Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

Disobedience to House and using his powers effectively
What a crock. Dems in Congress feel they should be POTUS
Post impeachment and after 3 years of a non stop onslaught of hate and negative press by the Deep State media and he polls higher than Obama at this point in his first term.
And the GOP are polling at 51%. Highest in 15 years.

The most amusing part of this post is that you actually believe it.

no matter which clown the dems run, Trump will win and it won't be close. sorry dude, you will lose again. The american people are much smarter than you socialists think they are.

If there is one thing Trump's Deplorable base isn't, it's smart. Dumb as a sack of rocks. If there was an IQ test needed to vote, Hillary would have won in a landslide.
What’s not to hate?

You are wise to avoid our forum today you little sick asshole.

Not avoiding anything Otis. I’ll be back on the 11th after you snowflakes calm down a bit.

Nice to hear from you though. I see your butt is still hurting.

chortle :)

View attachment 305247

Don't you first have to have a trial to be acquitted?:)

Had one. Acquitted. Done.

That wasn't a trial, it was a horse and pony show...
. Yeah but she tried to rise above it. I wouldn’t have shaken his hand either

Oh, yeah, Pelosi was ALL about "rising above it" that night. The high-minded statesmanship just glowed all over her.

Or possibly that was just the flush from her bottle of wine prior to the speech.

Nancy did what she wanted to do. She got under Rumps skin to no end. And now you rumpsters are trying to make it all better. Nancy just grabbed that scab and with Rip much like she did the pages. As many of you that have posted on this, it tells me that Nancy did exactly what She wanted to do. Most of the time, I don't care for her, but once in awhile, she pulls off a gem like this.
She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?

and what exactly happened in the house? witnesses from one side only, witnesses testifying in secret, depositions not released, vote on a partisan basis with not a single fact presented.

its over, you guys lose again, deal with it.

According to Rump, he's after revenge. He's not letting up and he's going to continue burning the place to the ground. That means that the Dems will have much more fodder in the future. Everyday, more information is coming in and most of it IS impeachable. I predict that in the next 5 months, Rump is right back in front of an impeachment panel. This time, maybe they will do it right. And they wont' need his cooperation or files.
He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

He won 30 states with only 46%.

And that was against arguably the most hated Presidential Candidate EVER in modern history. Rump shot his wad on Biden. He doesn't have a whole lot left for the others. Well, except by crowing about Bernie and Warren being Socialists. But then there is Mayor Pete.

Mayor Pete is a fag, which means he won't get 15 blacks in America to vote for him.
Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

He won 30 states with only 46%.

And that was against arguably the most hated Presidential Candidate EVER in modern history. Rump shot his wad on Biden. He doesn't have a whole lot left for the others. Well, except by crowing about Bernie and Warren being Socialists. But then there is Mayor Pete.

Mayor Pete is a fag, which means he won't get 15 blacks in America to vote for him.

Translation: He won't get a single Party of the Rump vote. So what. Like he's going to lose any sleep over that. Do you honestly believe that your small minority is really that important? You aren't the most, you are just the loudest.

Don't you first have to have a trial to be acquitted?:)

Don't you first have to have a crime to be put on trial? :)

Read the impeachment articles.
that's what everyone says when they can't answer the question.

Is that what everyone says. :)

Maybe if everyone read the impeachment articles they wouldn't be asking stupid questions like what crime did Trump commit.... to get himself impeached!

Dumb ass.

maybe if the line in question existed, you could point it out -

The only resemblance of balls in Nancy Pelosi are the rocks in her head.

poor old senile woman, she is a disgrace to office of speaker, the house of representatives, the morons who keep electing her, and humanity in general. she should be impeached and removed from congress.
Democrats have a hard time recusing themselves from self-interest issues. Pelosi fights dirty.
Course he has. Maybe to the letter of the law, but not in public opinion. Just ask OJ how that worked out for him...getting acquitted that is..

Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

He won 30 states with only 46%.

And that was against arguably the most hated Presidential Candidate EVER in modern history. Rump shot his wad on Biden. He doesn't have a whole lot left for the others. Well, except by crowing about Bernie and Warren being Socialists. But then there is Mayor Pete.

Mayor Pete is a fag, which means he won't get 15 blacks in America to vote for him.

We blacks want trump gone. If Mayor Pete is the democratic nominee, we will vote for him.
The only resemblance of balls in Nancy Pelosi are the rocks in her head.

poor old senile woman, she is a disgrace to office of speaker, the house of representatives, the morons who keep electing her, and humanity in general. she should be impeached and removed from congress.
Democrats have a hard time recusing themselves from self-interest issues. Pelosi fights dirty.

You have lost whatever mind you had left.
You are wise to avoid our forum today you little sick asshole.

Not avoiding anything Otis. I’ll be back on the 11th after you snowflakes calm down a bit.

Nice to hear from you though. I see your butt is still hurting.

chortle :)

View attachment 305247

Don't you first have to have a trial to be acquitted?:)

Had one. Acquitted. Done.

So you've been told. I think history will judge it the sham it was when the Majority Leader publicly states he's working hand in hand with the WH to make sure the president is acquitted. Anyone with a modicum of common sense would ascertain, with 100% certainty mind you, that a trial where the Jury foreman, I.e., Mitch McConnell is winking at the defendant, Trump, with an assuring smile and having publicly announced he's working to make sure he's acquitted, on top of no witnesses being called in spite of empirical evidence showing the defendants guilt..... would see this "trial" the sham it was.

You can't have an acquittal...... when there was no trial.

Just because you can't abide him. Don't expect everyone else to share your sentiments. :muahaha: :twirl:
You are wise to avoid our forum today you little sick asshole.

Not avoiding anything Otis. I’ll be back on the 11th after you snowflakes calm down a bit.

Nice to hear from you though. I see your butt is still hurting.

chortle :)

View attachment 305247

Don't you first have to have a trial to be acquitted?:)

Don't you first have to have a crime to be put on trial? :)

Read the impeachment articles.

I'd rather not, thank you.

no matter which clown the dems run, Trump will win and it won't be close. sorry dude, you will lose again. The american people are much smarter than you socialists think they are.

If there is one thing Trump's Deplorable base isn't, it's smart. Dumb as a sack of rocks. If there was an IQ test needed to vote, Hillary would have won in a landslide.

LOL, If there was an IQ test most democrats would not qualify to vote. Do you think AOC could pass any kind of IQ test, an american history test, a math test, the girl is dumb as a sack of gator feet.
Public Opinion? Huh? He is now at his highest approval rating ever.

Still only 49%. Hardly something to crow about.

He won 30 states with only 46%.

And that was against arguably the most hated Presidential Candidate EVER in modern history. Rump shot his wad on Biden. He doesn't have a whole lot left for the others. Well, except by crowing about Bernie and Warren being Socialists. But then there is Mayor Pete.

Mayor Pete is a fag, which means he won't get 15 blacks in America to vote for him.

We blacks want trump gone. If Mayor Pete is the democratic nominee, we will vote for him.

did you ask Ben Carson about that? how about Cadace Owens? Harris Faulkner? MLK's niece? Most blacks are not as brainwashed as you are, they see the good things in their lives as a result of Trump's policies, Trump will get more black votes than any republican in history. Remember what your hero LBJ said "we'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" and then he shit on your families with welfare policies that incentivized single mothers with multiple kids from multiple dads.

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