Pelosi Tells DHS Secretary: I Reject Your Facts

Pelosi Tells DHS Secretary: I Reject Your Facts

I TOLD YOU SO, Democrats don't want to stop illegals from flooding into the country, they want MORE illegals. You can present facts and they will just lie and ignore them because it doesn't fit the Dem party agenda.

If Dem's can get enough illegals to flood into this country, get them amnesty and the right to vote in our elections, they will pull off a coup. 10's of millions of illegals who vote as the Dem party tells them to, bribed with government handouts PAID FOR by American taxpayers. That's their plan.

The DHS secretary didn't present any facts, that was Pelosi's point. Maybe read more of the thread where it's proven the Trump administration has lied.

LOL you are a brainwashed Pelosi ass kisser. When the DHS secretary said, "these are the facts" what part of that don't you comprehend?

She lied, read the thread idiot.

No you lied, you went full boat :lalala: because the facts destroy your liberal bubble view.

Nobody thinks thousands of terrorists have been caught on our southern border, especially in the last couple of years, Trump's own state department says so, I provided that proof.

I TOLD YOU SO, Democrats don't want to stop illegals from flooding into the country, they want MORE illegals. You can present facts and they will just lie and ignore them because it doesn't fit the Dem party agenda.

If Dem's can get enough illegals to flood into this country, get them amnesty and the right to vote in our elections, they will pull off a coup. 10's of millions of illegals who vote as the Dem party tells them to, bribed with government handouts PAID FOR by American taxpayers. That's their plan.

The DHS secretary didn't present any facts, that was Pelosi's point. Maybe read more of the thread where it's proven the Trump administration has lied.

LOL you are a brainwashed Pelosi ass kisser. When the DHS secretary said, "these are the facts" what part of that don't you comprehend?

She lied, read the thread idiot.

No you lied, you went full boat :lalala: because the facts destroy your liberal bubble view.

Where are the suspected terrorists?
Are they in custody?
Will there be any charges?

I'm going to guess his answer will be something about sanctuary cities, voting and defending the electoral college.
I TOLD YOU SO, Democrats don't want to stop illegals from flooding into the country, they want MORE illegals. You can present facts and they will just lie and ignore them because it doesn't fit the Dem party agenda.

If Dem's can get enough illegals to flood into this country, get them amnesty and the right to vote in our elections, they will pull off a coup. 10's of millions of illegals who vote as the Dem party tells them to, bribed with government handouts PAID FOR by American taxpayers. That's their plan.

The DHS secretary didn't present any facts, that was Pelosi's point. Maybe read more of the thread where it's proven the Trump administration has lied.

LOL you are a brainwashed Pelosi ass kisser. When the DHS secretary said, "these are the facts" what part of that don't you comprehend?

She lied, read the thread idiot.

No you lied, you went full boat :lalala: because the facts destroy your liberal bubble view.

Nobody thinks thousands of terrorists have been caught on our southern border, especially in the last couple of years, Trump's own state department says so, I provided that proof.


Depends on your definition of terrorists. Illegals are KILLING thousands of Americans each year that sounds like a fucking terrorist to me. They are lucky we don't carpet bomb their ass back to the stone age. There I let you run your big fat mouth then I destroyed you, go lick your wounds.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.

Great. Show us that report, loser.

While your at it, find out where these suspected terrorists are. Are the currently in custody? Have any of them been charged as terrorists?

Give us something other than, " nuh-uh".
Every time Repubs present a bill to pass, Progressive Socialists spout that millions of people will die.
The DHS secretary didn't present any facts, that was Pelosi's point. Maybe read more of the thread where it's proven the Trump administration has lied.

LOL you are a brainwashed Pelosi ass kisser. When the DHS secretary said, "these are the facts" what part of that don't you comprehend?

She lied, read the thread idiot.

No you lied, you went full boat :lalala: because the facts destroy your liberal bubble view.

Nobody thinks thousands of terrorists have been caught on our southern border, especially in the last couple of years, Trump's own state department says so, I provided that proof.


Depends on your definition of terrorists. Illegals are KILLING thousands of Americans each year that sounds like a fucking terrorist to me. They are lucky we don't carpet bomb their ass back to the stone age. There I let you run your big fat mouth then I destroyed you, go lick your wounds.

So, you're going to lie too? Immigrants, illegal or otherwise commit fewer crimes than native born Americans and it's really creative of you to change the definition of what a terrorist is, even if you're still wrong.

3 or 4 thousand terrorists have not been scooped up at the southern border, you're just a little racist douche bag who has to lie to himself so that he can feel superior to others. How pathetic.

Despite substantial public, political, and scholarly attention to the issue of immigration and crime, we know little about the criminological consequences of undocumented immigration. As a result, fundamental questions about whether undocumented immigration increases violent crime remain unanswered. In an attempt to address this gap, we combine newly developed estimates of the unauthorized population with multiple data sources to capture the criminal, socioeconomic, and demographic context of all 50 states and Washington, DC, from 1990 to 2014 to provide the first longitudinal analysis of the macro‐level relationship between undocumented immigration and violence. The results from fixed‐effects regression models reveal that undocumented immigration does not increase violence. Rather, the relationship between undocumented immigration and violent crime is generally negative, although not significant in all specifications. Using supplemental models of victimization data and instrumental variable methods, we find little evidence that these results are due to decreased reporting or selective migration to avoid crime. We consider the theoretical and policy implications of these findings against the backdrop of the dramatic increase in immigration enforcement in recent decades.
That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.

Great. Show us that report, loser.

While your at it, find out where these suspected terrorists are. Are the currently in custody? Have any of them been charged as terrorists?

Give us something other than, " nuh-uh".
Every time Repubs present a bill to pass, Progressive Socialists spout that millions of people will die.

Neat, try staying on topic.
That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.

Great. Show us that report, loser.

While your at it, find out where these suspected terrorists are. Are the currently in custody? Have any of them been charged as terrorists?

Give us something other than, " nuh-uh".
Every time Repubs present a bill to pass, Progressive Socialists spout that millions of people will die.

Of course! Liberalfilth reject all facts that interfere with them spreading the butt cheeks of their sarlacc pit assholes to admit third world penises into them.
They apprened 3000 people with “terrorists ties”. Lol! I call some major bullshit on that one .
Are you saying you don't trust the government? Are you denigrating government law enforcement agencies?
It was Comrade Trump & his stooge Neilson who said it. Please don't insult the integrity of our law enforcement agencies by making a comparison between them & a criminal psychopath like Trump.

"Ivanka is a piece of ass"!!
Piglosi is the one who accused them of being liars, dumbass. You snowflake morons have been whining that Trump is attacking the FBI and the DOJ because he rightly points out that some of the people at the top are criminals, but then your douchebag Piglosi attacks the Border Patrol, but that's perfectly OK.

The DHS data contradicts their secretary. She is a lying Trump stooge.
It does? Please post it.

I just did.
The DHS data contradicts their secretary. She is a lying Trump stooge.
^^ I see the liberal scripts have been passed out.
No script needed. Just a brain. And anyone can see thru the con that Trump is engaged in. When you nitwits elected Trump you put the icing on the cake of the dumbing down of America.

" I know big words"!

"I'm a stable genius"!

" Exercise is bad for people"!
I’m pretty sure that’s why liberals are unhinged. They found out during the last presidential election that people aren’t as dumb as they were hoping they were.
Actually Trump proved how dumb people are for voting for him. Good thing he didn't use those big words he knows on you supporters.
He was elected as a direct result of the American people being sick of the crappy politicians both parties have been foisting on the public for years.

Too bad you are too stupid to get that.

Problem with that is.... He made people sicker, angry, ignorant, racist, bully and laughingstock of the world.
They apprened 3000 people with “terrorists ties”. Lol! I call some major bullshit on that one .
Are you saying you don't trust the government? Are you denigrating government law enforcement agencies?

Trump administration? Fuck NO.

Watch how Wallace of Fox News blasted. Sanders and Nielsen.

Fox’s Chris Wallace challenges Sarah Sanders on claim terrorists enter at southern border
Wallace is a Trump hating RINO.
Are you saying you don't trust the government? Are you denigrating government law enforcement agencies?
It was Comrade Trump & his stooge Neilson who said it. Please don't insult the integrity of our law enforcement agencies by making a comparison between them & a criminal psychopath like Trump.

"Ivanka is a piece of ass"!!
Piglosi is the one who accused them of being liars, dumbass. You snowflake morons have been whining that Trump is attacking the FBI and the DOJ because he rightly points out that some of the people at the top are criminals, but then your douchebag Piglosi attacks the Border Patrol, but that's perfectly OK.

The DHS data contradicts their secretary. She is a lying Trump stooge.
It does? Please post it.

I just did.
No you didn't.

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