Pelosi Tells DHS Secretary: I Reject Your Facts

Piglosi is the one who accused them of being liars, dumbass. You snowflake morons have been whining that Trump is attacking the FBI and the DOJ because he rightly points out that some of the people at the top are criminals, but then your douchebag Piglosi attacks the Border Patrol, but that's perfectly OK.
HAHAHAHA! Anyone who works in Tom Thumb Trump's administration & isn't willing to break the law for him is a criminal, that it? Here's a clue, idiot. Not everyone has the Mob Boss mentality that the Conman you put in office has.

" Ivanka is a piece of ass"!
They broke the law, dumbass. Trump didn't ask them to. Spying on the opposition political candidate and committing perjury to get a FISA warrant to do it is a crime, moron. If anyone has the mob boss mentality, it's Hillary and Obama who arranged the whole thing.
How do you spy on a campaign when the person you got a judge approved warrant for... didn't work for the campaign when he was under the FISA warrant?
The warrant gives the FBI license to spy on anyone he knows and anyone those people know. They can go through the entire NSA database of phone calls, past and present.

That's how, dumbass.
that my dear, is made up bull crud!!
Hmmm, no. It's indisputable fact.
They apprened 3000 people with “terrorists ties”. Lol! I call some major bullshit on that one .
Are you saying you don't trust the government? Are you denigrating government law enforcement agencies?
It was Comrade Trump & his stooge Neilson who said it. Please don't insult the integrity of our law enforcement agencies by making a comparison between them & a criminal psychopath like Trump.

"Ivanka is a piece of ass"!!
Piglosi is the one who accused them of being liars, dumbass. You snowflake morons have been whining that Trump is attacking the FBI and the DOJ because he rightly points out that some of the people at the top are criminals, but then your douchebag Piglosi attacks the Border Patrol, but that's perfectly OK.
HAHAHAHA! Anyone who works in Tom Thumb Trump's administration & isn't willing to break the law for him is a criminal, that it? Here's a clue, idiot. Not everyone has the Mob Boss mentality that the Conman you put in office has.

" Ivanka is a piece of ass"!
They broke the law, dumbass. Trump didn't ask them to. Spying on the opposition political candidate and committing perjury to get a FISA warrant to do it is a crime, moron. If anyone has the mob boss mentality, it's Hillary and Obama who arranged the whole thing.

A little Fascism never hurt anyone
They apprened 3000 people with “terrorists ties”. Lol! I call some major bullshit on that one .
Are you saying you don't trust the government? Are you denigrating government law enforcement agencies?

Trump administration? Fuck NO.

Watch how Wallace of Fox News blasted. Sanders and Nielsen.

Fox’s Chris Wallace challenges Sarah Sanders on claim terrorists enter at southern border
Wallace is a Trump hating RINO.

Is that mean Wallace is lying?

Dude this administration is just bunch of liars.
You're a liar, so why should I believe anything you say?

You are tickling me Bri..... I’m flashing it to your face that Sanders lied big time...... You have Wallace telling you that those numbers came from Trump are totally false......
What is wrong with your brain?
TDS victims reject facts, nothing new here. :p

Facts !? Lol! They counted people arrested in other countries being brought over here for trial as “terrorists caught at the border “.

What bullshit.

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