate and negative press by the Deep State media and he polls higher than Obama at this point in his first term.

And the GOP are polling at 51%. Highest in 15 years.

Thanks to the incredible stupidity of the Dem leadership— pandering to the dumbest and loudest ( notice how that often works? You should) elements of the filthy Dem base.

It doesn't stop here.

What's up next, I ask myself.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

Post impeachment and after 3 years of a non stop onslaught of hate and negative press by the Deep State media and he polls higher than Obama at this point in his first term.

And the GOP are polling at 51%. Highest in 15 years.

Thanks to the incredible stupidity of the Dem leadership— pandering to the dumbest and loudest ( notice how that often works? You should) elements of the filthy Dem base.

It doesn't stop here.

What's up next, I ask myself.

Well, as you know , i predicted the House would NOT pull the impeachment trigger as it was too stupid and baseless for words.

We saw the Deep State media banging the gong for it and the idiots of the party demanding it since day one, Mueller, etc.

But in the end, i assumed as Rawley did, that the adults would prevail and not walk this OBVIOUS plank to hand Trump such a win, and the predictable backlash.

Will they continue?

Yes. After Nancy’s worst moment in her career, she slept, sobered up and DOUBLED DOWN.

She is acting the cliched role of scorned, hysterical emotion-driven female. They may just continue off the cliff.

The filthy Dem party is headed, along with the former GOP, to the destiny of the Whigs.
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Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

Post impeachment and after 3 years of a non stop onslaught of hate and negative press by the Deep State media and he polls higher than Obama at this point in his first term.

And the GOP are polling at 51%. Highest in 15 years.

Thanks to the incredible stupidity of the Dem leadership— pandering to the dumbest and loudest ( notice how that often works? You should) elements of the filthy Dem base.

It doesn't stop here.

What's up next, I ask myself.

Well, as you know , i predicted the House would NOT pull the impeachment trigger as it was too stupid and baseless for words.

We saw the Deep State media banging the gong for it and the idiots of the party demanding it since day one, Mueller, etc.

But in the end, i assumed as Rawley did, that the adults would prevail and not walk this OBVIOUS plank to hand Trump such a win, and the predictinke backlash.

Will they continue?

Yes. After Nancy’s worst moment in her career, she slept, sobered up and DOUBLED DOWN.

She is acting the cliched role of scorned, hysterical emotion-driven female. They may just may continue.

The filthy Dem party is headed, along with the former GOP, to the destiny of the Whigs.

Have they not yet realised how shallow and amateurish their antics are?

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