Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

I did and there was a picture of this as a Cult Symbol!
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Carville called The Democrat Party an Ideological Cult.
Oh Stumpy, you are endlessly amusing.

Why don't you look up the definition of cult and tell us why you tRumplings aren't one?
Careful Son, that insignia means something you don't understand.

Careful, loser, no one cares.
How nice for you.

Yup. One of the many reasons I'm not a leftist: I don't have to spend time caring about incoherent bullshit from peabrains.
It won’t mean a damn thing in Hell.

You think your Evil Wicked Soul is escaping Judgment Day?

God is King and you are Satan’s Pawn.

Check Mate!
I told ya kid, keep your religious mumbo jumbo to yourself.

Well you are Evil and God is good, and I know The Demon Possessed Go Crazy when you mention God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit!
View attachment 304905
The "power of christ" only compelles weak minded folks like you.

The power of ignorance clearly compels mindless folks like you.
At least that's not imaginary.

Another reason I'm not a leftist: I don't have to try to find ways to brag about imbecility.

Leave it to a moron to try to defend bad behavior on the grounds of "Well, she agrees with me, so that makes it WONDERFUL!"
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

Post impeachment and after 3 years of a non stop onslaught of hate and negative press by the Deep State media and he polls higher than Obama at this point in his first term.

And the GOP are polling at 51%. Highest in 15 years.

Thanks to the incredible stupidity of the Dem leadership— pandering to the dumbest and loudest ( notice how that often works? You should) elements of the filthy Dem base.

It doesn't stop here.

What's up next, I ask myself.

Well, I believe President Trump winning re-election is on the agenda, although there's still some time for the Democrats to shoehorn in more pointless attacks that make them look pathetic, if they work hard.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

And still not enough to be reelected. 97% of your Base is a minority when it comes to the Indies and Demos. You can take the information and make it sound as anything you wish to make you feel good but in November, all the manipulation is over.

What about all the independents in the swing states that favor Trump?
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

He won 30 states with only 46%.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

And still not enough to be reelected. 97% of your Base is a minority when it comes to the Indies and Demos. You can take the information and make it sound as anything you wish to make you feel good but in November, all the manipulation is over.

What about all the independents in the swing states that favor Trump?

What about them? They are indies because they are indies. They can go either way. No matter how you paint it, them be the rules.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

He won 30 states with only 46%.

And that was against arguably the most hated Presidential Candidate EVER in modern history. Rump shot his wad on Biden. He doesn't have a whole lot left for the others. Well, except by crowing about Bernie and Warren being Socialists. But then there is Mayor Pete.
would you shake the hand of someone who had lied repeatedly about you and tried to get you fired on made up charges?
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.
She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?

and what exactly happened in the house? witnesses from one side only, witnesses testifying in secret, depositions not released, vote on a partisan basis with not a single fact presented.

its over, you guys lose again, deal with it.

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