Pelosi Tells DHS Secretary: I Reject Your Facts

Actually you're both right. Trump proved people are stupid enough to vote for him because they are sick of politicians on both sides so they elected something worse.
Maybe you should stop electing corrupt assholes to your party.

Considering Republican administrations have far more indictments and criminal convictions than Democrats that's a pretty lame statement. Reminds me of someone who thinks 3000 terrorists have been caught on our southern border.
Only if you ignore all the Democrats that have been indicted.
True. Like Maxine Waters who was hit with multiple ethics violations due to shady financial deals her husband was profiting from. These morons then recently put her in charge of a financial committee. And we are supposed to take them seriously about corruption in other parties?? Why?

That's it? How many times was she indicted?

Let's talk about indictments.


Not even looking at the Trump administration (I don't think you guys can handle that) Republican administrations are crazy corrupt compared to Democrats.

List of Clinton indictments:


1) Roger Clinton: Bill Clinton brother; drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

2) Dan Lasater: governor Bill Clinton contributor and state contractor: drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

3) Dan Harmon: Arkansas Seventh Judicial District prosecuting attorney and Bill Clinton friend and political ally: five federal racketeering, extortion, and drug distribution convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Justice" June 13, 1997)

4) Bill McCuen: Bill Clinton political ally: former Arkansas Secretary of State; bribery, tax evasion, kickbacks convictions (Wall Street Journal: Whitewater: "The Prosecution Rests" May 7, 1996)


5) Webster Hubbell: Bill Clinton friend and political ally; Hillary Clinton Rose Law Firm partner: embezzlement; fraud; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Whither Whitewater?" October 18, 1995)

6) Jim Guy Tucker: fraud; three felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Second-Term Stall" February 11, 1997; Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

7) William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker business partner; one conspiracy conviction (Associated Press "Whitewater Defendant Pleads Guilty" August 28, 1997)

8) Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: eighteen felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

9) Susan McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend; former wife of Jim McDougal: four felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

10) David Hale: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: two felony convictions of conspiracy and mail fraud (Wall Street Journal "The Arkansas Machine Strikes Back" March 19, 1996)

11) Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

12) Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide; one conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

13) Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent; fraudulent loans (Wall Steet Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

14) Robert Palmer: Madison appraiser; one conspiracy felony conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hale Predicts Hillary Conviction" October 21, 1996)

15) Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president; embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign; two misdemeanor convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Bank Shot" May 4, 1995)

16) John Latham: Madison Bank CEO; bank fraud conviction (Wall Street Journal "Smoke Without Fire" January 12, 1996)

17) John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker; misdemeanor guilty plea; tax fraud (Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

18) Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of trying to bribe David Hale; is appealing a ten month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)

19) Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of bribery, served fourteen months of a sixteen month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)


20) Tyson Foods: guilty plea; $6 million federal court fines and investigative costs (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

21) Sun-Diamond Growers: $1.5 million fine for illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

22) Richard Douglas: former Sun-Diamond Growers official; several bribery convictions and guilty pleas(Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Lobbyist Pleads guilty in Espy Case" March 17, 1998)

23) James H. Lake: Sun-Diamond Growers lobbyist; three convictions regarding illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

24) Ron Blackley: Espy's chief of staff: financial fraud conviction; twenty-seven month prison sentence (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Judge Sentences Espy Aide to Jail" March 18, 1998)

25) Smith Barney: improper payments to Espy; $1 million-plus fine (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

26) Crop Growers Corporation: $2 million fine for money laundering to Henry Espy's campaign (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

27) Brook Keith Mitchell Sr. (with his company Five M Farming Enterprises: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

28) Five M Farming Enterprises (with owner Brook Keith Mitchell: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

29) John J. Hemmingson, former head of Crop Growers Corporation: three counts relating to illegal campaign contributions to Henry Espy (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

30) Alvarez T. Ferrouillet, Jr., Louisiana lawyer and Henry Espy campaign finance head: ten count conviction (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

31) Municipal Healthcare Cooperative: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

32) Ferrouillet & Ferrouillet: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)


33) Michael Brown (Ron Brown's son): money laundering; misdemeanor conviction (Los Angeles Times, "Ron Brown's Son Pleads Guilty to Illegal Donation" August 29, 1997)

34) Eugene Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

35) Nora Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

36) Johnny Chung: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office with mainland Chinese associates; several illegal campaign contributions, money laundering, tax fraud, and bank fraud guilty pleas (Associated Press: "Democrat Fund-Raiser Pleads Guilty" March 17, 1998)

37) Roger Tamraz: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office; fugitive from Lebanon embezzlement convictions; target of French government financial investigation; BCCI connections (The Wall Street Journal: "Integrity of the Institutions" March 20, 1997, et. al.) CISNEROS:

38) Linda Jones: Henry Cisneros mistress; conspiracy, bank fraud, money laundering, and obstruction of justice federal felony guilty pleas; sentenced to three and one-half years in prison (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

39) Patsy Jo Wooten: Linda Jones sister; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

40) Allen Wooten: Linda Jones brother-in-law; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)
I believe he is rightfully denigrating where the lies are coming from. The Trump administration. DHS had published a report that directly contradicts what the White House has stated.
Yes, of course you support anyone who attacks Trump. How foolish of me to believe otherwise.

Ok, the DHS directly contradicts this bullshit about terrorists being caught at the border but your concern is about who is being nice to Trump or not?
It does? Where?

Did you click on the second link? Do you want me to hold your hand?

Here's a hint, find some text in that paragraph with quotes around it and then go find that text in the link you stupid little manchild.
I found your link. It points to a report by the State Department, not DHS.

You're a fucking moron, of course. It's funny how you whine like a little girl about not being treated with the respect you erroneously believe you're entitled to

Oh, Ok. it's the State Department. She still lied.

And who is whining about respect? Obviously I don't care what you think.
Actually you're both right. Trump proved people are stupid enough to vote for him because they are sick of politicians on both sides so they elected something worse.
Maybe you should stop electing corrupt assholes to your party.

Considering Republican administrations have far more indictments and criminal convictions than Democrats that's a pretty lame statement. Reminds me of someone who thinks 3000 terrorists have been caught on our southern border.
Actually you're both right. Trump proved people are stupid enough to vote for him because they are sick of politicians on both sides so they elected something worse.
Yep. Politicians on either side refuse to enforce the border, and the voters are sick of it.

I believe there was some mention...a promise even of Mexico paying for it too.

Just the same I don't think the wall had much to do with winning the general election, the GOP bloodbath, sure.
You're wrong, of course.

That comes across so empty from the likes of you. I think you should take a long needed time out and think about what you're going to post and how you are going to support your future arguments.
ROFL! Says the idiot who refers to a report by the State Department as a "DHS report."

Is this really the hill you want to die on? OK. She still lied.
Yes, of course you support anyone who attacks Trump. How foolish of me to believe otherwise.

Ok, the DHS directly contradicts this bullshit about terrorists being caught at the border but your concern is about who is being nice to Trump or not?
It does? Where?

Did you click on the second link? Do you want me to hold your hand?

Here's a hint, find some text in that paragraph with quotes around it and then go find that text in the link you stupid little manchild.
I found your link. It points to a report by the State Department, not DHS.

You're a fucking moron, of course. It's funny how you whine like a little girl about not being treated with the respect you erroneously believe you're entitled to

Oh, Ok. it's the State Department. She still lied.

And who is whining about respect? Obviously I don't care what you think.
You are constantly whining like a little girl that I don't treat you with the respect you believe you deserve.
Maybe you should stop electing corrupt assholes to your party.

Considering Republican administrations have far more indictments and criminal convictions than Democrats that's a pretty lame statement. Reminds me of someone who thinks 3000 terrorists have been caught on our southern border.
Yep. Politicians on either side refuse to enforce the border, and the voters are sick of it.

I believe there was some mention...a promise even of Mexico paying for it too.

Just the same I don't think the wall had much to do with winning the general election, the GOP bloodbath, sure.
You're wrong, of course.

That comes across so empty from the likes of you. I think you should take a long needed time out and think about what you're going to post and how you are going to support your future arguments.
ROFL! Says the idiot who refers to a report by the State Department as a "DHS report."

Is this really the hill you want to die on? OK. She still lied.
If I was a typical snowflake like you, I would hound you about it for the next 5 years.
Only if you ignore all the Democrats that have been indicted.
True. Like Maxine Waters who was hit with multiple ethics violations due to shady financial deals her husband was profiting from. These morons then recently put her in charge of a financial committee. And we are supposed to take them seriously about corruption in other parties?? Why?

That's it? How many times was she indicted?

Let's talk about indictments.


Not even looking at the Trump administration (I don't think you guys can handle that) Republican administrations are crazy corrupt compared to Democrats.
How many time are they allowed to prove they are corrupt before you democrats stop electing them?

I'm sorry was your question why are so many people in Republican administrations corrupt compared to Democrats?
No,I was wondering why you give Democrats with multiple ethics violations a pass?

Who said I did? But why an ethics violation compared to mountains of indictments aren't really much of a concern for me. Why are you changing the subject from indictments to ethics violations anyway? Sorry you voted for George W. Bush and Donald Trump, but ya' did, didn't ya?
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

Yep, the DHS secretary blatantly lied.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

Yep, the DHS secretary blatantly lied.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

Yep, the DHS secretary blatantly lied.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.

Let's see what corpse of a source he brings back from the Washington Time.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

Yep, the DHS secretary blatantly lied.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.

And it's specifically noted that no terrorists have been apprehended on the southern border. Fuck dude, find a reliable non partisan source.
Maybe you should stop electing corrupt assholes to your party.

Considering Republican administrations have far more indictments and criminal convictions than Democrats that's a pretty lame statement. Reminds me of someone who thinks 3000 terrorists have been caught on our southern border.
Only if you ignore all the Democrats that have been indicted.
True. Like Maxine Waters who was hit with multiple ethics violations due to shady financial deals her husband was profiting from. These morons then recently put her in charge of a financial committee. And we are supposed to take them seriously about corruption in other parties?? Why?

That's it? How many times was she indicted?

Let's talk about indictments.


Not even looking at the Trump administration (I don't think you guys can handle that) Republican administrations are crazy corrupt compared to Democrats.

List of Clinton indictments:


1) Roger Clinton: Bill Clinton brother; drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

2) Dan Lasater: governor Bill Clinton contributor and state contractor: drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

3) Dan Harmon: Arkansas Seventh Judicial District prosecuting attorney and Bill Clinton friend and political ally: five federal racketeering, extortion, and drug distribution convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Justice" June 13, 1997)

4) Bill McCuen: Bill Clinton political ally: former Arkansas Secretary of State; bribery, tax evasion, kickbacks convictions (Wall Street Journal: Whitewater: "The Prosecution Rests" May 7, 1996)


5) Webster Hubbell: Bill Clinton friend and political ally; Hillary Clinton Rose Law Firm partner: embezzlement; fraud; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Whither Whitewater?" October 18, 1995)

6) Jim Guy Tucker: fraud; three felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Second-Term Stall" February 11, 1997; Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

7) William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker business partner; one conspiracy conviction (Associated Press "Whitewater Defendant Pleads Guilty" August 28, 1997)

8) Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: eighteen felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

9) Susan McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend; former wife of Jim McDougal: four felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

10) David Hale: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: two felony convictions of conspiracy and mail fraud (Wall Street Journal "The Arkansas Machine Strikes Back" March 19, 1996)

11) Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

12) Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide; one conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

13) Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent; fraudulent loans (Wall Steet Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

14) Robert Palmer: Madison appraiser; one conspiracy felony conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hale Predicts Hillary Conviction" October 21, 1996)

15) Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president; embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign; two misdemeanor convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Bank Shot" May 4, 1995)

16) John Latham: Madison Bank CEO; bank fraud conviction (Wall Street Journal "Smoke Without Fire" January 12, 1996)

17) John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker; misdemeanor guilty plea; tax fraud (Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

18) Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of trying to bribe David Hale; is appealing a ten month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)

19) Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of bribery, served fourteen months of a sixteen month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)


20) Tyson Foods: guilty plea; $6 million federal court fines and investigative costs (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

21) Sun-Diamond Growers: $1.5 million fine for illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

22) Richard Douglas: former Sun-Diamond Growers official; several bribery convictions and guilty pleas(Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Lobbyist Pleads guilty in Espy Case" March 17, 1998)

23) James H. Lake: Sun-Diamond Growers lobbyist; three convictions regarding illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

24) Ron Blackley: Espy's chief of staff: financial fraud conviction; twenty-seven month prison sentence (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Judge Sentences Espy Aide to Jail" March 18, 1998)

25) Smith Barney: improper payments to Espy; $1 million-plus fine (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

26) Crop Growers Corporation: $2 million fine for money laundering to Henry Espy's campaign (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

27) Brook Keith Mitchell Sr. (with his company Five M Farming Enterprises: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

28) Five M Farming Enterprises (with owner Brook Keith Mitchell: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

29) John J. Hemmingson, former head of Crop Growers Corporation: three counts relating to illegal campaign contributions to Henry Espy (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

30) Alvarez T. Ferrouillet, Jr., Louisiana lawyer and Henry Espy campaign finance head: ten count conviction (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

31) Municipal Healthcare Cooperative: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

32) Ferrouillet & Ferrouillet: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)


33) Michael Brown (Ron Brown's son): money laundering; misdemeanor conviction (Los Angeles Times, "Ron Brown's Son Pleads Guilty to Illegal Donation" August 29, 1997)

34) Eugene Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

35) Nora Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

36) Johnny Chung: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office with mainland Chinese associates; several illegal campaign contributions, money laundering, tax fraud, and bank fraud guilty pleas (Associated Press: "Democrat Fund-Raiser Pleads Guilty" March 17, 1998)

37) Roger Tamraz: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office; fugitive from Lebanon embezzlement convictions; target of French government financial investigation; BCCI connections (The Wall Street Journal: "Integrity of the Institutions" March 20, 1997, et. al.) CISNEROS:

38) Linda Jones: Henry Cisneros mistress; conspiracy, bank fraud, money laundering, and obstruction of justice federal felony guilty pleas; sentenced to three and one-half years in prison (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

39) Patsy Jo Wooten: Linda Jones sister; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

40) Allen Wooten: Linda Jones brother-in-law; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

How many of those indictments were people in the administration running the government? idiot.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

Yep, the DHS secretary blatantly lied.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.

Great. Show us that report, loser.

While your at it, find out where these suspected terrorists are. Are the currently in custody? Have any of them been charged as terrorists?

Give us something other than, " nuh-uh".
Ok, the DHS directly contradicts this bullshit about terrorists being caught at the border but your concern is about who is being nice to Trump or not?
It does? Where?

Did you click on the second link? Do you want me to hold your hand?

Here's a hint, find some text in that paragraph with quotes around it and then go find that text in the link you stupid little manchild.
I found your link. It points to a report by the State Department, not DHS.

You're a fucking moron, of course. It's funny how you whine like a little girl about not being treated with the respect you erroneously believe you're entitled to

Oh, Ok. it's the State Department. She still lied.

And who is whining about respect? Obviously I don't care what you think.
You are constantly whining like a little girl that I don't treat you with the respect you believe you deserve.

This is another desperate lie of yours. Quote my post where I'm complaining about how you aren't giving me respect. Then after that stay on topic, manchild.
You're referring to a report that covers virtually every country on the planet as opposed to one that is based on actual data collected by thousands of border patrol agents. You'll excuse a rational person for believing the former may not have all the information available.

That's the point, dope. That volume of apprehensions can only come from global data.

Hence, the lie.
What utter horseshit. The State Department report doesn't even mention the source of their data. What the fuck is "global data" anyway?

Global data?
Data collected from around the world, dope.

Post a report of your own, loser. You have proven nothing.
Our southern border is part of the world, dumbass.

And it's specifically noted that no terrorists have been apprehended on the southern border. Fuck dude, find a reliable non partisan source.

In a report to Texas elected officials, the state Department of Public Safety says border security agencies have arrested several Somali immigrants crossing the southern border who are known members of al-Shabab, the terrorist group that launched a deadly attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, another Somalia-based group once funded by Osama bin Laden. Another undocumented immigrant arrested crossing the border was on multiple U.S. terrorism watch lists, the report says.

Texas officials warn of immigrants with terrorist ties crossing southern border
Timmy reminds me of a child who sticks his fingers in his ears while chanting "Nanananananana' endlessly

Just curious, did that child end up in prison for awhile?
Another who lacks character and the ability to articulate an opposing opinion so he resorts to WHAT HE THINKS are clever personal attacks.

I see, so you're not picking up on why I personally attacked you (hint, you did it first to another poster) and you're a hypocrite.

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